38% approval rating

>38% approval rating
>hasn't accomplished ANYTHING
>has been golfing 14 times
>has spent half of his "presidency" on vacation
>has spent more $ on travel in 1 month, than Obama spent in 1 year
>will form anti-marijuana task forces
>immigration -- courts said no
>wall -- GOP says no
>tax reform -- he's too busy tweeting about inauguration crowd size

Worst "president" in US history. Will be impeached within the first year.

Itt: millenials who dont know who either bush is

pitiful bait

He's stopping bad dudes.

Yeah just a matter of time. Give them enough rope and they hang themselves, just like anything and anyone else.

you mean bad hombres?

Fraudulent presidency:
Can't read.
Hiding true net worth (tax returns)
Concealing illegal ties to foreign powers
>30 days in office and still no legislative agenda
Concealing health problems and drug addiction
Using ICE to round up enemies
Can't build stupid wall
Unable to MAGA

Make way for Mike "The Electrocutioner" Pence

>GOP claims that obamacare is the worst thing ever for more than half a decade
>GOP hasn't repealed Obamacare yet, and likely will just improve it, something that could have been done years ago if they just worked with Obama

Hey, fuck off. It's not his fault the supreme court and the republican party overrules him. He tried to ban Muslims and build the wall like he promised, but the supreme court said no, there's nothing he can do about it, faggot. The president isn't a dictator, learn how the US government works before you spew bullshit out of your mouth.

Ready for Pence. At least he can read.


>but the supreme court said no

The supreme court did? Nigga you high af. Fed judges did. You just outed yourself as uninformed or troll.

Trump will be the greatest president of all time.
Just look at his qualifications:
> his rags to riches story
> his encyclopedic knowledge of the law and the constitution
> his selfless charitable donations
> his long record of public service
> his sterling military record
> his keen understanding of the nuances of foreign policy
> his uwavering commitment to truth and facts
> his impeccable ability to assign skilled people to the right position

>leave trump alone! Just leave him alone!

>Can't read.
>Hiding true net worth (tax returns)
lol a real retard is worth billions and won the presidency and is making a joke of both political parties? Dude's a supermachine.

Business men make horrible gov't leaders.
Accustomed to being little dictators.
Can't work effectively with elected bodies.
Prefer to issue stupid edicts. FAIL!

you just hate him cause none of his ideas fit in the liberal agenda

I mean we all know he's not going to really get anything done. Like just about every president before him.

You are right about the role not being a dictator, so unless he can get that changed, life will go on about the same as before.

People give too much of a shit about the president, and not the rest of the gov't.

Or because none of his ideas are good or viable. And even if they were he wouldn't have any idea how to make them happen.

Actually, he was nearly bankrupt when he won the election using money from Russian oligarchs.

Same difference. The point is that he tried and they stopped him, so there is nothing he can do about it. Yet OP being the retard that he is, complained about Trump instead of the fed judges. Trump already did all he could do.


>actually believing he would succeed with any of his promises in the first place
How can Trumplets cope?

>he can't get more than 18%
>he can't get more than 30%
>he can't get more than 35%
>he can't get more than 40%
>he can't get more than 45%
>he can't win outside of New England
>he can't get 1237
>he has no groundgame
>he can't win Indiana
>Ted won't drop out
>Kasich won't drop out
>Trump can't beat Hillary
>Will be impeached within the first year


Banning Muslims is unconstitutional.
Wall will stop Mexican surge back across border.
Can you prove you're a citizen?
"Your papers please." No papers? GTFO

Haha you guys think OP is trying to troll you.

Trump is the real troll here.

the wall is a great idea

>Same difference.


Not even remotely the same friend. Look up Supreme Court and see what it is they do homie.

>mfw some idiots are so retarded, they literally still support trump and don't regret their vote

This. The man is a gift from God. He's keeping his promises and doing what is best for this country. You can think we're a joke, those who supported him, but in case you haven't figured it out we jokes hold the power in this country. We put him in the White House to do exactly what he's now doing. You can kick and scream and piss yourself laughing like a toddler all you want, but the adults took this country back this election and President Trump is making US proud. America is greater at this moment than it's been in a very long time.


