Hey Sup Forumsros

Hey Sup Forumsros,

I need some advice. Im early thirties, and I've been having an affair with a married woman at work. She and I both love our spouses, but both of us got emotionally invest in each other over time.

Long story short, we've been having sex for a few months now. We've also tried, unsuccessfully, to stop spending time together, being intimate, etc.

Last night she sent me this snap chat. We were going to meet up today, but she didn't come to work at all.

Any thoughts, ideas, etc?

Hopefully she went to get an abortion.

ok so she doesn't fuck her spouse unprotected at all? or anyone else?

Face up to your mistake and take responsibility for your actions.

kill that shit or ditch the wife

Push her down the stairs


Did you actually fucking tell you over snapchat? That's degenerate as fuck lol


Jesus can't control abortion machines, yet

You're a fucking moron.

She has sex with her husband, but shes never gotten preggo before. Also, she is on the pill, too.

Coat service anybody?

Yes, she did. I asked her why she didn't message me, she said she couldn't type it out.

Also, her husband was home.

Sounds like it's not your fucking kid

Abortions are cheap, they cost like 300 in most states. That's the obvious answer

If she has sex with her husband, just tell her to have unprotected sex with her husband and he can raise the kid.

You can leave your spouses and raise the kid

You can hire someone to beat up her womb, if you work with her and such, you must know her path home and to work. However, if you do hire someone, make sure it's a theft as well as a beating, as to not make it obvious.

You can poison her, their are many drugs that can cause a miscarriage

>Trusting a bitch to be responsible.
>Not using a condom

I see the problem here.

talk to her and figure out what she wants to do, and what the chances are its the spouse's

also, you're both fucking scum

ahahahaaa you stupid fuck

it was definitely fate then

get both of your spouses together and let them know the two of you are leaving them, because you can't make up fate ..or coincidences...

>both fucking scum
this is why they need to be together

maybe their spouses can hook up...win win?

I hope both you and her die, cheating scum

abortion is a sin.

The way that we got attached is she and I had sort of worked out a swap with her husband and my wife. We were supposed to have dinner and get acquainted, but my wife got cold feet.

She and I kept spending time together.

I'll actually give you a hand here OP, I'm in a good mood.
DO NOT sign anything, NOTHING. That child is NOT yours until paternity test proves otherwise. DO NOT stress about it.
It's not yours. Alright? Alright. Demand a paternity test.

If she wants to keep the little alien that is. If she gets an abortion then all is fine.

Well OP, you are an idiot. You are also the scum of the earth, so get fucked.

But adultery isn't...right?...

Underrated 5/7

Could be the hubby's.

Is he white and you a nigger/spic/jew, user?

She's in for some fun 'splainin if so and she keeps.

Thanks! Shes not... as "moral" as many. So, she seems to think she will "miscarry".

well, they'll be prepared for the good news then

Hopefully when the husband finds out he offs you and his wife.

the adultery cancels out the abortion

Why's that? The hard part for me is that now I want to be with her more than ever.

You know somewhere out there, a conservacuck is thinking this

God damn you're a cunt chasing bitch.

>both love our spouses
Been fucking around on our spouses....hmmm something don't add up here....

>I want to be with her more than ever
you already know the answer

she leaves her husband, you leave your wife, you get remarried and raise the child and if you're really, really fortunate, one day in the distant future you'll discover the kid isn't yours...or the ex-husband's

Don't bring logic to a retard user.

He's thinking with his dick.

He doesn't know what love and commitment are.

I hope so.

Nah, I've been married for a very long time, she's the first person I've ever been addicted to, in every way.

Shes not a slut - Im her second. I also have kids with my wife, she does not.

Someone dump the contraction tea infographics

She is a slut. She's cheating on her husband with a fucking retard like you.

You both are degenerates.

You're fucked.

Will add, don't care about you or her cheating just don't claim to be in love with someone you cheat on, if you actually loved the person you are with you wouldn't be fucking around so end that shit and let your dick lead you where it may.

>she is on the pill, too.
the pill is pretty much impossible to accidentally be preggo on if you follow the rules.

she skipped some pills and thought it would be fine.

>Shes not a slut - Im her second

Jej. This nigga will believe anything.

Can missing a single dose do that, or would it take a few days?

lol...she is so going to turn you away, abort the mistake, and stay with her husband after you've already burned the bridge that was your family...your kids are going to fucking hate you lol

How old is she OP?

>She's on the pill
She's not a slut

>I also have kids with my wife, she does not.
I...would..hope not...?

Hey look at the bright side, now you don't need to wear protection anymore. Fuck her to your hearts desires, then get it aborted

Shes 27

missing one dose can technically fuck you up, but the more you miss the more likely it is.
the packet fucking tells you 'if you miss a pill don't have unprotected sex for x days after'

women in general are pretty shit at keeping track of their birth control. live with one for a while and you realise they're skipping days all over hte place and thinking it's going to be fine.


OP here, gatta be honest. I literally cannot stop sucking dick, am a huge faggot. We can /thread

Friendly reminder to men: Women are degenerate pieces of shit that WILL cheat on you and ruin your life.

Don't get married.

Might as well go the next step and keep getting her pregnant and use the forming babies as birth control and keep getting abortions.

So do men, apparently....now whats your point dipshit?

Interesting - thanks for the heads up.

Or have the babies and form a baby fight club... profit?

Oh you rascal

OP why not just tell your wife? I'm sure she'd understand I mean you love each other right?

What the fuck are you talking about?


No, men don't cheat. Retards like OP cheat.

Don't marry wymyn. They are devils.

What's wrong with this bitches fingers? Or is that a pregnancy test for ants?

your fucked

Kill yourself, you degenerate.

That's a real solution.

Those are her thighs dumbass

Holy shit if that's her, ditch the wife and lock that down. Holy shit that body, any more?

>75% of divorces initiated by women
>false rape claims
>financial divorce rape
>muh child support

Well I mean it was a real solution to my current boredom..

>being THIS retarded

abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort abort

Thats her legs. Shes holding it up, her hands to the left.


I still think secret babies leading to a baby fight club would be your best option for profit here op.

This is why I never want a relationship. You simply can't trust anyone these days to rationally thinking instead of animalisticly instinctive. Thanks for the increased paranoia op. If you really loved your wife, you wouldn't have fucked another set of holes.


My wifes pretty hot, too, but shes latina.

post full body pics OP

this is fake af. real threads like this the op does more than just post pics


>is on Sup Forums
>acts morally riouteous

my wife is also hot


Not really. It's more or less my little rant about life. I feel like doing it in the form of an anonymous shitpost is helpful.

Thats the hard part. I'm nervous as fuck that we will have to do that. I've never been for it, still am not, but not sure what other choice there is.

Time to bounce my nigga.

This thot done tricked yo ass, she pregnant by her husband but she tryin get at yo paper too.

Have your homies tell this thot that you was shot and arrested in mexico. Buy some hair dye to fix the DNA leash.

And then bounce for a minute.

Could be a false positive. She should take another 5 tests just to be sure.

Meh, still faggotry

Neep neep neep neeep nyeeeep

You should be nervous that she WON'T have an abortion, girls love drama.

There is no way she will agree, she is having twins.

tell her to prove it was you and then get out of town while you still got time

Just come clean. Literally what is stopping you from doing that?

It's YOUR baby you realize that right?


Holy shit man wtf is wrong with you?

This guy's right. You have to murder her now.


Yeah, got the feeling it was. Still helps me tho.

I've heard you can get false negs, but not positives?

I have a family of my own already.

I agree


hey op be a cool dude and post some nudes, nigger