Best over the counter med to kill yourself with?

Best over the counter med to kill yourself with?

In combination with alcohol obviously.

Thanks Sup Forumsros

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Don't use pills you fucking pussy? What are you a woman in your mid 40s?

I always have nyquil handy, so I'm wondering if chugging a couple bottles w/ alcohol would do it.

Take up wild mushroom eating, carry around a feild guide. Invest in a insurance polocy so people will not be burdened by your death. Text your ex?

Don't weigh that much either.

It looks like stupidity, so it pays out better than suicide.

Will consider. Thanks.

My Ex is a fucking sensitive bitch who still loves me

Fair enough.


Actually you can get a lot of value for blood pressure manipulator from over the counter gas station dick pills.
They have the added benefit of since its a bp thing you either get cardiac arrest or you have a quiver that stalls your heart, both are relatively painless/short.

But reasonably speaking you should probably seek therapy, maybe eat some stuff. Yaknow 4/5 people who commit suicide have low blood sugar the day they do it.

Just... Have a grilled cheese. Cmon man, it's not that bad.

Made me chuckle. Thanks for the tip and the support.

No, not really. Most of OTC medication will cause deep suffering and guaranteed a gastric lavage. Instead plug a hose to the fumes of a car and lock the windows, you will fall asleep and if no one find you in 12-15 minutes you are guaranteed death and you can also drink while doing that and it's super cheap.
A piece of advice if you don't want to leave a mess avoid eating at least the nigh before you do the thing. Find feces and such it's a bit disgusting.

Hard to find the opportunity for this, but I'll definitely keep in mind. 'Thought about this method for a while.

Also have access to benzos regularly. If that'll do anything what kind of dose?

If worse comes to worst I have access to any kind of drug, just a pain in the ass to get.

Y do u want to kill urself dumb bitch

Anxiety disorder ruins my life. Always paranoid as fuck.

Opiates and benzodiazepines.

As a combo?

Do you have any sort of support structure?
A family, friends? Anyone you could talk to without fear that the would hate you for having feelings?

I don't recommend suicde honestly

Yeah I guess, but talking about it makes them overwhelmed. Hate to put that on them, I'm too fucking sensitive with everything. Never want to hurt anyone or anything, unfortunately.

while tempting, killing yourself with pills is not only easy to fuck up but can also be incredibly painful and scary.

Bit vague lol

It's really important that you are alone, benzos have an antidote and it's available in all the hospitals. A good crew of paramedics are able to rescue most of the people who try that. Kill someone with drugs it's harder than most people think, but the worse cases are the ones with a thing called synergy as someone said a combo of opiates and benzos mixed with high volume of strong alcohol are good choice to kill most of the people but the amounts are weight dependent.

Just gobble down a whole bottle of Tylenol PM with some whiskey or other preferred alcohol. You'll fall asleep and not feel a thing. If that doesn't kill you, drink enough alcohol to kill yourself

jump off a tall bridge or building

Well yeah but if someone cares about you they'll output effort to keep you alive.
So long as you weren't raised exclusively by and only befriend narcissists when you get them in a moment and ask, 'hey can i speak about my bad feelings?' and they say, 'yeah I guess.'

when you open up and say you're in pain and you feel like you need help, most people(good people) will try to help you.

Imagine in the only reason you drowned is that you were too scared to reach for the hand that wanted to save you.

You can't continue to hate yourself after youre dead, suicide is the greatest loss for exchange that you(subjective) you can incur.

Step one: Go to local retail or party store and pick up a canister of helium and some duct tape.
Step two: Go to pharmacy and pick up an oxygen mask and tubing to go with it.
Step three: attach tubing to helium container then oxygen mask. Adjust mask over your face so it is comfortable (this is very important). Use duct tape to cover over any holes and were the tube connects to mask and helium tank.
Final Step: Put some nice relaxing music on, put helium tank or nightstand next to your bed, put mask over your face, turn and open valve on tank. Breathe normally and enjoy the music. Shortly you will fall asleep and never wake up. You won't cough or hack like you would with car fumes, you will just nod off before you know it.
####important info######
Don't do this shit were you can be interrupted, if someone shows up in the first few minutes of starting, they could save your life, but you won't know it, since your brain will be even more fucked then the asshole that voted for hillary.

I weigh like 145 pounds. Lost weight cause of circumstances. So I wouldn't need as much as others, I would think.

Very informative, thanks.

I understand that it's essentially a selfish act to insist that a person who has no hope for life to remain alive.

But i feel like most of the people who want to kill themselves dont actually have no hope for the rest of their life, they merely feel that way.

and killing yourself due to some feelings that arent permanent seems like it sucks.

I mean, if everyone were a reasonable person we would all agree that the best thing for everyone is to make everyone as happy as they can be for the amount of time that they get to be alive right?

So like, if you have any chance of being happy for more than half of your remainder of life, you need to reach for it.

Does that shit really work anymore though? There's so many changes in OTC drugs for safety purposes nowadays.

Will consider, but I kind of just don't want to be alive regardless of circumstances. As stupid as that sounds.

You're probably right about some feelings that aren't permanent, but I've done enough of not acting on emotions. I'm just tired, not in the sense of sleepiness.

Dying is bad

o wo

I know that feel..

The not wanting to wake up. The not wanting to eat. The just wanting it all to be over.

