Alright Sup Forumsros I need to lose 20 lbs in 14 days to win a bet without killing myself. Im 5'9, 200lbs, and a male

Alright Sup Forumsros I need to lose 20 lbs in 14 days to win a bet without killing myself. Im 5'9, 200lbs, and a male.

What should I do? If I manage to win this bet with your help I will make another post in 2 weeks.

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bump, need to lose weight as well

2 weeks dont eat, after 7 days have an apple, run, drink lots of water, no sugar whatsoever

Go over to /fit/to look for specific tips and advice. Start doing daily exercises and walking. Start dieting right now. Keep at it and don't give up.

>how do I lose weight anons !!1!1!

Look as everyone has or is going to say, calroies in and calories out. You have to stay dedicated.

>what about exercise?

Your In luck. Let me present to you the quick and dirty of:

Sir user Ace's Guide to being a lazy Exerciser!

Cutting to the point I know your fat and you probably don't want to commit as much as the other guys. That means no gym, no equipment and no hour long routines right? I'm right. So we have a few options left, walking, cycling, running. But your fucking lazy and fat. Your not doing any of that. So instead I'm going to give you the best way to burn fat and calories.

Stair Climbing.

Climbing up and down a flight of stairs is your ticket to losing weight. It's tough the first couple of times, but once you get into it, it's easy. Let's break it down.

Walking up and down a staircase for 10 minutes (at a reasonable pace) burns 100 calories. To compare, walking burns 100 calories in 20 minutes (1 mile), running burns 100 calories in 10 minutes as well (1 mile.) so tell me user, would you rather run for 10 minutes, or just walk stairs? It's the stairs.

100 calories isn't huge, but it is something. 10 minutes a day you simply burn that much. When you get stronger you can then run stairs, which burns 100 calories in 5 minutes. Or you can amp it up to 20 minute stair climbs for 200 calories, which is double that of walking.

>but muscles.

You will be working and building 5 major muscles, including the largest muscle in your Body. The glutes. And as we all know, sloots love the glutes.
As you build these monsters they will help you burn more calories, both when exercising and during day to day life, giving a nice snowball effect.

But you have to do it everyday, and you even if you feel tired you can't stop, you have to do the full 10 minutes even if you have to slow down.

In short, climbing stairs is the easiest, most efficient way for a fantasy like you to lose weight. You can do it.


Lots of cardio and lots of sweating. Go on long runs in sweats and don't take them off when you heat up. Watch your diet and avoid excessive unneccesary calories and eating too many carbs, etc. 20lbs is not as much as it seems it should be pretty easy if you stick to it.

>20 pounds
>14 days or two weeks

Your asking to die.

dont eat, if you workout withought burning muscle you will not "LOSE" weight just burn fat and put on muscle
>credentials PT for 1.5 years.

It's not possible to lose 20 pounds in 14 days

Keto and exercise

How fast should I do the walking up and down stairs? If walking stairs is what I need to do, I can do it.

cardio will help you lose water weight and some fat to a degree, but weight lifting will burn calories even when you stop exercising. lift, dont eat, and drink water sparingly. also, you will die if you over do it.

What should I eat specifically? For all the others saying this is unhealthy Im not trying to lose this in a very "healthy" way.

How many times a day?

At a reasonable pace. Or about 1 step per full second.

I personally use the beat of this song to keep in time, and hopefully it gives you a general idea of how fast you should go.

no carbohydrates eat high natural fats and lots of veggies and at least 2 gallons of water a day

I recommend a plant-based/ vegan diet. Eat oatmeal, fruits, beans, rice, potatoes, veggies, etc until you are full. Dont add too much process food and process oil when you cook because it is not nutritious. Drink water; maybe distilled or ionized water. Idk if you can loss 20 lbs in 14 days but in the long term you should loss weight if you are overweight.

However many times you feel. Once a day burns 100 calories. The more times you do it, the more calories you burn.

Doing it 2-3 times per day burns decent amount
4-5 if your going for a workout day is solid.
5+ is ridiculous

Starvation diet. You will get very light headed though, probably faint in the shower if you're not careful. You need to drink a shitload of water too. It helps flush your system and burns calories by having to pass it through your body.

