Rekt thread

rekt thread.

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That's a new one to me.



what the fuck... story?


welcome to the nigger express




well done free-range nigger meat


was her eyes still fucking moving? holy shit


>That one guy on the bike who gets away


this one for the lulz

I'd like to think she's still conscious.


niggers do the darnedest things



Sweden is literally the worst country of Earth.

i know

That hole between his ribs where you can see his lung expanding. Nice

Meh mix of rekt itt.. Try watching this entire vid.

this is some final destination shit

Fucking Chinese. There are plenty of shit tier countries in the world, and I've seen hours worth of rage enduring rekt videos, but none make me wish for the ability to reach into my screen and straggle the fuck out of people than videos of little fucking kids getting hurt in these backwards ads Asian countries and watching people literally step over them without a second thought. Even monkeys and shit spazz out when one of thier babies get hurt. Fucking yellow skinned monsters is what they are. Fuck them and all their shitty second grade knock off products.


Chocolate Milk?

Copper thief?

This. Fucking. Monster.



Seriously, what is this?

I love how they always find wire thieves in the same position, burnt to s crisp with a hacksaw in one hand, rubber gloves melter onto the bones, lovely.



that light pole hit @ 0:08 was tragic

cranial fracture, the bulging is the sinuses. Possibly air being caught in them causing it. I am not a med fag though, just have seen my fair share of shit, so perhaps one could elaborate further.

derp....its from a movie.

it's nerve gas

thanks for clarifying that for me.

That is fucked.

I honestly had no idea Sweden was spying on people's browsing that much.

Good to know.

So what's the end goal?
Why are the people in charge trying to destroy their own country?
Any reasonable answers?

virtue-signalling, that's it, JUST FUCKING VIRTUE-SIGNALLING

Money is always the answer, in some form or fashion.
Just like it is in 'Murica.
Won't pretend to know exactly HOW in this case, but I'd bet on it.

i was just relaying what i heard from another user when this webm arose. But if it is then they did a good job, that shit does happen though.




This for sure.

Control. States that are moving toward socialism exhibit increasing information gathering on citizens and develop techniques to do it. They also normalize the practice, justifying it with the "need to protect vulnerable people" etc.

Then the money runs out and people revolt and capitalism resumes.

>Then the money runs out and people revolt and capitalism resumes.
Until the needs not being met through a strictly capitalist system lead back towards the start of socialism again.
You'd think people would learn that a system being strictly any one thing is the problem. The perfect system would take what works from ALL previously tried systems, and discard the chaff.

if a society and culture is moving towards suicide, and it is gaining momentum (as it seems) that society cannot correct itself until it hits a rock bottom.
How bad does it have to be before this correction is made?
Nazi party 2.0?
is this how WW3 really will happen?

Fucking pathetic. Pandering to Islam is how the present world order ends.

Its like nobody gives a fuck that the muslims have been here before, and society as a whole decided it was a disgusting bad thing. Anyone who believes the crusades (for the most part... there are exceptions) were an offence, is sincerely retarded.

OK, I get that if they make it "unsafe" they can take rights away like guns and speech.
But they still live in shit by comparison with what they had. Money and fences cannot protect elites from Sharia.
It still makes no sense.

>Upload bigger files
>Threads don't 404 every 5 minutes

I'm with you.

In Canada, we actually have a pretty good balance between capitalism, control of said capital, and social support.

We need a massively downsized, more efficient government (provincial primarily, but also federal) and some better control on who gets to sit on welfare (legit disability, handicap, or otherwise, vs. just 'dindu-nuffin's' doing nuffin). And our absolutely financially-degenerate prime minister and cabinet need to a) have their credit cards cut up, and b) be actually qualified for the job they are in (I'm looking at you, Catherine McKenna).

But, it is salvageable, I think/hope.

I genuinely believe sjw's and the like (many larger players as well... sjw's have just paved the way in terms of accepting the changes) have irreversibly changed the present world order we have more-or-less enjoyed since the end of WWII, and even more so, since the 80's with the decline of communism and the cold war. Things are changing and will come to a head soon.

How soon is hard to say. The next decade seems pretty likely.


I agree. I wish I had further insight, or something to add.


is it deaded?

No she's alive in the video, her eyes are moving

Aren't the statistics for the USA (internal and external assessments, I believe?) something like 32% or 37% clinically obese? I mean, that means many, many more are only just below the threshold of "obese" and still "fucking fat".



Gotta love the fat acceptance movement


barely... more of a strained jiggle.

its fap time!

I think I have a new fetish


They must be trolling. Too stupid to be real.

But... how? How does this happen?

I'm not some ultra-runner or anything, and I'm someone who would otherwise have a tendency to get fat probably... but I just eat reasonable portions, still enjoy steak/cheese/junk food regularly, but in moderation. I go for what would barely classify as a "run" about 3 times a week, and bike places if they are close to me in the spring/summer/fall. I don't even try, and I'm pretty fit. I'm lazy as fuck!

Makes me agree to the animated movie of a cat called "the cat fritz"
In a scene where he fucked a human behind and as he is cat his ass was very big ... I really liked that part ..

U raciss

Was talking with a friend about this the other day. If I wanted to destroy western civilization without conventional war, I'd do the same thing as whats going on.

Eliminate morality. Kill off religion, which (like it or not) is used to bind traditional family units together. gone.
Celebrate and encourage permissive behavior- i.e. single mothers--their numbers always rising-- not able to financially take care of the child and need Govt help.
Media subversion.
School indoctrination towards one side only. Big government is the solution. Teaching the next generation to hate one's own Country. To feel guilt for existing if white/male/straight/western culture
Diversity is our strength: dilute native populations and culture into the minority against our opposite rival culture. Eliminate high birthrates and increase abortions of native culture, while allowing citizenship to any on citizen child.
Introduce violence byways of immigrants in order to remove guns. Remove free speech under the guise of protection from hate speech.
the list goes on

Consecutive annual poles from 2010 to 2016 showed black people consider other black people to be the most racist when compared to whites, latinos, asians, and natives. The questions were varied and not limited to "do you think black people are more racist...".

She looks like a mexican UFO or something.

we didin du nuffin wong

same way the junky covered in lice and bed bugs happens. or maggots in the eyes

Surely the whites were racist.

like this

how the fuck is he still counscious.

the electricity blew a fucking gigantic hole in his chest, fried his legs to a crisp and melted his skin....

how the fuck.

How does she wipe her ass ?
>mfw you'll own your own asshole mop

Ralph Fucking Bakshi, man...

and this. fucking white racist!

I love Communism!

We are all the same!!

kek, even in spanish they call then niggers.

To be honest, I agree with every point you present. Especially instilling the notion of entitlement/selfishness of normalized abortion (medically critical cases are different) and deferment of family for career or "party" lifestyle choices to the detriment of nuclear family.

Religion (disclaimer, I am a Christian) in the form of Christianity, when it is the social and moral norm (regardless of how closely it is adhered to) does seem to demonstrate a high regard for nuclear family, which has many far-reaching social benefits.

story? where was this?


Damn white racist! For not being equal to us blacks! he deserves to die!
Look what A +++ pull in the ratings! ... racist!

A far too easily-accessible welfare system for those who absolutely are at fault for their own situation and ought to be denied.

A society who blames everyone but themselves for their problems, thus taking no responsibility for their actions.

Is the communist movement!
We are all the same !! :D
Want or not!

Gotta love niggers.
No, really, you have to & excuse their behavior, otherwise you're a fucking racist.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I like the cut of his jib.

If they kill those who do not want to be the same.
Bone to the intelligent, the white, Irish, etc.
We are all black :D