So then

Which team
Would Win in a Fight?

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flash can travel back in time and kill all of them when they were babies :)

Superman and Flash alone would completely annihilate those Avenger cucks.

avengers would get raped, but it doesnt matter since they rape DC in the box office.

And what makes them cucks you cock? Oh, that's right, you're insecurity and small-town mindedness


Too bad his speedforce doesn't work in the MCU :->)

Scarlett Witch and Flash are the most powerful ones. The rest don't even come close.

How much prep time does Batman get though?

DC has worst written characters, so they'll win.

Marvel would create a new hero named "Martha Man" and win.

If the Justice League gets a Superman and The Flash, the the Avengers deserves a Molecule Man. It's only fair

superman has superman so superman

We havent seen Flash in the movies yet. It's really just Supes, WW, and bats vs the Avengers

Superman, WW, and Bats would have trouble taking down vision, hulk, and wanda for sure. Also based off the movies, Tony would be able to solo bats without bats having months of prep

Justice League whoops the dogshit out of every Marvel team with the exception of maybe the Annihilators.

On the other hand, for movie teams, Doomsday is basically the Hulk with a Kryptonite weakness. So I don't even know in that case. Without the kryptonite they probably wouldn't have won that fight in BvS.


>being a butthurt manchild

Maybe you stay on Sup Forums then kiddo.

>Marvel team
If you count all of Marvel, DC would have a rough time beating them. Removing cosmic entities that don't spend most of their time or weren't born on Earth, Marvel has heavy hitters like WPotC, Adult Franklin, HoM Wanda, RK Thor, etc

where's Ant Man and Doctor Strange, fag?

Doc Strange solos, but let's say he just focuses on Flash.

Hulk soles the rest after flash, but let's say he handles Superman.

Thor or Scarlet Witch solos the rest after that, but let's say he/she focuses only on WW.

Thor or Scarlet still around and solos once again, but let's say they focus on Aquaman.

Spiderman solos the rest from there, but lets say he focuses on Cyborg.

that leaves Batman. the rest of the Avengers feel bad for Widow so they let Widow take care of him. :)

>+more of them
>+ Scarlet Witch and Hulk

>+Superman is a OP motherfucker that really gives 2 shits about the death and destruction he causes in a battle
>according to how bullshit you wanna get with Batman he could quite possibly cancel out Hawkeye, Black Widow, and/or Ironman
>but we haven't seen Aquaman, Cyborg, or Flash really get to shine with their bullshit yet

I'm a Marvelfag, but DC would win I mean the only ones on Marvel's side that can put up a challenge are Hulk, Scarlet Witch and Hulk. Maaaybe Quicksilver if he was there, but Flash is still faster.

prep time isn't a power. and they all get the same amount.

Hawkeye kills Batman within seconds

Just correcting, I meant Hulk, Scarlet Witch and Thor.

But isnt superman dead?

Movie Widow doesn't have the feats to beat Benman

Replace MCU Quicksilver with FOX Quicksilver and Avengers stomp. Nigga is OP as fuck in X-Men Apocalypse

Okay, sorry to crush you nerds but the Justice League would kick their asses.
Not because of the Flash or SuperCuck
It will be because of Batman and Batman alone, Batman wins every fight there is no argument.
But without Batman Avengers would probably win.

I mean..Franklin alone is more than enough

>Hawkeye kills Batman within seconds
Yeah, no.

Vision? Doctor Strange? Ant Man?

I mean you're using the entire team for DC already, don't be a bitch.

>Wonder Woman
>Aqua Man
>a human


>Doctor Strange
>Scarlet Witch

Marvel wins every time. Batman first dead.

In terms of strength Justice League is OP. Only Thor, Scarlet Witch, and Hulk could stand a chance.

On power level alone WPotC > Adult Franklin, but yeah you're right.

I'm inclined to believe this, honestly. Batman has a phenomenal track record of always being prepared for the best and the worst, and thinking quickly on his feet if something somehow doesn't go as he planned or prepared for.

Batman with prep beating people like Superman is a meme

He hasn't ever beat Superman going all out even with a shit ton of prep

Thor and the Hulk are the only ones who could put up a fight, but Thor got nerfed so hard in the films.

Superman and the Flash shitstomp.

plot armor and prep time isn't a power. :)

he is just a human, Widow and Daredevil tier.