We're the same highest weight was 176 in April 2016 reached 155 in Sep 2016, got as low as 151 in Nov 2016. It takes longer than 2 weeks for such drastic weight loss.

And this should help lose the 20lbs in 14 days? Ill do it 3 times a day if so.

Do you have any unwanted limbs?

The only way you'll lose 20 lbs in 14 days is by starving yourself.

Cut your leg off

As an ex wrestler I'd say two small meals with not a lot of carbs. Run in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. On the day you weight your self avoid excess water as water weight is a lot more than you think

Im a fat fuck and a starvation diet doesn't seem bad. If I do the stair climbing 3- 5 times a day and drink water only but eat no food, what should I be doing inbetween? I usually sit and game for 8+ hours a day besides going to uni for 2ish hours.

Sleep a lot, drink a lot of water, eat at regular intervals very small amounts of food.

Don't go exercising like a retard or you will get very hungry and feel like shit with that diet.

Just go on a meth bender for 2 weeks and youll lose 40.

only vegggies and do a major water weight cut the night before, you won't actually have to lose the entire 20 lbs

In 14 days? No.
Fundamentally you cant lose 20 pounds in 14 days unless you want to try an kill yourself. You wouldn't be able to function. You won't be able to work.

You would have to eat little to nothing and do exercise like stair climbs, but you would most likely pass out by day 2 or 3
It isn't feasible

be active and not where you will be tempted to eat

I don't know what to specifically to eat. I get told natural fats and veggies but dont know what to eat spefically.

Just burn more calories than you take in. An intermediate fasting diet for awhile should be perfect for that rapid weightloss.

Here are the tricks though, which make it a lot EASIER. When you measure in two weeks, dont eat that day before weighing. Also male sure to shit and piss out all the weight you can. Also, dehydrating would do a lot, since most of your body weight is water. For maximum effects, also wear the lightest clothes and shoes possible when weighing. Of course these wouldnt help with fat loss, and theyd be temporary weight loss just to win the bet.

I cut roughly 25lbs in 7 days for competition and I'm still alive.

180 to 155.

My advice? Zero carbs, no sodium, sweat as much as possible. Sauna. Hot baths.

When you need to eat, make it ground beef or chicken. Obviously restrict your calories to as few as possible. No need to workout if you have a belly and muscle, you'll drain 10lbs of water from your body in the first week alone, not including weight lost from the calorie deficit.

The no carbs and no sodium rule is crucial, though.

If the end result is death or losing 20lbs it's a win-win for me and a dream come true

Hot bath? What is that?

Oh OP here, I've lost over 40lbs since last January, I might not lose as much water weight to start off unless I'm thinking wrong.

A bath that's hot, rather than cold.

The real key is as little carbs as possible while still getting protein and veggies in, with as much water as you can.

Lots and lots of veggies and fruit. Just don't eat anything drenched in oil and you're good.

Remember to drink a lot of water

You'd probably be amazed by how much water you're still carrying.

Fruit can be very high sugar, along with some veggies. If you're keeping carbs down then you have to limit fruit as well

It's incredibly hard to cut cold turkey to starving yourself. I recommend eating 800-1000 calories a day on a keto diet which is basically no carbs. Eat a chicken breast or two a day with some veggies, maybe one fruit, and egg, and drink a gallon of water. Take sips between bites so you don't eat as much. Low carb will also make you feel like ass for 3-5 days after the initial day of dieting so be prepared. Exercise is, imo, optional because you'll lose water weight and such a stark and sudden calorie cut is hard on the body. Exercise will make you feel worse on the low carb so if you wanna exercise do it on the second week when the crappy feeling is gone.

I've been an off and on keto dieter for over a year and have plenty of experience with this low carb diets.

Dinitrophenol and a cold bath.

Watch the Kenny vs Spenny where they try to lose the most weight in 3 days. There's s few tricks in there.

