If Tom Cruise were a boxer he'd be Tom Bruise

If Tom Cruise were a boxer he'd be Tom Bruise

And if he was tired he'd be Tom Snooze?

if he was a drink he'd be Tom Booze

If he were the OP he would be...a huge faggot.

If Tom Cruise was a reporter he would be Tom News.

If Tom Cruise was OP he would be a Faggot!

haha ecks de

If Tom Cruise was from new York he would be Tom from Syracuse.

You first.


If he was throwing up all the time he'd be Tom Spews


If Tom Cruise was cooked in an oven he'd be Tom Jews

If Tom Cruise was a cow he'd be Tom Moos

If Tom Cruise was black he'd be Tom Nigger

If Tom Cruise ate laxatives he'd be Tom Poos.

If he wasn't the real Tom but was tricking everyone, he'd be a Tom Ruse.

If Tom Cruise were in second place he'd be Tom Lose.

If Tom Cruise made footwear he'd be Tom Shoes.

If Tom Cruise liked it on top he'd be Dom Cruise.

If Tom Cruise were a terrorist he'd be Bomb Cruise.

If Tom Cruise were in a gang he'd be Tom Crews.

If Tom Cruise could inspire me he'd be Tom Muse.

If Tom Cruise was sad, he'd be Tom Blues

If Tom Cruise got high he'd be Tom Glues

If Tom Cruise liked gum he'd be Tom Chews

If Tom Cruise was an std he'd be Tom Ooze

If Tom Cruise pissed all the time he'd be Tom Loos

If Tom Cruise were in a union he'd pay Tom Dues.

If Tom Cruise was a detective he'd be Tom Clues

If Tom Cruise was a lawyer he'd be Tom Sues

If Tom Cruise lost his car and kept asking about it he'd be Tom Dudes

If Tom Cruise threw tantrums he'd be Tom Terrible-Twos


If Tom Cruise were a nigga on 40" blades he'd be Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise had a twin brother he would be Tom Two's

If Tom Cruise was a cook he'd be Tom Stews

If Tom Cruise was a detective he would be Tom Clues

Perhaps he's Tom Yous.

If Tom Cruise was inspiring a creative genius, he'd be Tom Muse


If Tom Cruise was a religion he'd be Tom Jews

If Tom Cruise was muck he'd be Tom Gooze

If Tom Cruise was in WWII he'd be Tom Jews.

If Tom Cruise had a squirrel sidekick he'd be Tom Moose.

If Tom Cruise was an animal he'd be Tom Zoos


..I lost by 9 seconds.

If Tom Cruise housed animals he'd be Tom Zoos

3 min 9 sec

If Tom Cruise were asleep he'd be Tom Snooze.

If Tom Cruise was a hooker he'd be Tom Used

If Tom Cruise failed to wake up when his alarm went off, he would be Tom Snooze

if tom cruise were an alcoholic he'd be tom booze.

these threads remind me of how good Sup Forums used to be
thx user

Uncle Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise were a nuclear physicist he'd be Tom Fuse

If Tom Cruise was a bomb he'd be Tom Fuse

If Tom were a terrible actor he's be Tom boos

If Tom Cruise had to leave he'd be Tom Excuse

If Tom Cruise was the defendant in a rape case he'd be Tom Accused.

If Tom was a sane person he wouldn't be in scientology

If Tom Cruise built things then he would be Tom Screws

If Tom Cruise birthed a baby he'd be Mom Cruise.

If he couldn't make up his mind he'd be Tom Choose!!!

If Tom was Mexican he'd be Tom Cruz

Fucking good thread

If Tom Cruise cleaned chimneys he'd be Tom Flues.


If Tom Cruise were an altar boy he'd be Tom Abused

If Sean Connery was an oil magnate he'd be Sean Refinery

If Tom Cruise were an endangered species he might be Tom Zoos.


Wrong thread?

If Tom Cruise were an investment he'd be Tom Accrues.

If Tom was sleeping in he'd be Tom snooze

If Tom Cruise were a scam artist he'd ve Tom Ruse

If Tom Cruise squashed fruit he'd be Tom Juice

If Sean Connery was stoned all the time he'd be Sean Gonery

If Tom Cruise was sick he'd be Tom Spews.

If Sean Connery was debating he'd be Sean Contrary

You can't just change the thread user


If Tom Cruise was waiting in line he'd be Tom Queues


if Tom Cruise was from California he'd be Tom Santa Cruz

If Tom Cruise was a demolitions expert he'd be Tom Diffuse

If Tom Cruise were a mother of twins he'd be Mom of Twos

If Tom Cruise fucked his mother he'd be Tom Taboos


If Tom Cruise was a missile he'd be Tom Cruise.

If Tom Cruise was a boater he'd be Tom Canoes

Or Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise lived in Australia he'd be Tom Kangaroos

fucking rekt

If Tom Cruise was a group of large, flightless birds he'd be Tom Emus

If Tom Cruise was a different color he'd be Tom Hues

If Tom Cruise were a seasoned criminal he'd be Con Cruise.

If Tom Cruise played billiards he'd be Tom Cues

If Tom Cruise were a kike he'd be Tom jews

If Tom Cruise was in the shower he'd be Tom Shampoos