Whats the best advice you've ever gotten on girls? it could be about anything, just make it good advice

Whats the best advice you've ever gotten on girls? it could be about anything, just make it good advice.

you never know when you may have to use an atomic leg drop so be ready ~~my father


can't trust them, bitches will take you for a ride then have you paying for 18+ years.

Do what makes you happy.

That's it.

they're not that much different from men. unless they're crazy.

fuck bitches, get money

They're all crazy.

the best way to lose a girl is to let you know you like her.

Be confident and don't catch feeling faggot

Don't let her know you like her first. Ever. Unless you're sure, then let her know as fast as possible and tell her you liked her from the second you saw her.

this tbh, always this. remember this and apply this until you're 30

Never put your dick in crazy

Be funny. It will get you someone who likes your humor

nope. never let her know. ever. keep her on her toes. make her feel like she could lose you at any moment. that's the key to a long lasting relationship in the 21st century.

(1/2) This thread has potential, so I'll partake.

Some of the best advice I've gotten comes from someone who I literally cannot remember. They stated that women love the three "C"s. Compliments, communication, and cunnilingus. Not sure how good of advice that is, but if you really, really go hard on flattering a woman, they do seem to respond. Mainly because they've been taught/programmed/brainwashed since an extremely early age that they are princesses -- and that their hero will be dopily head-over-heels for them. Also, in a sense, it makes perfect sense that you should choose someone who really, really likes you, rather than someone who really, really dislikes you. Meaning: If someone literally doesn't like you -- you will literally NEVER be in a relationship with them. I'm not talking about pretending to dislike someone to be with someone, I'm just talking about logic.


the less you give a shit, the more they'll want you.
be confident and don't put pussy on a pedestal

trips is truth

Be an asshole. There are two "styles" that are supernaturally effective for making a connection with people.
With men: talk about what they like to talk about and really listen to them. Dale Carnegie disseminated that one
With women: act like an asshole. The hotter the woman, the higher her threshold for withstanding and enjoying asshole behavior. Tone it down when you're around a girl who has lower self-esteem though

(2/2) Next, some advice from me. Convince women you love them. If you really want a girl, you may very well "love" her anyway -- but whether or not you're in it for a short-term fling or a long-term romance: Convince them that they're EVERYTHING you've ever wanted. They are goddesses, they are perfect in your eyes, et cetera. This tactic has worked very well for me (not very attractive or successful in a financial sense) -- and I've gotten women way out of my league many times before. I always end up fucking it up or becoming bored, but the love/fascination method has worked wonders for me.

Three, the typical "treat them badly" method. All the player bullshit, red-pill bullshit aside -- Women literally are programmed to be attracted to alpha males and their behavior. So, if you AREN'T an alpha male -- you can sometimes pass as having their qualities by being a playful/rude/condescending asshole. Women are attracted to that for many reasons other than simply liking alpha males. One reason is, it immediately shows them that you won't become clingy, stalker-like, or a possible ACTUAL danger to them. Women like when a guy acts DIFFERENTLY than the (many) other guys who try the very beginner phase of romance (typically being very, very nice, buying flowers, et cetera). I know this is counter to my "love them deeply" technique, but honestly it's different for each situation and each woman. If you DO try both, always try the "love" tactic first, because then your last ditch effort of being an asshole can sometimes reel them back in because they may question their original judgement of you as being a nice guy. If you're an asshole first and they reject you, it'll be amazing if you can somehow come back as a "lover."

Don't take any advice from girl about other girls. You will hear what they would like to hear but not what will eventually work.

Get a prenup and if possible get her to sign a contract saying she'll abort any child put in her

This this this this this this this this. Everything else in the thread is irrelevant because everything else was all beta nonsense.

>always remember women want sex just as much as men
>confidence but not fake. Just ask like you would around your dog
>fuck their opinions they're a dime a dozen. Don't be shook if someone says no. Don't mope, move the fuck on. Plenty of bitties in the sea
>redheads are legit crazy. Good in sack tho.

Women are like busses. You get on one and enjoy they ride for a while. see some good things and have a nice time. When the ride gets bumpy get off the bus and wait for another one. Because there is always another one coming.

taking care of the first impression a girl you're interested in has of you is important, but never repress who you are with her because that doesn't work in the long run

lotta virgins posting itt

Just treat them like anyone else, there's no secret. If you believe there is or follow any stupid rules it will be obvious as fuck. Just treat them like any dude.