Put the water on as hot as possible, fill the tub, then go in it? Won't that burn me or am I being retarded?

That's an easy way to get fit because you can have your stomach full every waking hour and still be at a deficit, if you choose low density foods.

But OP is asking for an average daily deficit of 5000 calories. They'd need to be exercising the whole time while not eating any macros.

It's incredibly difficult to not eat any food and is just a bad idea in general. This guyis exaggerating but you would feel AWFUL. With enough willpower you could do it but you would hardly be able to function.

If I do cut cold turkey and starve myself I should just focus on drinking lots of water and eat nothing for week 1 then try exercising for week 2?

What's at stake here? You won't lose 20 pounds of fat if you eat absolutely nothing, but you could maybe get there with total starvation and moderate dehydration.

Sounds like a plan. Even if I somehow die it'd be a win for me. The only way I'd lose is if I dont lose the weight and live.

Nothing important to you but something important to me

I can almost 100 percent guarantee you will not be able to starve yourself for one week cold turkey. Almost positive. Anorexics have experience starving themselves for months and years but you have next to none I'm assuming. You can go for it but you'll feel like ass and be tired until your body can adapt. From what I've learned is that it takes 1-2 weeks or maybe a month for a person to not have hunger pains. What happens after prolonged starvation is your body will adapt in such a way to survive purely off of your fat and you will feel better once that happens. You will lose cravings for food for the most part but it is not a way to live for a long period of time. You need vitamins and minerals to function. If you're going to do this AT LEAST eat multivitamins.

I think fruits are better than drier carbs for losing weight since fruits hydrate you more so you crave less

its extremely hard but not impossible, I've lost 8kgs in less than two weeks but it was literal fucking hell for me. I went from 79kg to 71kg,. Everyday in the morning I would eat one slice of oatmeal toast and nothing more, I drank lots of water and for lunch I had either another slice of oatmeal toast or a small plate of salad. I spent the first 5 days starving then I got used to it and slowly after I reached my weight goal I maintained my diet and started biking every two or three days and now I'm working to get rid of my shitty man tits.

also, pic related, its my progress

You will need to consume the bare minimum of calories while still getting all your nutrients (otherwise your body will panic and switch away from a carbohydrate metabolism) while drinking nothing but water to stave off your hunger. This will not work without exercise. In order to hit your target you need to burn off all the calories you eat each day as well as the 81,720 you need to burn to get rid of 20lbs of fat. You need to accomplish this with low-weight, high-repetition exercise to prevent muscle from building while still burning fat.

If OP is already well hydrated, they could maybe lose eight pounds of water abstaining from it until their urine is brown.

>this kills the kidneys


don't do this OP then you'll really have some fuckin problems

Dont listen to these guys m8. Ive been on and off fasting since september and ive lost almost 70 pounds now. I use to just do a couple of days every other week but ive up the ante and have been fasting for 4/5 of the weekdays and i eat pretty big on weekends. If you dont eat on weekdays and only barely eat on weekends you could lose to close to 8 pounds a week.

Its not a hard diet atleast for me. Before i started to fast completely i would only eat 1 meal a day but that changed when i started smoking pot and i got pretty fat from it.

I was 278, and am now currently 211.

Also ive been drinking a lot of green tea lately to boost my metabolism. Drinking only hot water is a plus too since it helps the digestive system.

Another tip is when your fasting you'll get super tired all the time but try to fight the urge to sleep and keep busy. If you sleep that means your organs will go to sleep which means they wont need as much energy which also means you wont lose as much weight.

I have just one piece of input for you op. DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST. You need that. So many people I know skip breakfast to try and diet and it doesn't work. You skip breakfast and your body says fuck you then, I'm not gonna work at full capacity. Even if you're only having one meal a day, make it breakfast.

That's an average daily deficit of one or two thousand calories. OP is asking for 5000.

1 meal a day and do 15-30 mins of walking

super easy, fatass

calculate how many calories you can live on, and follow that.

and do cardio every day.

and cut water intake.

Morbidly obese people who can't walk eat as much per day as you need to not eat. It aint happening.

