So Sup Forums, how fat and disgusting are you faggots?

So Sup Forums, how fat and disgusting are you faggots?

I'm 5'7, and I'm ~260lbs, so I'm pretty fat and disgusting. I'm technically morbidly obese.

What about you?

6'7'', 205 lbs
need to work out more

6'1, 170lb

What the fuck is wrong with you

Bmi is an unfair way to decide people's level of out of shape.
I gym 5 times a week, but because I'm muscular and big boned my bmi is 31.
Imo I think people should be judged on BFP for me it's like 16%.

5'11", 142 lbs
I can't stand not at least doing SOME physical activity every day. If there's one thing to glorify, it's my own body.

no i don't go on /fit/ i promise

When you say big boned, do you mean your body structure is more wide or do you have a fucked up condition that leads you to have big bones...

6' 400lbs

I've lost control of my life and no longer see an exit strategy.

6'3" 245 lbs around 20% bmi

I'm going to go with a large frame, like if I dedicated more work and a cleaner diet I have the ability to be yolked

6'1. 255 pounds. Have 75 pounds more to lose.

Lost 35 so far.

My bmi got to 23.7 at one point but then I went on a diet. Now I am 6'1 and 170 pounds so my bmi is 22.4.

how does this obesity effect our genetics?

>big boned
Have you ever seen an x-ray of a fat person?

6'7", 250lbs

definitely a bit chunky

6'4" 330lbs

My knees and ankles hurt constantly

6'0" 180

6'2 230-240, 240 winter weight. 46 yr old BMI is bullshit

BMI doesn't work if you have super high muscle mass. You aren't big boned though... that is fucking retarded.

180cm 90 KG 10% Bodyfat

Youre basically a disgrace OP

Suicide is your exit strategy.

6'1" 235 lbs. If I lost 10 lbs I'd have a six pack. I played football and worked out a lot when I was younger.

Most likely talking about their body frame, not literal big bones.


what shoe?

13 here same stats

Large frame work*

at least you got dubs, i was off by one
once my shoulder's less fucked, i could work out some

That's rock solid

6'0 155

I need some mass

Wish I could.

Most likely a bullshit excuse. Anyone is capable of maintaining a healthy weight with diet and exercise.

5 7
125 - 130
i am

5'7, 122lbs, 41yo

whatever i eat goes straight thru me, 3-5 hrs it's out the other end.

Lost alot of weight... 140lbs in 9 months slower then last time. I got a amazing job... Broke down with my dad having cancer about my abusive extended family that would starve me and abuse me... i told everyone that was in my life in anyway and freaked out...

That makes 2 of us ;)

I love how fatasses always say the bmi is bullshit

are you a pvc pipe

No you wouldn't, you are fat as shit.

5'9 195. comes out to bmi of 28 or so. i'm fairly muscular but solidly in the overweight category, my body fat is probably low 20% or so.

it is possible for BMI to be wrong if you're really muscular, but most people are kidding themselves about what their muscle mass actually is. if you're under 6 foot and over 200 pounds you're overweight unless you're on roids.

6'0, 200lbs. 12% body fat. I'm a personal trainer otherwise I would probably be skinny fat.


You should definitely take probiotics and go see a GI doctor.

>6' 400+lbs

You're well on your way.

I shit like four times a day.

It's damn fucking slow thats for sure.

6'2" 167lbs

Was once a fat fuck at 260, with proper diet and regular exercise anyone can change it

I am the same height and weigh 65 pounds less and you can barely see my six pack and I work out and have really low body fat. You are so full of shit.

ye now yous a toothpick

more like now he is a healthy weight

6 foot and 345. Considering I was 375 4 months ago I think I'm doing just fine. I work out everyday and try to eat healthy. Hoping to get down to 225 by this time next year.

145 lbs

Recently had a need to drop to 135 walking around though

I think my BMI is11% I think

stop fat shaming. this is the real grading for human sized people.

False. This man is Dimitri Klokov. He's 6' 231 lbs. You're just fat.

