What happens when you take an entire box of this stuff?

What happens when you take an entire box of this stuff?


You die. I went on a vacation with friends and my friend tried to kill herself by taking a box. She was in the hospital the whole trip.

Has op dieded?

wtf tell me you're joking

Tell me you weren't so much of an idiot to consume a whole fucking box

What makes you high in Benadryl is DPH. You can buy straight DPH (sleeping pills) from Wal-Mart.

Never understood why retards take Benadryl to get high as it has other ingredients that will seriously harm your kidneys and you can buy the stuff that makes you high seperately.


Did she end up passing? :(

She lived because we got her to the hospital within an hour of her taking it.

an entire box?

I'll tell you exactly what happens... you puke your fucking brains out. You might live to be hungover the next day... but yeah your stomach is kinda like a magic gate keeper. When it finds something it cant stomach it pushes it back out.

Get ready to puke OP. and fucking get over yourself. Pussy.

clear sinus happens

It's true. I used to get high off DPH regulary back in 2012. I've never been the same and I regret it every day of my life.

You turn into this guy.

Have fun with the shadow people

Yeah, you literally hallucinate, not trip, not like LSD or psilocybin

You fucking see things that aren't there

I took about 4g of the stuff a few weeks ago and ended up in the hospital. Dying isn't as painful as you would think.

Yeah its more of a delirium then a trip. You hallucinate so hard that you cant tell the difference between reality and hallucination.

How so? I've been taking it regularly save a few days for the past month or so.

i enjoy it, most people hate it. have been doing it for quite a few years. am on it rightnow also

Dry mouth of EPIC proportions.
It's hard to say since it varies by person.
I take hardly any drugs and it doesn't phase me a bit. Friend that's into major drugs takes just one pill and it knocks him the fuck out.

spiders lots of spiders