As far as that advice goes, it sounds like a different set of "C"s. Cuck, cuck and cuck. Going head over heels for them and playing the hero will get you walked all over in no time flat, and she will grow to hate and disrespect you in ways you can't imagine. Women are like dogs and children, they NEED to have structure. They might outwardly fight back against it but inside they crave the kind of discipline only a strong and competent man can give them. Of course, if you're a beta this will never work so you might as well orbit her with compliments but in that case, you're probably better off alone. Have some self respect, bro.

son, they ain't called bitches for nuthin'
- user's dad

thanks, femanon, but you wouldn't ask a deer how to hunt

Most girls I've met prefer getting fucked to getting off via oral.

is my IP range still banned? I'm tethering my GoPhone.

Talk to them normally, they're people like you and me. Anything you have ever thought about there is a chance said girl has probably thought about too (when it comes to mainstream topics or common topics). Worried about cheating girls? Fuck that thought out of your head, that is something you can't see coming so don't worry about it or you'll mentally fuck yourself over. My father had told me to just buckle up and enjoy the ride as best as possible cause you just simply can't control girls to your will (not yet at least or unless they're dom/sum fetishers)

Fucking this man, I wish someone would have told me this earlier.

trips have spoken, may the truth be heard yall faggots

never leave a woman in charge of anything

I guess not. The best advice I've ever gotten is that texts and messages on social media or emails are ONLY for meeting up. you write something like "I'm going to [wherever] later if you want to meet me there, I'll buy you lunch afterward.' or somethinbg like that. For example "I'm going to walk at the park around 10am if you want to meet me there, I'll but you lunch at Panera bread afterward." and then say nothing else. or "I'm going shopping and Target later if you want to meet me there and I'll buy you dinner afterwars." bitches love Target.

underated post

A long-lasting, sustainable relationship can be had with the three "C"s I mentioned. I know because I've achieved it several times. You are right about what you said, but it is always situational. Some women literally want a nonthreatening guy. Some women are completely turned off by a nonthreatening guy. It's generally the truth that women want a "man." Not a boy, not a girl, not a wimp, but a "man." That definition may vary in the world of liberalism, but a man is someone who can fight, earn money, and won't let a woman walk all over him. You are very right. Hence, my other options I listed...

>let you know you like her
Better yet, being this retarded.

i like this

It's just a numbers game for every 9 that wont fuck you. Theirs 1 that will.

can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em

user, you have to be 18 to post here.

Also dont be afraid to call them 'Hot stuff' or 'sexy'. "Hey hot stuff! I'm going bowling this evening if you want to meet me there. I'm buying and will buy the beers too!" or "Hey sexy! I'm going to the mall to look at a new jacket if you want to come with. I could use a woman opinion anyway. I'll buy you lunch there afterwards."

Advice? What the fuck are you some underage virgin or something?

Too bad you don't have to know English.

dont get it from Sup Forums

yea too bad. you sure got me.

no good advice
none of its ever worked

The point being, you're alreadyn planning on doing something and are inviting her along, instaead of not doing anything at all if she doesn't want to go with you.

Give them gummy bears during their period trust me they'll love you.

smile, look em in the eye and work out, that's all that really works

Bitches ain't nothin' but tricks and hoes.

there's no point in using a condom if you're gonna cum outside

Hol' up.

If the girl thinks you dont give two fucks about her, why would she try to get you?

(3/2) Last piece of advice. This is kind of a total theory/gameplan I've used very successfully. Almost too successfully.

Talk to as many women as possible, with NO real set "gameplan" whatsoever. Get numbers, get contact information, get e-mails, get skypes, get instagrams, just churn. It really is a numbers game. I haven't crunched the data, but a quick math tells me that out of every 4,000 women I've met, I've gotten sex from at least two. Out of that 4,000, most are literally just passers-by, not actual conversations whatsoever.

My point is: There are too many variables to pretend like a system can work on a specific woman. No matter how perfect she may be, she could already have a guy that is literally better than you; thus, she would never do anything with you. There are some moderate/normal-looking girls out there who not only can please you in ways you never thought possible, but who can actually end up becoming better-looking than you could have imagined if you simply stick with them long enough. (This has happened to me and she ended up leaving me because I was a jerk while I was the "better" one.)

Just keep going and going until you find a hot, insecure girl who loves you because you somehow work for her or you find a "normal"-looking girl who actually satisfies you on a deeper level (and a sexual level, because she isn't a prude or she'll do things you actually want, like oral). Just keep going and going until you build a network of women you can pick from. I'm not saying cheat or be a player, just have more options rather than zero options. Trust me... it works.

