Fuck that bitch thread-RULES:

Fuck that bitch thread-RULES:
1-Can't escape fromthe scene
2-If u get in the fall of shit, the bitch won't fug
3-0u can't dig with your hands and u don't have any digger
4-u can't jump
5-u can't turn back
6-u can act only n 2D
test your mind

Lasso the bitch out of the cave with your dick

Rig an intricate pulley system to pull the earth into the sun causing the planet and everything on it to combust and turn to dust. When dust, float over to other dust and have marvellous dusty sexy time.

u die

make bitch walk through fall of shit and jump across, fug her anyway

she can't cause uwon't fug her

no lasso

I just wait till shit fall since it has no infinite source

wait for shit fall to end, having filled up the hole.
wait for it to dry out, walk across to bitch, fuck.

yes it has

Fuck you, yes lasso

So maybe draw it better next time you fucking retard, because in this shit drawing it clearly shows that it has no source

u faggot i'm not apaint master
no lasso

You're not the boss of my lasso dick, faggot.
You're just jealous you didn't think of it first

ITT: OP is a faggot. also underageb&.

Spoiler aler: Everybody will.

spoiler: u re gay faggot

ths thread is gonna be a flame

Doesn't work faggot

No, this thread will be failure and 404 soon.
Reason: OP is retarded faggot.

Use that metal wall thing behind you and use it as a bridge. Then use it as a canopy to block shitfall. Fug da bitch.

OP abandoned thread. Fucking faggot.