Good old fashioned facebook cringe thread

Good old fashioned facebook cringe thread

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bump. i dont have anything to contribute like a fucking cunt. but I will be here for the laughs


I've got a few
fucking captchas








I never really got this one. I always thought she just wasn't happy with herself in that particular photo, as her profile picture clearly shows him in it as well.










One more for Jesus

just put them into one image
open mspaint and paste them

what? those aren't the same guys. they're obviously both from the same school formals. doesn't mean he's in her pic too

>tfw your photoshop skillz will never get you pussy.

This guy slaps your gf 's ass very hard.

u do it!

I always figured it was a group photo, like of a particular class and he happened to be standing next to her in it; then cropped everyone else out but them two and posted it.

Is....this even real?


fake and gay. police dude clearly took a pic of this retard mlp fag and made up the story

SOMEONE give me that chicks fb name >>WILL DELIVER

not jewbook but stilll chinec


what the fuck


This has a deviantart that is THE goldmine for cringe. I forget the handle tho.

Post this pic on your FB and report back results.

>"they will make you a first person shooter"

good god please tell me this is fake
i've cringed so hard i'm hyperventilating



fucking legend

Some OC

>play a walk on part
>Welcome to the Machine

This bitch listens to too much Pink Floyd.

Callie is redpilled af

I'd watch it

Ok, what the fuck did I just read?

Confirmed fake. Why the fuck would a cop be on /mlp/ in the first place, or take a picture of an autistic fat brony?

i love it

Does anyone have the FB troll post that sounds familiar to this below?? I saw it once on here a couple years ago.

Picture is titled something like How To Troll Facebook

Some girl posts an new profile pic on FB. First comment for the pic is "the troll", and he says "you're an ugly bitch" (or something).
Next guy responds to the first guy that commented and says something like "fuck you, bitch".
Then the troll removes his comment.
Now it looks like the 2nd guy is telling the actual girl "fuck you, bitch"
SHE then reads it and cusses his ass out, thinking he was responding to her ONLY.
Everyone else also starts cussing him out also.

It was mint, but I can't find it now.

Not cringe.


hahahahahahaahaahhha!!1!! rofl lmao xDDD

You are a GOD! Thanks Sup Forumsro

That's the one!

I'm saving it this time.

anyone have the one where this guy messages a girl on FB or posts on her status or something and starts cringely roleplaying like *sips mountain dew* and the girl's not having any of it. Thats my favorite one



Just by taking a look here

Someone shoop seriouscat on his face

hell yeah, thanks Sup Forumsro

Mom is so fucking redpilled. She doesn't deserve af retarded gay as a son.

Jesus Christ

What's that supposed to prove?

Sauce nibba

pity him

Dudes got so much mass he bends space around him.

gotta give him props, at least he fooled one dumb bitch


Fucking topkek


I actualslllyly have a bunch of oc to post, gotta go find this dudes Facebook. It's a fuckin goldmine

sell your body

wow who the fuck's sense of humor is so bad that they don't get the joke

Naw she just look like a character from the sims 2

lay him the fuck out just for fun

Woah, that is totally zany

Look like a fucking CGI character.

Ok dumping, there's a LOT more (pretty much every post this guy has made for at least the last three years) but I want to try to find the conversations between him and Spencer. The girl was clearly trolling him and the poor guy is desperate :(






>Alright... so I guess I'll just stop by to see if you're home

fucking hell



I never got it either. How can she not know a thieving, lying fat jew always has ulterior motives.




No, it's just retards doing their thing.

Are you retarded?

Not facebook cringe but god fucking damn.


Why is this cringe? Just because it's FNAF? It's pretty decently animated.

These threads are autism on both sides. You retards get off on cringing, how fucking cringe worthy is that?



And you're complaining on Sup Forums about what people like to watch, how fucking cringe worthy is that?