Since Cavill Superman is injustice Superman i could say he alone could destroy the avengers...then Strange brings Reeves Superman from a paralel universe and he beats Cavill Superman

I like how OP left out Doctor Strange and Vision :)

DCucks lmao

He has a plan for when the plans don't go his way, and he has back up plans upon back up plans, Until things go his way.
It's also comic book law, in any superhero vs superhero batman is the winner, people have been forgetting this lately.

Why do people say Barry stomps

We haven't even seen him in the movies. And if the CW Flash is any indication, he's going to be a HUGE jobber

>says the guy who spams cuck

Come on user, you can try harder than that.

Comic version of Thor, yeah he could put up a fight.
movie version probably a bit less than WW/Aquaman but can do equal footing with em as long as he has his hammer.

Doomsday wouldn't have been that bad without the added kinetic red electricity he was shooting out from all the damage he could take.

Age of Ultron showed at least you can take out Hulk by KOing him as hard as that may be (Superman), New Thor movie seems like its gonna show similar with Lokis teleporting (Cyborgs Boomtube bullshit)

Juddice Leeg, due to Supes and WW pretty much. Not even Thor or Hulk can match Supes

Thor doesn't need Mjolnir if he has Jarnbjorn if the comics are any indication. Jarnbjorn is arguably more powerful.

Going to be honest I am tired as fuck and clearly didn't think about how Barry has zero feats. It's really just superman, batman, and wonder woman atm and they are heavily outnumbered. Superman is going to have to put the team on his back and that's a tall order.

It's comic book law, batman never loses.
There is no logic and there is no reason he just wins these arguments, it's been like that for over 50 years and it stays like that.

If they fight like heroes and the fight was fair, hm...

Superman's worthy opponents are Thor and Hulk. While Thor is easily defeated, Hulk is a problem, basically a flightless Doomsday. HOWEVER. Superman can fly, and if he takes Hulk away, Sups win. Flash could also do this

Batman's opponents could be Captain America, Spider-Man, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Honestly, Widow is easily defeated and in a fight, I think only Spidey and Cap could win. My bet is that Batman would outsmart Cap, but Spider is unpredictable, so he could win. I still Batman would win though.

Now Flash could easily take anyone, and I mean anyone, but Scarlet Witch could win against him because magic and sheeeit.

Cyborg could hack Tony's armor easily, so he has that victory guaranteed. Other worthy opponents would be Cap, Thor and maybe even fucking Hulk. While I think Thor and Hulk would win, Cap would lose, certainly.

Wonder Woman could fight anyone, since she's almost as powerful as Superman. Honestly, I think Hulk would win, and Thor is a pretty even match, so who knows. The rest she can easily defeat.

And now, Aquaman. He's pretty fucking badass too, so he could win against anyone bar Hulk and Thor. I think Scarlet Witch could win against him because, again, magic.

Overrall DC is the strongest imo. Marvel could win with a bit of luck, but they have Batman's brains and stronger combatants, Sups, WW, Flash and Aquaman, against mostly Hulk, Thor and Scarlet Witch.

Flash is just one of those characters that is only as OP as whoever is writing him at the time.

>can move backwards and forward through time and space using speed
>can vibrate so fast that you can put your hands in em and remove their organs so fast said person doesn't even realize what happened
>has been beaten before by a man in a room full of speed bumps and by enemies sticking their legs out around a corner

I haven't read it yet, and I only had some descriptions given to me by a friend a while ago, but doesn't Thor, who becomes simply Odinson, during the events of Secret Wars become even more powerful, like waaay more powerful than he was previously as Thor?

I can't seem to recall.

Yeah this is true but we need to keep in mind, no matter how strong a character is they would never kill because they are heroes. Well, maybe not in the DCEU, since, well... Batman and Superman kills, but you get the idea.

no idea since I haven't kept up with Marvel in years.

>Superman, WW, and Bats would have trouble taking down vision, hulk, and wanda for sure. Also based off the movies
movie hulk is weak as shit. Vision is much slower than Superman.Wanda might have limited chance but still slower than Supes and WW.
>Tony would be able to solo bats without bats having months of prep
did you even watch Civil war. Movie Batman doesnt need prep

Who would win a dance off though?


