Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fatally inject myself with heroin right fucking now

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fatally inject myself with heroin right fucking now.

because you won't die and all your dope will be gone

Spend it on a plane ticket to change your life. Start over.

yeah thats what i was going to say. get some fent, nerd

you could message kurdish forces on facebook, go to iraq, fight terrorism then walk to afghanistan and kill someone for a kg of pure heroin


You probably don't know how.

Your body tries to maintain homeostasis by counteracting the effects of heroin. It learns ques to predict when you're going to get fucked up, and starts the process - that's why you feel like you need some in certain places, or after hearing certain things, or whatever your body uses to predict.

If you want to kill yourself, go to a place you've never been, listen to music you've never heard, and use a shit ton of heroin in a new way.

You could also just stop giving a fuck about everything and just go insane, that sounds more fun than just dying like a tard.

It's not...

because you could non-fatally inject yourself many times with heroin

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

and if that made you even smile for a second, you're not depressed enough to die.

There is really no reason not to.

For you.

Fuck that was pathetic. YOU need to kys.

Oh shit i wasnt depressed... but it didnt make me smile...

Are you also speaking for experience?

just remove the headband op, it wont kill ya but it will make your life better

delusions of grandeur and love of conspiracies are to die for :^)

Because there'
Yeah, can't think of a reason not to

No. To do so would be doing a major disservice to humanity. Do it,faggot.

Maybe. One can never be sure if hes insane or not.

Much more to life bro. Take it from someone that ate 30 10/325 norcos.
Recovery is a bitch. Get a dog or something dude.

Ha! Ooooh man. Yes.

How much dope u got?

>watches top ten fucked up Sup Forums shit on youtube
>goes on Sup Forums
>wants attention so makes up bait
>fags want pic of heroin with timestamp
>new fag OP pussies out
>thread ends
>I goto pornhub

Yeah, that's not true.
If you're insane long enough, chances are you figure it out from the way people react to you. Afterward, you might deal with it by fabricating more delusions - but you knew once, and that knowledge doesn't go away easily. It haunts you, and drives you deeper into insanity.

i just lost a friend to heroin two days ago. if you give a shit about anybody in your life just get your shit together and get help you fucking retard


Watch Trainspotting on heroin

oh hey guys


I think this picture does him more justice

You have nice eyes

If you think you have nothing to live for, find something to live for. Join the Peace corps and go to some far away country and try and make someone else's life better.

yo yo yiggity yo

Why you shouldn't? I don't know. Wait for better drugs? Better sensations? See what space is like? The latter is pretty much what's kept me going.

The only good reason I can think of is that you can't surround yourself with 100 bigtitted virgins which is a good thing because your a faggot for bbc white boy.

i know, fun isnt.

Not really.
A little bit of introspection showed me how unhealthy those delusions are. They feel great, don't get me wrong. It's like writing a story in your head, and using it to explain everything that happens. The story evolves to match any inconsistency. The hole gets deeper, and your touch with reality more and more tentative. The only solution I've found is denying myself the pleasure of interpreting things with that story. I had to find it, for the sake of those around me.

Yeah this does fuck over the people who care about me, thats the only part thats not so fun and i cant say that i gave up on being better yet, thx for the advice user.

Just go to rehab and if you fail and end up going back to drugs you can atleast say you tried and your tolerance will be low so you can easily od now. I hear Fent would be easier to cause death with though.

Because you don't have live stream on yet?