My bmd 49 so I'm just obese. I work out, and I eat good. I don't know what else to do, working out means nothing. If you honestly think eating healthy and working out works,
You're falling for a meme.

id bet money dis nigga has a harder time cutting through crowds than he used to.

what is that in non-retard units?

From ages 16-25 was 5'10, 120-140lb

Now around 180lb since starting second job that is manual labor (I wanna retire before I'm 55).

My body fat isn't optimal, but IDC.

Stuck at size 11 since 16 , hands did not grow bigger either or I'd would of played div 1, Bet you had the hands with 13 feet

body mass index is not in percentages. Those numbers tell me otherwise but if you have 11 bmi then please seek help. Extreme thiness can be life threatening.

Going for walks and eating less would be a sure good way to start.

Part of eating healthy is eating proper portions. You get fat if you eat too much of the healthiest food possible.

Don't get discouraged man. I was 375 four months ago and I'm down to 345 right now. All it takes is to work out everyday and eat healthy. You CAN do this. I believe in you user.

americans are hispanics?

Good for you, breh.


I don't even know what that means. He is a healthy weight. He is not underweight. He is not overweight. This isn't secret information. You are allowed to look it up.

5'9" 170lb.

Just barely overweight by bmi, but it's a kinda bullshit metric if you workout regularly. I'm in great shape.

damn interesting
And hands arn't too big

I can palm a basketball but it isn't easy

ok little man

How is his statement false?

yet hes still a lightweight

weight classes matter a whole hell of a lot in the real world.

I'm about 12% body fat

Only black dudes fuck fat white chicks. You obviously don't live in the US.

To a certain degree it is, they never reallt factor in genetics. Like for example I come from scottish highlanders, and they're some big tall mother fuckers. My doctor told me at my height and age, .you optimum weight is 225. I'm at 345 right now and still losing roughly 2-3 pounds a week.

>bitch is a body type

Yeah I agree. You are more likely for heart disease and diabetes because of your higher "weight class." Congratulations!

Show us your cock and ass please.

my bmi is 17,79

acceptable slim

Lol you can suplex a heart attack into next decade no prob.
Tall people don't live long anyways, so moot point.

6'2", 205 Pounds

Regularly go to the gym 3 times a week after my classes and do 1hr of cardio, 2.25 running, .75 walking in between, and 1 mile walking up hill at moderate pace

Been working fairly well and went from 233 last summer to 205 now

The only thing that discounts the bmi's validity is a large amount of muscle mass. If you are 6'8 or taller 225 would be a decent weight.

Lol wut

I could, but it's fucking hard to exercise, everything hurts, all the time. I don't see much reason to bother at this point, I'm going to die alone, what difference does it make if I die skinny and alone or fat and alone.

5'6 130lbs
I like crossdressing and look like a cute girl but I don't like dicks, I wouldn't suck a dick and I wouln't take a dick am I still gay?

i will tell you this pal, when you hit 40 , start taking the testosterone injections, your levels get low as you age. I take winters off , go through Doctor all legit, but you will feel like in 20s again.

6'1.5" 180lbs. Just exercise guys.

was 175cm, 98 kg fat fuck.
started browsing Sup Forums
realized i need to get fit for the upcoming race war...
started browsing /fit/...
didn't know how to count calories or how to cutting, so i just starved myself to 75kg in 4-5 months, while lifting and working out every day.
pretty happy now...

5'9, 220. i carry it well though

Not being obese makes me "little man" kek

>Lift 800lb+ pieces of stone every day.

How do I gain weight lads? I use to eat mcdicks 2 meals a day for 3 years and ended up losing 20lbs..

You weigh 50 more pounds than me and are 4 inches shorter.... you don't carry it well btw


Dude I'm 5'7 120lbs as well, I know the feeling

puttin this protip in the chamber for later


5'10" 305lb

I'm just slowly killing myself with food.

said the virgin

Don;t "dirty bulk" You just get fat.


5'7, 200 lbs.
Am I a fatty?

6'4" 250, average/on the muscular side

we are the same height. but you are 70 - 75 pounds more than me.
So yeah. "Fatty" sounds about right

5'9" 145. Is that bad?