This dude slaps your gfs ass at the club

This dude slaps your gfs ass at the club.

What do you do?

something long?

that guy can barely walk let alone going around slapping peoples asses

Simply shoot a arrow at his knee

shit on his giant cock and scream for help

make 'im some tea and biscuits and watch the football guvna

leg swipe him and run away as he falls like a tree

push him a bit and watch him fall over

axe him, why he so gangry?

break a chair on his kneecap and then laugh at the freak

Too High center of gravity. In that location Lanky nigger is going off that bridge.

Tell him that is a childrens resturant and call the police

he could not reach my bum to slap it.

Buy him a pair of stilts ... go into business staffing carnivals, parades, and circuses... years later once retired, seek an apology about that day he slapped my gfs ass. Go back about my business.

Get my slingshot.

use harpoon and tow cables to defeat

Ask him to see how long his cock is, so eveyone else in OPs thread doesnt have to ask..

Get in my A-Wing. Cable his legs. Win the battle.

Go for hid legs? I know he might look intimidating because he's so tall but look at his facial features. he's literally just s manlet with stretched limbs.

T-47 snow speeder, faggot

Use his balls like a speed bag

Headbang his groin


Ask him to slap mine.

Wonder who slapped my gfs ass as there is no one near by.

Push him allowing him to fall, giving away his stilts as a disguise. Then, I see the little dwarf run away.