That's not the point.


"This American carnage ends right here, right now", but 30 days later, no change whatsoever. Trump has no urban policy. Does whatever asshat Bannon tells him. Make America fucked up again!

reminder that Trump's wealth is not liquid, he went bankrupt THREE times and owes millions in back taxes. He is running a skeleton cabinet, so overwhelmed by the workload that nothing gets done. His presidential decrees have all been blocked and the House and Senate are operating completely independent of his office. There is a strong possibility some of his actions are unconstitutional and probably criminal. There is a legitimate chance he will be the first president to be censured in 200 years and a chance he may end up impeached.

>Banning Muslims is unconstitutional.

A muslim ban that doesn't affect 90% of the world muslims, snowflake :^)

Not really. For the past several years we've had more Mexicans leaving than entering the US.
So the American consumer/tax payer gets to pay a fortune to solve a problem that's basically already solving itself.

Kek, I didn't even think Trump would get elected, let alone build a wall. Just saying why OP is retarded for complaining about Trump.

Trump's sending about 10000 soldiers to Syria

>mfw republicans are silent.

>retard detected

>February 24, 2017
>still supporting trump

Insurance companies are droping obamacare left and right. Govt cant pay out


The constitution doesn't apply to foreign muslims

If more illegal Mexicans are exiting the country than are coming in...

...and the wall will take at least two years to build...

...won't they all be gone by the time it's finished?

You could say they won't be able to come back in, but they can already tunnel under ground and get through on air lines.

He did more for jobs already than obama did in 8 years

>still this asshurt 2 months on

Hahahahaha keep the tears coming libtard scum :^)))

>Trump's sending about 10000 soldiers to Syria


75% of all illegals fly or boat into America.

the wall's just a political stunt. that will cost americans 30 billion dollars.

prove it.

Obama halved unemployment.

Trump's cost about 200,000 jobs so far in all of the programs he's cut.

>fake jpg is fake

>irrelevant poll (why trust polls at all)
>has kept nearly every one of his promises within the first 100 days
>no he hasn't
>does not even accept a salary for being president. Obama had the biggest salary.
>literally no he won't. Trump supports marijuana.
>circuit court illegally blocked his exec order.
(the order that was written-up by Obama)
>Does not need GOP to build wall
>will definitely have the best tax reform than any other candidate.

You baited with these points because you are well aware that every one of them is the exact opposite to reality.
Fuck off, shill.

Thats a little short sighted considering you're rolling dice on only the private industries

Youre either suoporting bankruptcy or funneling money through a charity that destoryed hati even more. All plotcians are corrupt

When did I say I supported Trump? Looks like you're the retard here.

>implying Donald Trump wrote "the art of the deal"
>implying he could even read it
Maybe somebody read it to him.

>A muslim ban that doesn't affect 90% of the world muslims, snowflake :^)
It affected muslim-majority nations, and had an exception for anyone fleeing "religious persecution", in other words, anyone who isn't a muslim.
The court also cited jis repeated insistence during the election that it _would_ be a muslim ban.

You _are_ right in that it wouldn't affect muslims coming from the countries that actually do send terrorists, like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Russia.

>Obama halved unemployment.

Says who?

One small win doesn't change the outcome of a war

>yfw literally All of America hates YOU for voting this fag in

These are bait posts.

Obama did nothing to keep jobs in america only in the middle east with a great business called isis


Trump's killing a lot of US soldiers, 1 of the toddler's he's killed in his botched raids was 3. Christian. Innocent.

Well I'm English, first of all.
The only influence I had in the US election was in the great meme war. I served proudly in the 52nd shitposting regiment.

And I'd do it again.

And good. I don't want Shillary supporters to like me, because I don't like them.

What the fuck happened to Sup Forums

When did the triggered liberal faggots all join up.

