ITT: Describe your life in one image

ITT: Describe your life in one image

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that is a pretty rare pepe, I've actually never seen that one posted here before. mind if I save?











real life



dream life




No saving that pepe is illegal. Please don't safe or face extreme penalty. This pepe is more dangerous than marijuanas.

too late


pretty good




This 100%




I have one question


all the weird shit in that pic and you questioned that?


FBI is on it's way right now.



>Ice pick
>I, Spic're a mexican?



what the fyck is this




fucked up modern 'art'


Do it.
Do it do it do it







What about songs?

I've always fucking loved that picture. It must be ten years old or so.

that poor guy


I'm more disturbed about what went through his mind when he heard Heather stop screaming.



Nice taste, user.
In music too.










africa is like being born a girl
you're got everything available and everybody wants it from you so you just let them have it and then you get AIDS



It also works about the lack of ambition part. Chicks never built a civilization in their history of existence. If they weren't the only ones capable of giving birth, I'm sure they would be extinct by now.


the one thing i've always wanted and yet never had


it that really fro him?








So what is it called when you give serious consideration to suicide on a daily basis, but are not depressed? I can just never justify it and decide that I'm being a little bitch about stuff. That's my life, there isn't a picture for that.



>there isn't a picture for that.
guess again, kiddo

Trying to steer my life in the right direction, but this is the car I'm driving.

At least you have a car, my bike got both tires flat and i dont have the money to fix it.

It's called being depressed.