Rape and Islamic culture

Rape and Islamic culture.
Why are Muslims so found
of raping European woman ?

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because they're hotter than muslim women
this is not rocket science

They'll tell you all you want to hear. And only that.

muslim/islam is not a race/place/country you mongolide

They are exotic and inferior to us. Out Jihad and conquest of the land makes them our gifts from Allah.

i bet they rape everything. Muslim women are stoned if they accuse man from rape. So they usually just keep silent

every bitch that is muslim is also an ugly bitch
this is a fact, didn't say they were a race

things aren't going well for us swedes it seems. it's good, lots of us definitely needs an eye opener. but is is not nearly as bad as media describes it.

>has fucking "No-go" zones
>will get raped/murdered if set foot in one
>not as bad as media reports it
no it's mot as bad as reported, it's far fucking worse because it's under-reported and constantly covered up

>>has fucking "No-go" zones
>>will get raped/murdered if set foot in one
this is just not true. i know we have some bad places for the cops, but when i have been there: no problems. my friends who grew up there: no problems. perhaps it's the presence of the cops who does all this i don't know, an I do not deny it's kinda shitty, but still: what you are saying is not correct

What you are saying is incorrect. My GF's sister lives in stockholm and I visited there a few months ago. There are in fact no-go zones. I saw them.

Your head is so far up your asshole that you actually believe your own bullshit.

>Why are Muslims so found
>of raping European woman ?
they weren't until you dumb fucks let them into your countries

what the fuck are you talking about. I am born and raised in Stockholm. I know about the shitty places with lots of shit going ion. What no go zones did you visit my friend?

And the reporter who tried to go in one and was hospitalized for his endeavors?
If a place is bad for cops then it would be bad for any law abiding citizen as it is only the criminals who would try to fight cops. If there is a place that actively combats cops then that place is full of criminals

Welcome to the USA after Trump caused the economy to collapse.

I don't know them by name, I was only there a few days, but our tour guide was telling us the areas that we should avoid by all means. She specifically explained them as immigrant controlled zones and we drove by the outskirts of them. Hardly a white person in sight.

But keep on sucking migrant dick and flushing your culture down the toilet, it's so tolerant and open minded of you!


Sweden is so open minded their brains have fallen out

Any woman can become Muslim. What now?

ofc it is. no denying that. lots of shit going on, lots of criminals. but the statement that you get raped and robed as soon as you set your foot in that place is just lies. yeah media gets thrown out and attacked, it happens to the police as well, and i don't defend it.

what tour?

>Why are Muslims so found
>of raping European woman ?

Did the blackheads make fun of you at school again, user?

Did everyone forget that sweeten changed its rape laws? Now instead of all under one case, they now treat every incident seperatly so of course rape statistics are going to increase

Jesus fucking christ. It was my GF's sister showing us the town. Are are you really that skeptical that somebody actually visited Stockholm in the past 6 months? It's not some crazy story that needs a ton of evidence to believe.

She won't if she's hot.

Says who?

no. but perhaps some experience would be nice.

Gold :)


I hate these mongolides

They also make it illegal to associate race and ethnicity with crime so the migrant crime epidemic can't be exposed for what it really is.

Only ugly women will ever favor arranged marriages, or accept being covered.

OP do you mean rape and human nature? Just from a homo sapien perspective we've been around for 200,000+ years. It is speculated that rape was pretty prominent until the advent of algriculture. Even then it still pretty prominent today. Let's say society and laws came about around the same time as algriculture, about 9,000 bce. So we've been unapologetic rapist for 189,000 years and only 11,000 years of trying to rise above such things.

Based on what data

>spotted the muslim apologist scumbag

go fuck a goat

>Trying to rise above such things

Who isn't?

Because we allow this shit.

How the fuck are you going to call anyone a mongolide in defense of that sand nigger culture? You just went full retard son...You realize that the majority of those cucks all want to rape the women of the world in the hopes that one day the entire world will be there's. Shits already starting to happen. I hope they turn the sandniggers into the scapegoat that propels us into the imminent one world order. Kill em all and you too, you fucking cuck.

topkek, that is the most misleading crap I've ever seen.

Christian men are worse. Ew

9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.......

It's funny because people refer to rape etc acts as subs human. But those things have been more human than the new morality humans subscribe to now.

You sound like some sjw faggot, cuck. Grow up kid. How are you gonna be on Sup Forums complaining about "micro-aggressions" anyway? Go back to the 9th grade...


