Guess who's arriving in estados unidos (usa) legally and will never go back?

Guess who's arriving in estados unidos (usa) legally and will never go back?

Well welcome the fuck home, come dry your back.

You know English, now just get a job and no one will give a shit.


>get a job
don't tell me what to do asshole... i know what to do


didn't know what that word mean


legal bienvenidos
inlegal ahoguete

>impliying i don't have contacts in the city for got a job that give me a lotta money

Entro de legal, pero cuando se expire mi estadia de 3 meses sere ilegal

Welcome my man

>contacts in the city
So it is welfare

wtf is welfare?

thanks man

Won't have to worry about going back since you did it the right way unlike Javier and Esmeralda.

If you're coming in legally nobody here is going to give a shit. Now go do the shit work I don't want to do.

>wtf is welfare?
No way you are Mexican

i'm legal but in 3 months i'll become ilegal... i told to the guys who give the visa that i wanted to visit disneyland jaja... by the way i'll not do your stupid job, do it by yourself asshole.
i learning english like 5 months ago, wtf that world mean?

Well, hes definitely not black at least.

i'm brown but the fur doesn't care man

Welfare is an easy way to say nigger lottery

wtf bro, are you a nerd? stop using crazy worlds.


Welfare is state subsidation for your life. The government just gives you money and you stay a useless sack of shit that everyone hates for doing nothing and living life for free.

Otherwise, welcome to America. By becoming a legal citizen, you are now equal to everyone around you. Stand proud, you've done what so many people could not or would not do.

relax your tits man... i get into legally per 3 months... after that i have to go back... but i won't to so... i'll be legally.

btw, how i get that welfare?

>how i get that welfare
Ask any nigger with gold teeth

You deserve a bullet you filthy scratchback piece of shit. Get out of my country.

jaja no thanks, you deserve it for being so stupid... still building an wall... we ever come by airplane

Technically if we kill you there's no one to look for you here.

>don't tell me what to do asshole
Yep, you're an American. Welcome to the USA!

jaja just try it, dumbass

One more foreigner in our country who works the shit job probably landscaping or something and lives in a shithole? Not really a problem. If anything you're hurting your own country and people. There's a system to move here legally, and you're cheating and bypassing everyone in line. Sure you will probably get away with it but you're slowly ruining it for everyone else. Guess what happens when you fags come over by the bundle illegally? It gets more and more difficult to do so legally. It's your fault Americans want to build a wall and every one of you that comes over illegally brings us one day closer when we line up at the wall and start shooting your friends and family one by one

>be me
>have 3 nationalities ,3 passports
>have american
>never use it
>europe much nicer and girls hotter
>realize america is an uneducated shithole

didn't read, fuck you nerd.

only come here for easy money

>I will not do your shit job
So you will be homeless? So many immigrants come here expecting money and opertunity when in reality the only companies that will hire you are small private businesses particularly manual labor landscape shitjobs. Sure you can probably live off of it assuming you find a really cheap rent somewhere living with 10 other illegals in a 2 bedroom place, but you will never have wealth. You can only go so far money wise in a company who will look the other way and hire illegals.

But hey it's all good I'm sure living in squalor here is better than the dump you come from.

i have contacts dumbass... i'll sell drugs or shit like that, easy money is what i want.

Make sure to make a thread again when you're poor and have to move back to the wasteland you come from. If this is even real. For someone who wants to live in America, it seems like all you want to do in this thread is piss off the people you chose to be around.

Lol good luck with that retard. If money and a better life is what you want you're doing it completely wrong. But hey we all must make mistakes to learn.

I hope you are more intelligent than you are coming off to be, I have a lot of illegal friends great people smart people and they struggle hard to make it here. Just make sure you only sell drugs and not do them you need all the brain functionality you can get.

You're going to sell drugs knowing full well that the reason your home country is so shit is because of the corrupt ness that selling drugs brings?

And people say us Americans are stupid?

i hate america... you hate us very much. i just come to money... when america is ruined i will go to argentina,chile,brasil or uruguay.

Argentina is much much nicer to be in than the US, girls are classy, the architecture is great

america is a dirty shithole full of whitetrash retards

the only amazing thing about america is their military ill give them that.
but that just reflects their shitty personality

if you really want to make money out of america then trade their stock market from anywhere in the world, why go there?