Philosophy thread

Philosophy thread.

Who is your favorite philosopher, and why?

>pic related: he proved I exist - that's a pretty big favor

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I'll bump with some shit op



based Marcus



In truth Descartes proved that "something" must exist - regardless of what label we give it - not necessarily anything more specific than that.


Inb4 god works in mysterious ways

Why call him "him"?

Because using "Him" implies greatness

Thread is so fucking weak but ill drop this off

>Trying to post Raphael's School of Athens but the fucking file size limit won't even let me post the small version.

Post on another board and link it

Finally found a decent size.

What is weak about a thread that has barely started?

Hegel: The last comprehensive, systematic philosophy continued the works of Kant and did it better than anybody. He was also wrong about so much. The next generation who studied him split into fascists and Marxists. Weird, man.

Probably Kierkegaard because I'm a whiny self centered asshole. We differ on god beliefs though.

What is the practical difference between living life only once and living the same life an infinite number of times (with no memory of it before)?

I see none, for the same significance clings to both.

calling it weak but coming up with Nietzsche pffff...

1: Zeno of Citium 2: Epicurus Possibly, the image of two philosophers, who were typically shown in pairs during the Renaissance: Heraclitus, the "weeping" philosopher, and Democritus, the "laughing" philosopher. 3: unknown (believed to be Raphael) 4: Boethius or Anaximander or Empedocles 5: Averroes 6: Pythagoras 7: Alcibiades or Alexander the Great 8: Antisthenes or Xenophon or Timon 9: Raphael,Fornarina as a personification of Love or Francesco Maria della Rovere? 10: Aeschines or Xenophon 11: Parmenides 12: Socrates 13: Heraclitus 14: Plato 15: Aristotle (Giuliano da Sangallo) 16: Diogenes of Sinope 17: Plotinus 18: Euclid or Archimedes with students (Bramante) 19: Strabo or Zoroaster (Baldassare Castiglione) 20: Ptolemy R: Apelles 21: Protogenes (Il Sodoma, Perugino, or Timoteo Viti)

>Diogenes of Sinope
Awe yeah

Diogenes is the world's first Sup Forumstard and troll

Terrence McKenna

I guess you could say he was a philosopher, but not a professional academic professor or anything.

Why is he your favorite?

>Alexander The Great, thrilled to meet the famous philosopher, asked if there was any favour he might do for him. Diogenes replied, "Yes, stand out of my sunlight".

>Alexander then declared, "If I were not Alexander, then I should wish to be Diogenes." In another account of the conversation, Alexander found the philosopher looking attentively at a pile of human bones. Diogenes explained, "I am searching for the bones of your father but cannot distinguish them from those of a slave."

Can't get into it right now, but I highly suggest listening to his stuff on YouTube if you haven't already.

>Hey m8 i can get you anything you want, anything.
>Get the fuck outta my light

That I am capable of questioning my consciousness is enough to demonstrate that I exist and am conscious.

My perceptions are flawed, but they are triggered unconsciously in a consistent manner, which means I am reacting to some kind of external reality.

While reality may exist, only that which can be demonstrate objectively, without reliance on my perceptions, could be considered truth.

Wittgenstein. Enough said. Despite a tiny bibliography, he earned a legendary reputation while still alive due to his originality and the quality of his contributions.

diogenes didnt want anything but to be a hobo

If you're not using perceptions how are you perceiving things?

Think you can prove that human beings occupy a special place in creation, and morality can be summed up in an imperative, or ultimate commandment of reason, from which all duties and obligations derive?

protip: you kant

I like him more for the fact that the two halves of his tiny bibliography are diametrically opposed to each other in terms of opinions than for anything he actually did as a philosopher. It just tickles my funny bone. Plus he offed himself fairly young, that shows intelligence.

Epicurus, damn cool guy.
Why take a wife? You'll have better time with friends.
Why fight for a cause? That's the only life you've got.
Why believe in bullshit? Seriously, WYSIWYG.

i always found it really fucking cheeky that Renaissance artists would paint themselves and their mates into the paintings.I think in this one, Raphael paints himself, Micheal Angelo and Di Vinci into it

>You'll have better time with friends.

You know what that meant to the Greeks. The Ancient version of trap threads.

Good post


Nice dubs, I like Descartes but I'd have to say Socrates is one of my favs. He was like the guy who invented the red pill.

But he thought he had the categorical imperative as an ethical basis... are you agreeing or disagreeing with him?

He died at like 60 didn't he? But yeah, it's pragmatically appealing too though, as a lot of thinkers of similar status to him seem to have been more adverse to self criticism and contradiction.

Neither. I was saying some stuff whose purpose was to set up a punch line.

And the stuff I said was copy and pasted from a kant sub-wiki. I didn't even read it, I just added "Think you can prove" to the front and a question mark at the end.

chink chang chong ling ming ting tang tong wah ah ha iy a

What part of the Dao De Jing is that?

>he offed himself fairly young, that shows intelligence
that was both funny and profound

Myyy niigggaaaa.

His notion of familial relation in language and the cluster concept is so damn usefull when doing any philosphy.

Mel Gibberson for inventing the French masterpiece the Passion of the Croissant

it's also untrue

My bad, it was three of his brothers who killed themselves, he contemplated but cancer got him first.

Wittgenstein is one of two major philosophers what had a combat position in an actual war. The other was Socrates.

Thomas Paine >>>>>>>>

Also wikipedia changed his profile picture, it used to be that one of him in front of the dusty chalkboard which I find to be infinitely more /fa/

"What can be said at all can be said clearly"
Too bad so few people care to implement this saying of Wittgenstein's

My knee, Descartes Evil Genius. My favorite philosopher though would probably be Hume.

I think that's because his approach to philosophy was a very self aware one; crudely, he tried to solve philosophy itself.

Hail Theoden, King.

Diogenes of Sinope laying on the stairs. Famous for his public masturbation and telling Alexander the Great to fuck off... to his face.

Oh also, he lived in a trash can and forced Plato to redefine man after Diogenes shit all over Plato's def


Aristotle...because he's dead. (I don't like people)