Let's have a thread with plenty of hatred for our 51st and largest state

Let's have a thread with plenty of hatred for our 51st and largest state.

Slaps ass
>hi guys it's biggie cheese

>americunts so fucking stupid they elect a borderline retarded reality TV star to run their country

Lmao you can't make this shit up, classic shart in marts embarrassing themselves daily

>borderline retarded
>oops i accidentally created 170 companies lol i'm retarded

>implying that's going to do anything for your country while actively alienating every other country

t. American education


America is high on meth

You say this like it's a bad thing.

you just wanna come to america don't you

You know what? Fuck you. I've had it. I've tried to play nice. I've tried to laugh it off. But enough is enough. The Canada-hate thing is getting old. I know we have a reputation for being kind and polite, but that ends now.

The Canada-hate has to stop. First of all, it's based off a lie - that we're cucked because our Prime Minister is a “cuck”, as you call it. That isn't even true. Justin Trudeau is a former boxer, snowboarder, and environmentalist. Name me one "real" man who can claim even two of those things! Secondly, Canadians aren't shitposters. We speak our feelings. We tell you the truth. We share our opinions. If that's what counts as shitposting these days, then call me an Aussie. I don't know why Americans are so intimidated by hearing genuine, thoughtful criticism of their country and their politics, but you obviously are. All I can say to that is: deal with it. It's the 21st century. This is the information age. If information scares you, then go back to your bumfuck trailer somewhere and hang on to your delusions. Me? I'm a freethinker. I'm an idea man. I thrive off of enthusiasm. And I fucking love science. So when a Canadian is nice enough to offer you constructive criticism, take it as a compliment. Because we want to see you thrive as a country. We want to see you progress and follow us into the future.

End Canada-hate NOW.

you can drive for days and not see a single body or any other kind of garbage in the ditch

unlike most places in the US

I'm Canadian and I'm embarrassed to have a huge cuck as a prime minister and I'm also sorry about Quebec.
They're like our retarded red headed step brother

Quebec is literally Canada's Texas.

gave yourself away as an american
bet you can't figure out how


glorious kek

If it werent for those Quebec cunts nobody would have a bad thing to say about canada.

>Amerifats so insecure about their shitty country that they have to shit on superior countries
Can't make this up

he did it again

gave yourself away as an american
bet you can't figure out how

Try me. I'm about as Canadian as they come.

Hate us all you want oil kikes but we're not the one's funding terrorist groups, training cartel hitman, toppling governments, attempting to draw the world into another cold war, or let alone pushed around by fucking security agencies and devil worshippers.


you've embarased yourself enough

>implying Canada could topple a government

You speak with the arrogance of an American. Also, the cowardice of an American who's not willing to backup his claims.

Too fucking true, we'd let them separate but they'd flounder on their own and they're too close to our Capitol, Ottawa

This guy is actually the American


mapleniggers should all stay in that shitstained tundra they call home and kill themselves before their chinese landlords demand more rent

Go give yourself a tim hortons enema and kill yourself snow-coon.

Canada sucks with or without quebec niggers


1812'd his ass, nigga

>America lost that one btw, we burned your Whitehouse and tricked fort Detroit into surrendering to a handful of aboriginals

Trying to blame someone else for your issues down there? If you call us a state, Why does the rest of the world not like you, but likes a part? Curious. Are you ashamed?

You seem upset. Did a moose fuck your girl?

Did she love it?

haha fucking pussy

Agreed, types like an arrogant 12yo
>Amerifag spotted

>we burned your Whitehouse
>canadian education
Canada did not exist in 1812. That would be the brits

at least Texas and Texans have something to contribute to the rest of the country and don't just eat up welfare checks

turdeau is such a drooling idiot though
>and uhh and uhhhh ummm uhhhhh uhhhhh

>only queers and steers come from texas private cowboy

My ex was born and raised in canada. In 2016 she had sex with another guy the day before my birthday, and ive hated her and her land ever since

Your special forces are shit tiered compared to the Canadian JTF2, let alone against the Germans, Israelis, and Brits lol. Troop for troop worse than the Canadian military
>American military only good because of numbers
>American military only good because of their military spending

Die! You fucking plaid flannel wearing, poutine eating hosers!

Honestly dont know. I thought it was a polar bear. But fuck if I know, Could have been a Sasquatch. But that's besides the issue. Not upset. Surprised. Its like you want to involve us in your trump debacle. Dont worreh. New World Order is coming around. Then you can hate everything, and I mean everything the way you hate every other country but your own. (For whatever reason.)

I understand now. You were fucked by a moose and cucked by a spruce.



That's his point, dipshit. You shouldn't be proud of the ability to topple a government.

