Vaguely describe the plot of a video game and let other people try to guess it

Vaguely describe the plot of a video game and let other people try to guess it.

>4th wall is broken
>Endless choices to make

>3 Days

Majora's Mask?

you and yo niggas steal som beaks n do a drevie bea kllin 2 pigs n a haw den we smoked some dank weed nigga we is 12.

Stanley Parable

Fat alien ass.

>dad throws son of cliff
>son comes back

Cat, dog, owner and other chars racing in cars

Battle monsters
Get deppresion

>I cant find my gf and when I do shes a god


Goofy and Donald go on an anime adventure with anime boy

all the pokemon games?except for snap that was just depressing

>too much water
>everyone's dead

Naruto the game

Two Men Enter One Man Leaves

Nah boys. Get deppresion in game

I've covered wars, ya know?

Cry of fear

Haunted house: redneck edition

Wide as ocean, depth of puddle
space pirates and carebears

Undertale o.o

Resident Evil 7

Garfield Kart


Dead Rising



Niggers doing crimes.

That game was fucky.

Dead Rising?

>my banan!!!!

25 to Life

Soul Reaver?


>get a new laptop battery

Basically zelda, but you're a dog



zelda: bark of the wild?

Tekken 2

you start off as a single block and as you eat more blocks you progressive into a bigger long block and keep eating blocks until you hit a wall

Nuke a shithole. Purify the water.


Whose footprints are these?

kingdom hards fag

Fallout 3


Reverse dad and son and you got tekken 2

monster rancher?boy im stumped i dont play too many games outside of a game where;

>become a vassal of sir feast alot

>get your ass kicked in a relentless torrent of blades

>so many crazy people
>in fact, everyone is crazy to some extent
>boner farts
>annoying robot companion

I suck at this


Fight monsters with anime weapons. Also cats.

Borderlands 2

Super simple
>Be frog in wheelchair and bipedal salamander

No man's sky

Borderlands 2?

>whole family freezes into statues
>go around touching their feet to unfreeze them

snake you dumb bitch

you flying around on this bird thing and you land on top of these other guys and they shit out eggs and you snatch them up for points

two separate congregations of men oppose against possession of sphere


metal gear solid

pokemon rescue dungeon time and darkness?

The Game.

>Not many magic people left
>Bad magic people after you
>War cut you off from magic
>Now you gained magic back
>Save or destroy all magic

>dark nazi cult revives evil purple genie
>destroys bunch of villages
>old wizard dude tells you to rebuild them and kill genie
>some time travelling bullshit

Assassin's Creed

>beyond the sea



>Live underground
>Drink vodka

too easy...

Snakes. Fucking Nokia fanboy.


Obscure legoman plays around in realistic enviornment and builds shit, able to stretch the objects to any angle / size

MGS or Rainbow Six:Siege with Jackal.


its shit
rocks fall, everyone dies
emo butthurt

Special snowflake dragon has to save the world. Again and again

>On a quest
>majestic as fuck
>must find that porn
Granted, not so vague. But we'll see who knows.

>Whole family lineage is freedom fighters in the future

>be anime kid
>finds gun
>instinctively shoots himself in the head to fight other monsters

Wake up with a rock



>Corporate Warfare

>super soldier
>simulated Nazis
>evil therapist AI
>apply kill to self in end


You betcha

CoD advanced warfare?

Hiaa hayyiaaa !

Shadow of the colossus

>kid goes through puberty to save his girlfriend

>sit in a chair
>test out projects
>fistfight pope

No, it's turn based

Kingdom hearts

Monster hunter

>robot digs you up
>decide fate of entire region

>Be vampire
>don't open that fucking box

San andreas?