Don't take advice from Sup Forums

~Sup Forums


She won't, unless you're actually somehow in her "range." Meaning, you actually look somewhat decent and you're in her age-range. Then she may actually be curious as to why you're not like the "other" guys who always want her so badly. So, she'll actually show you attention, to try to gain attention.

Fucking a woman and NOT shooting your full load into her pussy is NOT a foolproof way of not getting her pregnant. Precum can get a woman pregnant.

Because you don't give two fucks.

That is, you obviously cannot be a full autist. Do stuff like shoot a quick glance in her direction sometime, accidentally brush against her on your way out of class or whatever, but don't overdo it. Acknowledge the fact that she exists, but barely.


You are always in shit, It's just the Depth that varies.

If you like a girl and want a shot with her, act like the opposite is true around her. Yes, it sounds completely retarded (and it absolutely is) but I wish I would have realized it sooner.

Most all of them are just basically overgrown children. Never take anything they say seriously. They dont know what they want. They might think they do. But they dont

1 piece of info bro

They will never think for themselves, they always see themselves in 3rd person constantly judging themselves to compete with other bitch(only they are allowed to judge themselves LOL) every girl in society is constantly projecting

This world is made to make real autists, social masters and "autists" disconnected

Everywhere i go im always identified as true man, because I disregard their emotional atratchments to things i know you dont have to feel that way but these woman wonder. This is how low and retarded this world is.

No, just an over-age one....

you sound a bit acoustic

Hahaha acoustic

If you don't wear condoms there is always a chance you could become a dad


Kek. I see wut u did thar

But. How?

Remember the Dennis system. Works all the time.

Never love a woman that doesn't love you more than you love her

Jerk off...jerk off before you make any decision regarding woman and youll see the clarity it brings.

The trutru

when I was a young user my grandmother offered me priceless advice that she had gained over her many decades of life on this planet. I rememember like it was yesterday. I was in first grade and she asked me if I had a girlfriend. I am sure it was just a test to make sure that I wasnt a fag. I told her that I did even though a girlfriend at that age just meant that you sat by a girl at lunch instead of your buddies. When I told her that I did have a girlfriend, she smiled and told me, and I quote, "If you ever hit a woman and she stays or comes back, then she is yours forever"
>meemaw was right as usual

Betamax dad.

My gf has 20+ close friends. Most are hot, like one or two are under 9/10. All live in LA NY or SF so these are actual hot women. No lies here, scouts honor. My point is I spend a lot of time around hot single women, I'd love to fuck all of them many times.
All of them worry about what guys think of them. All of them seem desperate most of the time. All of them feel lonely and want to find a man. Most of them lack confidence.
Do with this info what you want. It's the truth.


"If a girl breaks your heart, bang ten other girls then see if you still feel sad."

never miss innie

thats true. Tv, movies, fashion models, and porn have made even the hottest of civilian chicks extremely self conscious. They find flaws in themselves that our male asses dont even notice. Dont get me wrong, a 10/10 knows that she is the shit. 9/10 and less have serious esteem problems
>I have gotten laid more by telling an average looking girl with a great body that she is "pretty" more than any other trick in the bag. You tell a girl that she is pretty and she will drool from both sets of lips. Not hot. Not fine. Not sexy. PRETTY. Shit works every time. Try it

wotm8? my pops told me same thing


Same as the best advice I've gotten for life. Just don't care. Whatever happens happens, and all you can control is what you put your efforts into and your reactions to life happening around you. Other than that, everything is out of your control.


nah, I'm good

Depends on what you're looking for. Is your just trying to fuck, then don't care about their feelings.

Someone told me when I was teen, "females just want to be heard, understood, know that you're there to listen".

>1997-2000 fucked married women older than me
>2001 girl begged to give me head
>2003 Had 3 girlfriends at once
>2004-2005 side chick
>2014-2016 fucked a divorcee
>2016 fucked a gorgeous neighbor
>2016 had it on with a total stranger
>2017 fucked a happily married local politician
>2017 blowjob from married stranger

>Someone told me when I was teen, "females just want to be heard, understood, know that you're there to listen".

Fuck you, Brad Pitt, your advice is useless to us.

1000% this.

>As far as that advice goes, it sounds like a different set of "C"s. Cuck, cuck and cuck.

Why Brad Pitt? And why useless?

It's gold... take it, it's yours.

I'm 35, BELIEVE me what I'm talking about. You don't have to really listen to them, or give a fuck. Just, pretend, do follow ups, and have a good memory (this, believe me).

don't marry the most beautiful girl or one you like even a shred more than she like you. marry the one who isn't the prettiest. marry the one who will be obsessed about you. more trust. more loyalty. better in the long run.