But in the end all you are is a brain running an experience.exe
In the end the best thing you can try to do with your life is find happiness within the parameters of your experience.

You have to think that Sisyphus is happy.

Tylenol it's a awful method. liver toxicity it's not an immediate way. Onset it's very later after the ingestion.
100 mg of diazepam plus at least 10 vicodins seems enough to kill anyone, the downside it's that you might puke. An IV access it's the safest and fastest way to die with all the problems that invite.

I'm serious bro

That's it. I've been taking antihistamines and benzos to sleep through day and night for the past two weeks or so.

And I guess so, thanks.

You may just jump off a bridge into water. Smack into the water with all of your speed, and then try and use that body to swim to shore. Not the most pleasant way to go, however. Good luck.

Apparently drowning is a really painful way to go. And I can't even fuckin swim lmao

That's what I thought, which is why I never did so.

And I'll keep it in mind. Thanks.

>people actually recommending suicide methods to the OP instead of offering support.

You faggots are sick in the head.

Don't do it, OP. Seek help immediately.

Ya srsly wtf


Most people on here are hahah, which is why it's my first place to turn on this subject.

I've seeked help in the past, but it's all non sense to me at this point. All a cycle. Thanks for the support though.

When you think about it, I'm some guy posting on an anonymous message board about suicide methods. You can see why there's no sympathy. I don't blame anyone.

Thought about this a lot, how do I ensure I break my neck?

> not gonna sit there for a long period of time and suffocate willingly

this is really sound advise

He want to kill himself, let him. His fucking life ya cunt.
Hell, for 50 bucks and six pack i'd assist him.

You anywhere near Canada, Ontario? Lmao

I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in how to advise you about this. In fact, most people say I'm cold as fuck and lack empathy, but you shouldn't do this. Call a suicide hotline. Go to meetings for people that are going through the same issues as you are. You will meet new people, people that think alike. Trust me.

please dont take your own life. I dont know how deep you must be to even consider that, but there have been so many people who just like you contemplated suicide, and they did not do it anyway, and their life actually did become worth living. Please dont visit toxic sites like this that only encourage your negative thought proces. Its bad for you. Seek help in the areas where people are genuinely concerned for your well being. I hope you read this. As a person who is actually genuinely concerned for you: please dont do it and seek professional help...

Any cns depressant. In many places codeine is found in tablets with apap. Take a bunch of them (2-3g worth of codeine) and perform a cold water extraction (simple and quick). If you survive this you're a strong one

Thanks mate

this is probably the least painful way to go. its called inert gas asphyxiation.


Thanks :^) Doubt my body would be able to handle it.

3 hours from the canadian border. I don't drink and drive, so I would have to have 60 bucks instead.


Is anyone really genuinely concerned for the well being of others? Or just say so to make them feel good about themselves.

Don't mean to offend you.

holy shit u people r fucked

Ya, simple and easy, and because you literally just fall asleep you don't tend to change your mind at the last minute. Also, if you live in a house with anyone you care about, put some plastic under you or a tarp so it's easier to clean up.

No access.

fully agree. Thanks for mking sense.

Go out with a bang and kill someone that the world hates, then die by cops so you will go down in history, not as some faggot with some pills.

No offence taken mate. I realise some people are born with a neurological predisposition that causes them to be less empathic to others than is considered the norm. I myself am pretty much the contrary of that, and I always feel highly empathic and concerned for others. This often puts me in a disadvantage, because I am somewhat limited by morals where other people are not, but its a limitation I am proud to have. I easilsy put myself in other peoples shoes and feel concern in their place. So a post like this concerns me. It doesnt really have anything to do with making me feel good about myself *primarily*, although egoistic motivations are always a certain drive in human behaviours. One cannot escape from that fact.

Ehhhhhh, don't take someone else's life

Op, you want to kill yourself then so be it. I'm sure you've thought about it a lot. Whether you do it or not is up to you mang. I know the feel

The idea isnt that bad.

NyQuil is dxm and acetaminophen the former will make you trip balls the latter will fuck your liver it will kill you but slowly and painfully. Just drink your self to death if your going that rout.

fag detected

my vote is for Hillary Clinton

Ah, Camus.

Im going to do one last post on this, because I dont wnat to leave without atleast trying my best. OP, please seek help, and do not come back to this website. Most people here are miserable and they enjoy seeing other people miserable because it gives them a feeling they are not alone. Exclude toxicity from your life. It is a scientific fact social life and physical health makes you happier. If ou have no social life, visit groups where you can meet people with similar issues. Talk about what you are suffering from with other people in real life, especially talk to your loved ones if you have any. You will not be a burden - the idea that you are a burden to people is a symptom of depression, which is exactly the issue you have to resolve. You can solve that problem. Try to form bonds. Slowly but surely, one step at a time. When a computer crashes, switching it off is only a solution because you can switch it back on again. Suicide is just an off switch. It solves absolutely nothing. You may think it will take the pain away, but you will be dead, so you will not be aware that the pain is away, meaning the pain wont be away at all. A state of painlessness requires consciousness. Think about it. Try it the other way. There have been plenty of cases of succes stories. I hope you will choose for life, and come out better for it.

Oh no, no no. Eating 8 grams of tylenol will cause your liver to literally implode and you will die in deep agony due thanks to excruciating abdominal pain

I prescribe you a gun my good sir