Hello, Sup Forums. I live in Russia, and I have a birthday today. Congratulate me

Hello, Sup Forums. I live in Russia, and I have a birthday today. Congratulate me.

And I want to kraft a folding hydrofoil kayak, then to float on it on the Volga. I needed aluminum pipes and some tools for this. Give me some money to them: paypal.me/nugopaxa

I'll bump photos which I did.

I'm very sorry that you live in Russia.

What is it like?

>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 2 MB

Not as bad as it might seem.

Can you speak English?

Very bad.

Here and now I use Google translator.

River Akhtuba.

River Volga. On the other side you can see the city of Volgograd, it also used to be called Stalingrad.

Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station.

Lenin. Volzsky sity.

Architecture Corbusier.



happy birthday товарищ i hope you've had a good day so far

Goby fish.


An open-air museum of military engineering machinery.

My father holds a pile of cats.






i have a cat myself

In the United States the night now?


yes, I live in California so the time is 10:11 in the night

My budgerigar and pancakes(no, it's not pancakes, it,s bliny).



is this your first time on Sup Forums?

do you have a steam profile?

this op, do you?

but i only play csgo


No. I pirate on a torrent, and rarely play games.

oh ok friend
nice try fag

Is it easy to pirate stuff there?

no u

what rank

unranked, I wanna find people to queue with on comp
pretty much the only reason i dont play comp


sent ;)

Hm. What is meant by the "stuff"?

don't 404 on me

do you have more pictures?


Shiiit. They blocked my paypal.




Do it though. You know you want to.