Thanks a lot Trumpettes, go fuck yourself

Thanks a lot Trumpettes, go fuck yourself.

i wont ever use wede besides memes so idc u go fuck urself

Stoners BTFO

Muh states rights!

So your #1 priority in a president is his stance on pot? Kys

Good weed makes some people freak out.

Not even in my top ten. Its just another sign of corruption and conservative hypocrisy.

> legal weed
> taxed
> money goes to state funding for roads and schools
> somehow a bad thing

>""I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people," Spicer said. There is still a federal law that we need to abide by.""

>opiates are bad
>ban weed
>mission accomplished

Weed kills motivation. Ruined my life, I'm 36 and still living at my moms.

>Muh states rights!
That *is* the Republican stance. Return rights to the states, diminish federal power.

This is a thread about a republican announcement of a program to use federal powers to counteract state laws.


Sure, blame a plant for all your problems. All the smokers I know are normal relatively successful people. Fact is its safer than alcohol, or tobacco, and its not the govts. business to tell me what I can/can't injest.

>but DARE tolds me it will make your face melt

same could be said about tobacco products that have been on the market for centuries.
anxiety ruins lives, too. weed can be used to help people with that.

and masturbation causes you to have gingivitis and your nuts/ ovaries to stop working.

That's just the way you are. Weed has nothing to do with your lazyness ans irresponsibility.

I thought it was not brushing after eating cum that gave you gingivitis.

No shit fucktard? The guy was rightly pointing out that Trump is all "States Rights" when it comes to telling people which toilet they can use, and all
"Feds are Godz" when it comes to cannibis.

Stinking fascist hippocracy!

and in this they are doing the exact opposite.