Hitler did noting wrong

Who creates these wonderful memes?

you have a point, but I think the human mind is shaped by the violence it encounters, IE Neanderthal nathan lives in the rough european wilderness, living as an animal with high intelligence, probably isn't gonna be a moral highbrow(get it?). but at the same time, I think primates in general tend to be more peaceful at heart if allowed to be.

They're more attractive than their hairy shitskin women, obviously.

Fair skin/hair/eyes are an attractive trait in every part of the world.

meme magic creates all the memes

The quoran says non-believers are beneath them and that it's perfectly fine for them to do that to our women, combined with the fact there prophet was a paedo is why we have gangs of them raping white children.

It's a backward horrible religion and belongs back in the 3rd world shithole they came from

jag bor också i sverige, tönt. Ja, blattar är jobbiga, men det är allt de är - jobbiga. Sluta runka till avpixlat och gå och snacka med gubben i korvmojen så du botar din jävla noja.

The Sandniggers before Islam were far more superior than this shit-tier people. It's the fault of the hebrews, who poisoned them.
Also, rape it's a natural trait for humanity.

Were too, Muslim Viking age silver coin hoards on Gotland, largest 73 kilos, tell us Swedes sold their females to Muslims until their silver ran out.

Fruktansvärt stor överrepresentation när gäller brott som våldtäkt betyder att de är fan så mycket mer än bara jobbiga ditt jävla mongo



'In 2005, the definition of rape in the Swedish Sexual Crimes Act was broadened to include, for instance, having sex with someone who is asleep, or someone who could be considered to be in a “helpless state”. This applies to situations when someone would not be capable of saying “no”. A typical situation where the law could be applied is if someone who is drunk at a party falls asleep only to wake up and realize that someone is having sex with them.

That would constitute rape according to the 2005 law, and not “sexual abuse”, which was the case before the law was amended. In this respect the new law did not criminalize behaviour that previously had been legal, but rather broadened the definition of what constitutes rape to include a larger number of sexual crimes.

Related IPS Articles

Assange in Decisive Fight Over Swedish Rape Law

The fact that the definition had been broadened could soon be seen in the rape statistics – the number of reported rapes more than doubled between 2004 and 2009, a year when almost 6,000 cases were reported. According to a Crime Survey made by BRÅ, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, there were, however, no indications of an increase in the actual number of people who fell victims to sexual crimes between 2005-2008.'

So did 'sexual abuse' decrease accordingly?

If you need data on that, I've got news for you...

What a baby. That's like saying all people who are white look like trailer trash

the "im afraid of non white people tour"

don´t they though ?

im not a fan of refugees because im from germany but


are you really that retarded OP ? go back to Sup Forums fucking faggot

Sweden is just a fucked up land

Becouse muslim woman are ugly as fuck....

älskar din småsinthet. Vi bor i världens bästa jävla land, och visst de kommer hit och fuckar upp skit osv. Vi ska inte låta landet översvämmas, absolut inte, men folk måste ta det lugnt med att ljuga om skit också. Det tar någon generation sen är alla assimilerade och lika mycket svennar som du och jag. Försök ha en lite balanserad syn på saken i stället.

Or why do white women false rape all the time

Because european womans are masochistic?


Det jag menar är att om vi vill ha en bättre värld måste vi hjälpa till också. Vi måste ställa krav och kanske till och med skicka hem de som är riktiga idioter. Men nånstans måste ju även du fatta att de också är människor som ba vill ha det bra.

can agree on this, most of them want rough sex. Most of the people who I met online are nuts, good people, but as for sex, nuts. Not that I mind. I am wishing to meet some irl.

>i bet they rape everything. Muslim women are stoned if they accuse man from rape. So they usually just keep silent
I think this is largely true. There's a large enough discrepancy between estimated and reported rapes in Western culture, where rape victims are revered as higher order enlightened alpha feminists. Contrast that to Islamic culture, where your family is guaranteed to disown you for being raped, if not kill you; there's no way they're going to police when they're raped.

Självklart ska vi hjälpa folk men ingenting blir bättre av sådana sidor och tokiga vinklingar i svensk massmedia.

hahahaha ur actually retarded if you think 51% of 1,000,000 people want to rape the women of the world. Keep living under that little fearful bitch rock of yourshahaha you're such a little bitch boi