Well, regardless the movies REALLY nerfed the fuck out of Thor. In actuality he's so fucking strong and has all sorts of abilities that I truly do believe that he'd be pretty much neck and neck against Superman, but I think Superman would ultimately have more stamina.


come to think of it Marvel really doesn't have a stellar track record for keeping their villains alive either.
>minor villains Justin Hammer and Trevor the fake Mandarin

Its been said already but
>comics only flash and scarlet witch count
>movies who gives a fuck, prob be hulk v supes

Thanks for being honest!

It takes time for Barry to develop those powers though. There's no way he can willingly time travel when the movie comes out, or even vibrate through walls, because he wont(or shouldn't be) one with the speed force when the first movie comes out.

People in this thread are debating mostly around what they know about the comics, but this is about the movies. Superman, WW, and Bruce are the only ones with feats in the movies atm. This thread should be about those 3 vs the Avengers.

WW wasn't that fast. Superman would have to know beforehand that he has to blitz vision, and his speedblitz isn't THAT impressive in the movies. Vision could take a hit from him given his durability and reaction time, and since WW cant fly, if they can KO supes how the fuck is Diana doing anything? She still needs to get her powers from the gods in the movies before she's a huge threat.

Movie Hulk is actually good enough to tank WW and bats for a long time. It's movie Thor that is incredibly underwhelming and almost a non-factor since he's not going to be citybusting all the time. Even Widow and Hawkeye are more useful than him in this fight.

"Batman always wins", BTW, is not a spoiler, but an immutable fact of the universe.

>muh hulk.

You now remember he was basically incapacitated in the Avengers by 6 or 7 aliens shooting him with lasers at the same time.

JL due to superman and flash alone. If not for them, the avengers would destroy them.

If we're talking movie quality though, avengers, not even close.

Actually, all of these are alive. It's all revealed in the side material. Loki was revealed to be alive in all the movies that he "died" and the other two are in prison in the short Hail To The King that came with the Thor bluray. Except for fake Mandarin, who was killed by the real one's orders.

Scarlet Witch blinks JL out of existance.

remember thor was created as an opponent for hulk originally, hes a bit weaker then hulk, so not at supermans lv
>unless he got that black sword

Not movie SW though.

they've had a few crossovers back in the 90's, from what I remember Superman fought Thor and barely beat him before the rest of the Avengers dogpilled Superman.

Mind you the crossover has to be taken with a grain of salt since the winners of the various Vs. were decided by mail in votes and you had a few obvious things like Wolverine beating Lobo (immortal space bounty hunter on par with superman at the time) in a bar brawl

>arguing movie quality.
>one of them has only released a 2 minute trailer in the last 24 hours.


Flash avoids being blinked out by moving too fast and going back/through time/dimensions and gets everyone back, really its just a flash v witch fight no one else matters

Yeah these crossovers were bullshit though, if I remember correctly the winner was decided by fan vote.

That's exactly what the post you're replying to said.

flash can instakill all the avengers other than Thor and Hulk if he already transformed

Superman could solo half the team. Murder them if going with Zack Snyder Supes. Not a fair fight.

they were.
From what I remember both DC and Marvel were both pretty happy with the outcomes on all the battles but the Lobo/Wolverine outcome even had Marvel people scratching their heads and the big shits from both companies arguing over the Capt America/Batman outcome

How long til we get a film adaptation of this?

>thor or scarlet witch taking wonder woman
DC did really buttblast all you marvel cucks didnt they

He can actually instakill Thor but he would have to BFR Hulk if we're talking comics

But if DC ever invaded Marvel, Jean would simply remove all the DC characters from the multiverse before the fight even started.

Again Flash would fix this, if necessary superman prime can get involved

Fuckin wut

Yeah, my bad, posted while I was reading halfway through

WW hits hulk with the lasso, turns back to banner. Hulks gone. Supes takes care of the rest in seconds.

Supes Prime could take on both teams fairly easily.

Flash or Superman Prime couldn't do shit to Jean even if they had full powers. She exists outside of time and space, and she can mend an entire universe to her liking or destroy them at a whim. She's the most feared abstract in all of Marvel.

marvel, because they make more money, which automatically gives them plot armor

Archie comics they do some quality what crossovers, especially with Archie himself

flash and supes prime also exist outside time and space that my point either could simply move through the dimensions and find them, this has actually happened multiple times, really also Jean would be fucking insane by that point, and finally the phoenix force is split now anyway

>gets killed by knives.

