As the dust has settled I think we can all agree that this is still the best Batman animated movie


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but that's not the one where batgirl takes off her shirt

Best batman movie.

Best animated movie, period.

Mask of the Phantasm gets by on nostalgia. It is very good, but also very overrated. Under the Red Hood and TDKR are better, and Apocalypse is DC's best animated film.


>Red Hood and TDKR are better, and Apocalypse is DC's best animated film

whoa, easy there with that bait! children shouldn't play with bait.

Yes but Return of the Joker is a close second

the best jerry, the BEST!


>Red Hood

Worst taste possible. I don't even feel that strongly about Mask of the Phantasm, but Red Hood was just an extremely awful movie.

That movie taught kid me about blood types

Pretty much but I did enjoy dark knight returns pretty well.

Actually most of the animated Batman stuff is decent, not a fan of Bender doing Joker's voice, but eh.. I got free passes to the Killing joke on wednesday.

Then you should stop immediately.

How so? The animation, artstyle, and voice-direction were superb. Or are you just one of those who gets booty-blasted everytime someone other than Hamill voices Joker?

I think he did a good job, it's just that he didn't have good material to work with.

>villain was female all along!
what did they mean by this?

It was the most cringy tryhard joker I've ever seen

>kills the Black Mask's men
>I'm gonna need some guys... not these guys, they're kind of dead *laughs*

Yes, I can agree with you here, I guess it's im so used to him as Bender, but the whole thing was just kinda meh.
Hopefully killing joke will be fucking awesome.


is the original uncut the best version?

reception spoilers: killing joke was painfully disappointing in its mediocrity

Abandon hope.

andy beaumont is the best girl for bruce.

I felt that Nolan should've done something with her rather than catwoman. Would've been nice to have Bruce end up with Beaumont rather than batgirl, especially the shitty one played by annie

Wow. You all have no idea what a good Batman movie is. Flashpoint is the best Batman animated movie. If you disagree than your taste is shit. I'm sorry that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. But I don't care. Fuck all of you morons.


Bummer, I re-read the comic recently, I was hoping they did it justice.

Of course it is.
>you didn't like it because of muh Hamill!
Get a grip you fucking muppet. The movie's voice acting was tight but it's a bloated cartoon episode with none of the directing or gravitas of Mask of the Phantasm. Everything until Jason's grand speech is fluff (I can't even remember anything beside Black Mask meeting Joker and a fight against some kind of forgettable armored ninjas that I can't even remember why it happened) and the speech itself isn't amazing because the movie at no point ceases to look sloppy. The movie in general relies on people's nostalgia for Death in The Family and Jason.

Sub-Zero was pretty good too.

Phantasm > Return of the Joker > Under Red Hood > Sub-Zero > Mystery of Batwoman > the rest.

Just saw Killing Joke at my local cinema, will answer questions if you like.

MotP has the best score, art direction, and story of any of the Batman animated films though.

Hell there has never been a Bruce Wayne romance story that's as interesting since this one's release. Sure Red Hood is good, but its not nearly as complete.

Just fucking listen to Shirley Walker's score

Very good points