The time has come for everyone to party

The time has come for everyone to party.

The time has come for everyone to get down.

Check 'em.

If this is your idea of a good use of your time, you should kill yourself

What if I roll dubs first?

You're all faggots


ITT: Failures.

Dumb thread. Look how easy it is.


Can't stop

Won't stop

>I will criticize your vacuous post by writing an equally vacuous post, thereby illustrating what I believe to be a superior use of free time

Almost trips.

New rule: anyone rolling dubs has to shoot up a school.


Quads for the lynch mob get man.

You were saying?

One for the road.

Make that two for the road.

Then again, why not three?



Good things come to those who wait.


Stump Me i dare ya

Thats not a get, THATS a get

>3 from greatness

Imagine being THIS retarded.