Okay .

It's pretty great

Thor and Hulk kill Superman.
Scarlet Witch kills Flash.
Iron Man destroys Cyborg.
Captain America puts Batman down.
Spidey solos Aquaman.
Black Widow and Hawkeye kill the Suicide Squad for shits and giggles.

Didn't Marvel create their own character in response to Superman Prime, in terms of raw power and abilities and OPness? Wasn't it Molecule Man? I can't recall. Does anybody know more on this topic?

True, the Phoenix Force is among the oldest and most powerful of Celestial cosmic beings (alongside Death, Eternity, et al.) but Jean herself is just a mutant the PF decided to take residence in and assist. Without it I don't think she'd be nearly as powerful.

Also the Marvel Universe is so huge and convoluted that endless debates could go on about if particular methods with particular items were employed then so and so could be defeated.

I mean, wouldn't Molecule Man or Adam Warlock be on par to Jean in terms of manipulation of matter, energy and pretty much everything?

Kek either Batman and Superman alone can solo the avengers, this is a complete stomp.

>Thor and Hulk kill Superman
Yeah, no. Superman is powered by the fucking sun.

>Scarlet Witch kills Flash
Debatable, but yeah, could be done.

>Iron Man destroys Cyborg
Unless Iron Man is wearing some kind of organic armor like the Extremis armor or some shit, which he doesn't in the MCU, no. Cyborg can just fuck with technology.

>Captain America puts Batman down
Debatable, could be done, but it's much more unlikely than SW vs Flash. Batman can just easily outsmart Cap.

>Spidey solos Aquaman
Yeah, no way. Aquaman can just fuck Spidey up with one blow.

>Black Widow and Hawkeye kill the Suicide Squad for shits and giggles
Hawkeye and Deadshot alone are a even match, and Black Widow couldn't take the rest by herself, specially with members such a Croc and Katana

Now stop being delusional

yea theirs someone who is like ultimate power, but hes a psychopath when he uses it, also X an insanely powerful mutant, still prime and flash > witch, jean

No they don't. Jean is in a place they cannot reach(Inside the M'Kraan Crystal), and even if they somehow managed to, the entire omniverse would blow the fuck up like last time, however the PF would live on since it's the only known abstract to survive the previous omniverse explosion(unless they retconned that and I missed it).

Flash and Superman Prime exist within the omniverse, and thus within her reach.

Well yeah, I mean Jean isn't even technically Jean, she's the WPotC, which is the most powerful incarnation of the PF, and thus I cant imagine she's actually still "her", but calling her Jean just makes it easier.

But to answer your question, no. She's basically only 2nd to ToAA theoretically. It's impossible to kill her, and even if it WAS, no abstract would let you near her since without her everything would cease to exist.

this is good, we could be freinds

dude, the universe did blow the fuck up, supes prime bashed his way through the dimensions to survive, flash ran through realities they can do the same shit as Scarlet and Jean just with different methods

Just watch this fan kino and the answer will be given at the end. Really, do it. It's pure kino.

>She's basically only2nd to ToAA theoretically.

No way man. She's definitely up there in the top 10 at least, but IIRC the Living Tribunal is actually officially and theoretically the only second most powerful directly below ToAA. But characters like the Beyonder as well pretty much have the same exact power which pretty much makes it a debate against technicalities.

Ya but isn't Superman weak to magic. So Thor or Scarlet Witch could fuck him.

Show me an encounter where he fought a powered heroe for the first time and faired well? He damn sure couldn't beat superman without snagging all the kryptonite in stock, so how can he beat hulk without prepping? Not to mention hulk has no real weaknesses.

You're are a fucking retard.

Superman flies across the entire planet in the span of minutes.

When he fell from the sky he crushed a mountain from the momentum.

Movie Hulk is a faggot that failed miserably to a shitty mech suit. Vision is has trouble taking on generic mob robots. Wanda has inconsistent whoo-shoo magic.

Well pretty much nobody can 'truly' beat the hulk, so at best Batman would merely avoid contact with him until he found a way to incapacitate him. I know that Batman isn't stupid enough to actually go face to face with that monstrosity.