Would any of you commit suicide if you suddenly became permanently blind?

Would any of you commit suicide if you suddenly became permanently blind?


No... would be some opportunity to reorientate. Music and literature would be my new topics I guess...

yes, vidya, computers, movies and shows are 99 percent of my life. i already have bad eye site and it's to the point i get terrified if i can't find my glasses. why ask OP?

I've always been curious what people's answers would be. Sight is my most beloved sense as I am sure it is for most. I'm not sure I'd be able to live without it.

I'd become Stevie Wonder.

Nope. Not being able to play most video games would suck ass, but my hearing would get sharper and listening to music is my biggest hobby.

Meh, i don't think i would. Not that much important for me, i don't know.
I'm rather afraid to be deaf than being blind.

It would suck for sure, but i'd never have to work again and i could learn to play guitar or something.

nah blind dudes get alot of pussy i hear

it depends on the cause of the blindness... if it was like a natural shit... probably not... if it was for a stupid mistake I did, and I totally could avoid doing... man... probably I'll

by now you can keep being an asshat


basically all my enjoyment is from vidya so probably

I want to commit suicide every day, but my dead wife made me promise her that I would try to be happy no matter what happened.

I'd rather be blind than the autistic fucktard I am.


I'd rather be blind any day

Btw, do blind people see patterns when they take e.g. LSD? If they do, I'd make that my new hobby until I go full maniac and then I'd an hero.

I had Iritis for 2 weeks(before I saw a doctor)
I thought it was allergies because i never seen it before. My eyes were bloodshot and they were painful to touch a little.
The doctor said i should be lucky because i could of woken up one day and would of been blind by the inflammation.
I am stuck with permanent symptoms though. Extreme light sensitivity, eye floaters, i see double of light and i have spots in my eyes that are blind.

If I am to go blind in the future from the scar tissue on my retina causing a macular pucker/retinal detachment, yes i would 100% kill myself.

Heard they do. But not sure.

yes. but people with locked in syndrome, who could not commujnicate with the outside world, when we were abel to read their minds (for real, look it up), all of them said dont kill me. they were happy. so maybe after a few days of screaming, id find a way to live.

No, just endure 10-20 years and get implants, I'm still in my prime.

Would you still want to eat pussy if you were blind?