In metric scale not imperial, you fucking wanker

Guess it's cold turkey starving or with minimum food and walking stairs.

Just an egg for breakfast?

Stairs are too high impact. It will make you gain muscle mass or get so sore you can't walk since you're not eating and can't repair muscle.

Starve yourself for 14 days
Be easy

but cha gatta yeat

i mean you could try to work out too but that would probably really fuck you up after a few days. 5000 calorie deficit is pretty impossible.

If you werent to eat for 2 weeks straight though 20 pounds on the scale would easily be visible. It wont be fat, probably alot of water but it will still say 20 pounds lost on the scale.

the most ive seen lost on my scale was about 14 pounds and it was my first time fasting for 4 days.

No bitch

Don't cut water this guys being a massive faglord. That'll just make your body wanna retain water and you'll fucking gain weight.

You massive gay. Don't tell him to do that.

I may have just saved his life

how about a 'thank you'?

You can't retain what isn't there. Cutting water the last day or two is the only way to drop this much mass.

Something carby would probably be best even though it would go against keto. A fried egg only has about 90 calories in it and a slice of toast has about 70. Your choice fampai

Alright go full Anorexic for 2 weeks and dont work out? Drink lots of water?

For an understanding of how difficult that really is
>you must burn an average of 5837
>plus all the calories you eat.
>we'll call it 7000 for easy math
>you must run for about 12 hours a day
>every day

How about you go suck a bag of cocks you cum slurping cunt. I saved his life. Only me.

waste of trips

At your initial weigh-in make sure you have to take a huge shit and a huge piss. After the weigh-in, eliminate. Thats 5lbs gone right off the bat!

Starvation is all you need. You will not be able to do anything else, nor will it be necessary. Assuming you are and drank the days prior to your weigh in, you can lose 5 pounds or so by not eating at all or drinking very much for the two days prior to your next weigh in. You will probably drop 10+ pounds the first week of you stay focused on not eating more than 500 calories a day and might follow it up with the other 10 the next week (if you use the 2-day hack). I've been doing this shit for a year and a half and have lost around 90 pounds. The only reason it's not more is because I eat like shit over summer and winter break. I know what you're going through and I know it's possible for you to win your bet. Trust me though, you will pass the fuck out if you try a starvation diet with exercise; it just won't work.

I'm 5'9 and 120 lbs you fat fuck. Just kill yourself.

If you think you can lose 20lbs in two weeks though starvation then you don't understand enough about the subject to participate in the discussion

i dont even know if you are joking

Drink lots of water, tea, and coffee, but nothing with any sugar. Fast the entire 14 days; don't eat anything at all. Nothing. After the first day your body will go into ketosis and it will be easier. This is probably safe as long as you're overweight; the guy who fasted for a year and a half stayed healthy and kept the weight off afterwards. Your body is designed to store and then use fat, like a bear's. Work out lightly each day. You will lose the maximum weight possible in 2 weeks. But it probably will take 3 weeks, not 2, to lose 20 pounds.

Alright gonna starve myself, will post results in 2 weeks.

juice fasting

Crystal meth

Sorry friend, you are wrong. I lost 15 in the past 2 weeks and I slacked the second week.

You won't lose any weight in two weeks through starvation, retard.
Do this instead

did you or anyone even see this?

Master cleanse I lost 20 in two week!

You burned 4,377 calories each day without eating? Bullshit

You need to also do low impact exercise every waking hour and dehydrate yourself the last couple days. Just starving yourself will not get you to negative 5000 calories a day.

Don't do that.

As much exercise as you can without making yourself die basically, don't eat anything unhealthy for a few weeks (low calorie high satisfaction) maybe starve yourself a little bit and there you go.

If you kill one nigger a day for 14 days you'll be able to lose 20 pounds.

Look, I don't know about too much science shit, but my results are legit. I wouldn't be typing all this just to fuck over some fat user. I'm only trying to help from my experience because OP and I are essentially in the same boat. Don't believe me, fine. I'm gonna stick to it anyways.

Do the math. Your sane strategy wouldn't work.