Rate my sister

rate my sister

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obvious dude is fag

you mean brother

degenerate faggot/10

Maybe like 5/10?

It's clearly a dude

fuck that bitch praise my dubs

yeah but he's so effeminate you could fuck him and it wouldn't even be gay



he is a guy, if you fuck him you are either bi or gay. no way around this

>no conception of alternate gender identities

nigger please

I have nothing against faggots but at least have the backbone to admit that you are one

"Identify as" is just another way of saying "wish I was", faggot

I don't see what the fucking deal is. If you're a dude and wish you were a girl, go right ahead and act like a girl. You should definitively have the right to do that
But you don't change gender just because you want to, that's retarded



if its pretty, I wanna stick my dick in it

Don't give a fuck - call me whatever you want

yeah but that kid is like 11 years old

than stop complaining if people call you stuff about that

I'm not the poster who complained. so we agree

Again, I don't give a fuck about labels

>tfw no big sister to forcibly sissify you

oh no, I got "trolled" for voicing my opinion this PC bullshittery
It's almost as if you're trying to take away the focus from the fact that I'm actually right

It doesn't really matter what this one "troll" says or think because what I said can be applied to all the fucking shitlords who pretend they're the opposite sex. Or even worse, made up bullshit like non-binary and the sorts

But yeah, keep being small minded you little shit

That's the spirit. I just wish the whole world would reason like you did, like, honestly.

>call me whatever you want
Are you retarded for real? How is this complaining?

if you could read you would notice that he was not the one who complained
the only one retarded here is you

not ment as a comment on you

nudes or its a guy

You actually are retarded, aren't you?