How does it make you feel that Finnish Sup Forums just banned all uses of anime pictures?

How does it make you feel that Finnish Sup Forums just banned all uses of anime pictures?

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Lucky them, they don't get to live with TQ

Yup, you now get 24h ban for making thread with anime picture or replying with a anime picture, in Finnish equivalent of Sup Forums. There's a fucking meme country for you.

Good. Anime has become cancer. Everyone who uses anime reaction pics and makes anime threads outside of Sup Forums is a fucking autist.

so what images do they post there? spurdo? doland? must be a real happening place.

This retarded frog mostly.

That's like creating a website called "winterboard" and disabling snow images..


wtf is Finnish Sup Forums?

and I dont care, not Finnish

Please tell me where anime is implied in the name Sup Forums

Yli lauta is not for cancers. Regards, Not Cancers Man

It's a Hungarian throat-singing board

Fuggg :DDDD
Only spurdo allowed now :DDDDD

I guess you can say they are FINNISHED. LOL


lol at newfag


What is Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. Sup Forums's collaborative-community format was inspired by one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community.


that's a great start. anime is part of the cancer and must be purged along with it's degenerate fanbase



"Beware the Finns, for they are a wild and terrible race" Julius Caesar


Anime is for people that dont know how they should behave or be like outside in the real world.

So is this because of some Finnish law?

good, Sup Forums should follow suit

no, the admin is just retarded as fuck

oh yeah i forgot this was 2004 and the only boards are Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Great because I live in Finland
Need to know what their internet laws are

Do people get V&ed

Tells me that its not a real chan

It's not just 'a' chan, it's THE chan.

something tells me it's just "avatars" being banned. you know, like everyone in those 'waifu claiming threads" on Sup Forums


nope there's literally animecaust going on, every single post including anime picture getting removed and or banned

But can anyone explain why this is happening?
I don't understand why anyone would outright ban something like pictures of anime...
That's just stupid.

Basically because the admin is a dirty jew that believes he will get more ad revenues if anime is banned so more normies will come.

anime might have been a mistake
but banning it is wrong

Need ban fast