>Be 22yo Canadian
>bounce around city to city seeing the country
>move every 6 months
>never had a landlord that wasn't a white male in his late 40s

What about shit-tier Gatineau? That's in Quebec and is not even the provinces capitol city, let alone the country's

We make an inseparable pair. I see your dubs, as you check mine. From me to you. Stop reading Dr. Seus, Or Dr. Dre. Go listen to your favourite Eminem album on repeat in a dark room and Wonder what went wrong.

>American education statistically sucks in comparison
Combination of solo British military teamed up with the natives. Detroit got its ass handed to it by Chief Tecumseh
>not even Canada yet and still better than the states

you just fell for some blantantly obvious bait amerinewfag

fuck quebec

Canada is fucking paradise for God-tier girlfriends. Hot girls outnumber attractive dudes like 5 to 1, and they are usually quite chill and invested in their education and career.

American chicks will do anything to be famous and gave no discernible skills beyond taking loads and shitting out bastard babies.

Too accurate. user from Windsor across from Detroit, visit all the time for coney dogs that will eventually kill me, and cringe at all the fat women, let alone the ones that aren't whales but still have the face of one

Hollywood lifestyle. Thats all we even get up here on the T.V. Go outside for fuck sakes. Even still Kids are all caught up in whats recent. Like What goes Viral. But Thats just Vanity. Wish this wasnt like a nightmare. I swear America is like Jabba The Hut.

Nice pasta


But it's really not. That's what's so weird about Quebec. It's probably the most redpilled province in Canada yet they're still accepting of homosexuality and have the typical European attitude towards sex and degeneracy in general. In that sense, it's nothing like Texas (except for Austin).

>im Canadian
>also sorry
This guy's legit

Fuck off OP Canada is cool. Non Canadian here

What about the aboriginals?

Canadian here, ask me anything...

What an awful post.

Non-Canadian confirmed with that attitude.
Not a single apology.

Sorry, that's not a question...

Who's this?

give me 1 genuine reason why you hate Québec?

freedomniggers should all stay in that greasy ass desert they call home and kill themselves before their hispanic gardeners beat them with their tools

dude, don't make me come and graffiti your sidewalk with chalk. Ya'know, something like "You're Mom is a really nice lady", eh.

GIS says Potion Seller?

But what did they do they're nice people

Donald Trump is a liar and a sociopath. No matter what your political preferences, you need to resist everything he is doing.

Wrong you fucking leaf. It's a fair knight.


i cant hear you over all these good manners and peacemaking


O Canada, we stand on guard for theeeeee

No, Alberta is clearly Canada's Texas.

I think you're talking about Alberta


Alberta is Canada's Montana... Not sure we have anything that resembles Texas.

alberta is just cold texas.

>heavy accents
>fields and livestock
>y'all er city sleeyicks, y'hear?
>country music out of the fucking ass

Y'all obviously don't live in Alberta

you wanna think canada is such a mildmannered place?

>be me, working TA in a school
>kids screwing around at the sink
>ask the grade 8 shits what they're doing
>heaviest fucking native accent
>"aym woshing mah HAAAANS"
>come up with shitty remark
>"well you wouldnt need to wash your hands so much if you actually showered"
>white kids start snickering
>little native fuck gives me a death stare
>walks up to me with his hands still wet
>reaches into his pockets
>whips out an actual fucking 4 inch open-assisted pocket knife
>throw a fucking chair at him
>gets expelled

why are natives so fucking stupid in alberta?

i fucking love canada but really, our PM is the biggest fucking cuck faggot in the universe

bernier 2019

why is he a cuck?


Yeah Trudeau is a gearbox. Bernier would be good, O'Leary would be fine but he might offend too many to win. Worked in the states though... I'd like a libertarian to run the place.

He's a liberal lefty.

can't deny trips

wait wut

>Fires blazing through city
>Given the option of importing US firefighters or South African Bushmen firefighters
>Chooses the latter
>None of them do their job
>City burns

Wew fuck Trudeau and fuck Canadian people

fellow canadian here:
>Justin Trudeau is a former boxer, snowboarder, and environmentalist. Name me one "real" man who can claim even two of those things!
pretty sure Putin could measure up although he's a corrupt piece of shit.
interestingly pierre trudeau was a second degree black belt in judo and putin is 5th I believe. Justin also trained in Judo when he was young. He also did some training for a boxing match with a conservative which he won but it didn't look that skillful to be honest.

Main thing I admire about the younger trudeau is his willingness to readjust his course. With his dad, certainly his ballsy attitude. With Pierre Trudeau, no fucks were ever given.


>China now has $1.24 trillion in Treasuries, making it the largest foreign holder of US debt, with Japan close behind at $1.13 trillion dollars

>tim hortons enema
Might actually improve the flavour of that swill

Canadian beer sucks

as a leaffag, i can confirm this.

what do boats and canadian beer have in common?

>they're both close to water.