So.. beatin off thread. How often do you beat off? This is a thread for people without regular sex...

So.. beatin off thread. How often do you beat off? This is a thread for people without regular sex. No need for "I fuck my gf every night" people.

For me.. since I was like 12-13 it is a rare occasion I don't cum daily. I'm 23 so for a solid 10 years I've probably had a total of 30-50 days I've went without masturbating. It's a nightly thing before I fall asleep. Not a virgin, I've been with a few girls. Just never had a regular relationship and had sex on tap. Anybody else as bad as me? 90% of the time it's once a day. Rarely more than once a day.. but I think I've done 8+ in a day.

What about you b tards?

At least twice a day

2-5 for week if my libido is low

Not a virgin also I just like to beat off

whenever i feel like it... sometimes once a week, normal is once a day, up to 4 times a day

and i'm 22

I'm 27


If I'm home. And not too drunk. I can't fall asleep without slapping my meat.


same here OP, minus the 8 times a day part the most ive ever fapped in one day was maybe 3 times spaced out throughout the day

now its never since i see my girlfriend every weekend so i basically nut on weekends and have my cum built up for her when she gets here

I jerk off every day, sometimes twice. Started when I was 11. Limewire was my go-to source for material back then.

Do you guys like jerking or blowing loads better?

Wen I'm hungover I'll fap at least 4 times

It helps my anxiety too

2-4 times a day. Been going at that steady rate since I started when I was 13. I'm 27 now, so I've been fapping for 14 years... Which means I've jerked off an average of ~15,000 times so far. That's a lot of cum.

2x in weekdays

1-2 a day on average. Not everyday but maybe like 3 times on days off when gf isn't around. Plus sex or other stuff with live in gf about 3 times a week. 29 yo white male 33k yearly.

Is there video of this cock cumming? I want to watch that load dump while I jerk off.

I want to go a month without fapping and just blow a giant load. Idk.. if I can go like 4 days and then edge myself over like an hour. Oh fuck.

I've been fapping since before I could even shoot cum. It feels better when you wait every other day, but it's fuckin hard whe there is so much great stuff to beat my dick to. The thicker the load is, the better it feels to blow out, imo.

That last part was necessary why?

Started when I was 5.

I used to do it once a day but then I noticed my loads were getting smaller and smaller. Is there any way to be able to have sex or beat off regularly and still have huge loads?

I have sex with my girlfriend maybe twice a week, we live far apart. I jerk off probably every other day-every day.

Is that Linda Blair?

Twice a day depending on what I have to do that day and what time I wake up. I've been doing it since I was 12, currently 24. The longest I went without was about a month and a half.


Usually once a day, sometimes when I wake up, sometimes during lunch, sometimes at night. Live with my current gf for the past 2 years, we haven't had meaningful sex in a little over a year. Endometriosis, it's completely killed her sex drive so no handies or oral either. It's really fucked me up as I'm a very physical lover, but oh well, at least I can beat my dick now and then.

The 33k part? Demographics. 33k isn't bragging. Just saying I'm not a Neet and I still jerk it regularly at nearly 30

I have sex with my girl just about everyday. 5-6 times a week. And normally go for 2-3 rounds with her each time we fuck.

That being said I still jerk off everyday. I normally cum 2-3 times when I jerk off unless it's a prostate orgasm.

I cum on average 4 or 5 times a day. Everyday.

I started at the age of 7 (unsupervised Internet access and searching "naked girls") I didn't start blowing loads until like 12 or so. And I only started jerking off daily about 2 years ago.

I fuck my gf every night

Yes it is


Same. I was rubbin that sum bitch till I'd get rug burns by age 6. Would never cum but would definitely have a dry orgasm. I remember my friend telling me that stuff comes out that isn't pee when I was like 9... made it my damn mission. I got it. We used to blow each other and give handies all the time. Miss those days.

started when i was in 6th grade i think. i fap 3-5 times a week. 23 now. if i didn't have a gf i'd fap more. not more than once in one day though. that is insanity.
