ITT: members of the Trump cult

ITT: members of the Trump cult














It makes so much sense now.




1 pic, faggot? I can go all day.


You seem to be forgetting a few, OP. I'll help you out.



A few more for you. My my aren't they barbaric?

Someone's gotta pick the cherries. Thanks the bump.

Clearly a bunch of southern hicks

What is Photoshop

That's rich coming from someone picking only the nastiest, fattest motherfuckers he can find. We're both picking if anything.


now find some that aren't getting paid.

fake ass orange skinned bleach teethed sluts with no college degrees? try harder


I support Trump.

Left is uggo. Right is passable, but just.

Just wanted to say I appreciate your thread OP

For you

I'll take Stars-and-Bars rebel yelling red neck hillbillies over body-modded pastel-haired arrentionsexual Starbucks revolutionary triggerducks any day. I'm a spic.

I see dumb people.

But they don't know they're dumb. That's the problem.

white trash, scum of the earth, illiterate retards

the GOP base is a disgrace for the human race
