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She looks like a fucking tranny

you would fuck her if you had the opportunity

ugly, disgusiting, hideous.. is that enough user?

i'd fuck your mother too doesn't mean she's good looking

I don't know why, but I think her breath stinks.

1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why they can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.

I wouldn't because I'm a girl





instead lets just steal debbie harrys outfit!


>Bravo you just prove that you are a desperate virgin that only posts shit like
because you are too beta to handle a woman

How intolerant of you...

Bitch, I ain't readin' all that.

Why are you some homophobic, you should be eating some bull dykes ass because it's progressive and accepting


my fridge can tweet and instagram too

I'll summarize his autism
>the jews did it


>Not in a million years

about as lame as,
> What would you prefer? Yellow spandex?

What even.

They should've taken the bat back after her fat cunt father bad mouthed snyder's kino-flick and proceeded to shit out "yoga hoser"

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Not to mention it's an insult to trannies

>it's okay to reference the original costume if we make a joke about it

Didn't work in Wolverine or any other comic movie ever

I'm trans but she looks actually like a bad looking tranny. I actually pass.


Post your feminine penis

She probably loves anal. I want to fuck her

upload to imgur to avoid ban

>I'm trans but she looks actually like a bad looking tranny
No one asked about your opinion, freak.

Any thoughts on Suicide Squad?

If you get dubs.

I'm not going to lie. I'm serious, I'd stick it in her.

Does this count?


>ribs sticking out further than tits

>dumps the classic costume
Haha Harleyfags on suicide watch! Sup Forums is gonna freak!

You only know this because an user posted about it a few weeks ago.

So fuck off you nerd.


Go on...

She doesn't have the tits for the real costume desu


is this real life?

are they making fun of the original costumes, ala 00's x men?



Who is she?

aww shit now I got to do it. Hang on. Dubs decides what I show..

My aunt

He is Bailey Jay newfag


that was me you stupid fuck

It did say penis
fucking nigger baiter

This shit is GOLD for bimbo fetishists

That's cute senpai

Why are people trying to shit on Harley? The actress is super cute and looks like she is going to do a good job.


>lol i trol u


Sure it was, suuure it was. I expected you to say that, retard.

> Harley has gotten more and more popular
> Somehow her original costume has become less an less prevalent

Fucking HOW!? It's criminal.

>Having an actual clown fetish

I don't get it. Isn't Harley Quinn just like an ex-Arkham Asylum psychiatrist? Where her "superpower," so to speak, is her unflinching and unquestioning loyalty to the Joker?

Is she some superhuman? Why is she on this elite task force?

>not having a classic harley fetish
Do you suck dicks?

pls no

Well, now that you mention it...


Check your privilege shitlord, correct pronoun is it, not he.

>he doesn't have a clown fetish

Lol all you trannies will die of suicide or AIDS within a few years

Are you gay?

A clown costume doesn't work in live action.


if you opened the image your mother is dying in her sleep tonight

holy shit I might have a clown fetish now.

If I am simultaneously scared shitless by clowns is it still a fetish?

Are you fucking serious?

Somebody has insecurity issues

i hope everyday you wake up you look in the bathroom mirror
and realize that there's nothing for you today
just like yesterday
and the stain on your clothes reminds you of that dream you had with that special someone
but realize that there's no one in your bed
and you have to wash the sheet covers again
and you're out of detergent
and wonder why the sink is wet since you haven't turned on the faucet
but suddenly realize it's your own tears

Says the guy so insecure with his man body he has to pretend to be a woman


shitty ass wig

>dresses like and pretends to be a woman
>telling anyone they have insecurity issues

Yeah that work so much in DMC


Harley forever.

What did they mean by this?

They meant "Fuck classic Harley we on that Nu52 shieeeet"

I love Harely's outfits. Every one of them. Classic harlequin, Batman games, and Suicide Squad.

that isn't real, is it?

No. They meant this is live action and you can't have a main character dressed as a skin tight jester with clown make up the whole time.

well, you could if you wanted to.

You're dying in your sleep tonight and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Just shits on the real Harley.

>why did i expect anything else?

>the asian chick has more ass

All time fetish. Fuck the Leia gold bikini, this costume is the hottest thing in nerd culture ever

Margot Robbie looks like THAT!? All energy star compliant and shit.

Is edited backwards. The original added more to cover her up.

Look at what pulls out here.

>calling harlequin a clown