Making a 2D MORPG

>Making a 2D MORPG
Need testers, anybody interested?
Posting download and stream link if enough interest
Also answering all questions.

sure faggot

You'd get a better response if you posted this on Sup Forums.

this. why would you want a bunch of tranny lovers influencing ur game. post link to Sup Forums thread when one is made.

>Sup Forums talking about vidya
yeah sure

If im not confusing this one with another one i already tested it once in an older thread, post link faggot

>Sup Forums likes video games
it's like you've never even been there

Shit son, you'd get a better response on any board BUT Sup Forums

Only if Orcs as playable are Introduced then 100%

Aight nerd, give me details

What's the premise and if there's combat then what's it like




because that would make me a shill

they aren't a playable race right now, but will be in the future along with elves and robots.

Real time combat with abilities. The combat feels a bit choppy right now because of the unoptimized netcode, but will get better with time. You got your abilities on the hotbar which you can get from stores, finding in chests or as rare loot.

I'll give it a whirl, toss up that link and I'll try it after work

Instead of posting the fucking link you make us all wait for your lazy ass while we could actually test the game in that time

Uploading the client

the game better have a bard class

It has no classes
only stat point builds that you can reset to try other builds

Also, 3mins remaining for client upload

then it better have a bard build

70% Uploaded

Is this playable on mac?

is the game like a terrabyte or do you have paki internet

Not yet, unfortunately. It's written in Mono though so it's very possible to port to mac in the future

I use mediafire free user, which limits the upload speed

Alright, I'll download and test on my desktop then.

Haha! You yet again..... (6_~)

>Sup Forums
Literally a bunch of hipster 12 year olds who shit their pants and cry when a game they hate gets 9/10s. They're a bunch of retards with shit taste and they hate on games because they're popular. It's one of the worst boards on this website. Fuck, I'd rather go on r/gaming than that shit tier hipster garbage board.

>>Making a 2D MORPG
>Need testers, anybody interested?
>Posting download and stream link if enough interest
>Also answering all questions.
Client download link:
replace () with dot

>Stream link
replace () with dot

>Discord link
replace () with dot

Fuck, didn't mean to quote the original post, but it did anyway somehow. Oh well, those are the links, there you go :^)