>learn how the US government works before you spew bullshit out of your mouth.

Someone should have told that to Trump before he ran his campaign.

alternative facts is like saying your tomatoes aren't rotten, they're natural puree

Trump's the first President that Intelligence Agencies don't trust with intel (and thus don't give intel).

cut the bait shit fucktard i dont want to see the inside of your ass

>posting WaPo unironically

>all of America hates you
>america voted for him
Wew that's some projecting right there


He is here...

nothin better than Mike "Put the Fags in Body Bags" Pence


You sound pretty triggered

>mfw CPAC kicked Richard Spencer out, and called the alt-right "a left wing fascist ideology".
>mfw they uninvited milo

now you're hated by the left, and the right. your kind is despised by all of America.

Get The Fuck Out of My Country

Fuck you double nigger

Legitimately disappointed in the youth of today and their lack of knowledge on relatively recent history. I'm not super old, but I'm old by Sup Forums standards, and old enough to remember the horrors that are socialism/globalism/collective equality from the 70s and 80s.
The entire social justice movement is essentially aimed at taking away rights of the individual to satisfy a demographic "equality", regardless of any actual bad (or good) behavior.

Fun fact: the phrase politically correct was coined by Mao Zedong, founder of communist China and murderer of millions

Fun fact: the term Social Democracy is what Lenin used to sell communism to Russia before they became the USSR

Tl;dr please read the history of communism in the 20th century to understand what the left is doing to America

after Putin's paid shills left, a sprinkling of retards (like yourself) are all that remain in regards to trumpanzees.

It's more a projection of power, a psychological weapon warning smelly brown people to keep out of advanced white lands, what's not to like?

>poll the American public
>call the election for Hillary based on polls
>Hillary wins popular vote by largest margin ever

>b-but you can't t-trust polls

>donald Trump is racist! REEEEEEEE!!!1

"Okay, what did he say that was racist?"

>..J-..just everything!

"Yeah but, what in particular?"

>just...just uhh...Everything, basically! r

Do you people hear yourselves when you talk?
If nothing in my original post is true (which you are more than welcome to check for yourself.) then why is it all absolutely 100% true? (Which I assure you. It is.)

So go on. Prove me wrong, fag.
I eagerly await your next failure.

Triggered snowflake detected

>implying this mans election wasn't the biggest fuck you to femnazis and liberals.

>implying the wall is our problem not mexico's to deal with, their government hasn't stepped up yet but when they see the money flowing into their economy it'll change Mexicans tune about a wall.

>implying Trump can't have fun after beating the fucking system built against us?

It's funny because he's not particularly worse than either of them, he's just got the background radiation of being shit everywhere instead of pretty much exclusively being a problem for the economy.

This is what happens when we forget to teach kids that while being okay with equality of the races/sexes/etc is cool, you also need to respect someone's right to disagree with you.

Certain parts do, when the Constitution refers to "citizen," it means only citizens but when it refers to "person," it means any person current in a place subject to U.S. law.

you're a Dickhead

so milo's out (admitted pederast)

they say they have recordings of bannon now, that will destroy him politically, too.

this gets better by the day

Trump + retards are the best thing to ever happen to Democrats, and to Democratic Socialism.

Real conservatives hate Trump. Trump is not a Christian or a conservative.

And Fox Entertainment had the gall to call Obama the "Campaigner in Chief"

>my ass


Seriously, is shareblue having like a Sup Forums pass day or something? How much do you actually get paid for this? I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid.


insiders and outsiders
insiders hate him, and outsiders love him

> tfw the best man america could find cant spell properly and barely form coherent sentences.

>t. I have no argument so I'll just call you a shill instead

Good things are still coming because Trump has no program. Still running off good works of Obama administration. When Trumps policies take over we'll get another classic Republican recession. Trump's policies will crash the economy just like George Bush's did.

oh that's right! trump already started his #MAGA2020 campaign!

because he's doing so awesome!

You lost


And real liberals hate the nanny state fascism the SJW crowd is trying to push, what else is news?