What's this shit on my leg Sup Forums

what's this shit on my leg Sup Forums.


Ingrown hair.

melon coma

Med fag here. Definitely AIDS.

oh shit you have skin!, go to a doctor fast, my uncle died from having skin on his leg.

Get to a dermatologist to be sure it ain't cancer.



try popping it and see what happens.

I will eventually. Don't think it's come to a head yet.

It feels smooth. When I push on it I feel it kinda deep in my leg. Feels like an ingrown hair but the color is off.

OP, are you the same faggot who posts all the odd medical questions?

You must spend all of your spare time scouring the internet for pictures of inflamed/swollen/infected body parts. Then you claim to have some affliction and post a picture from your stash.

I think you are full of shit. If you had a real concern, you would see a doctor or at least post this on a real medical forum.

Don't bother saying that you can't afford a doctor without proof that you live in a third world shit hole.

There ain’t anyone here but degenerates and what kind of retard wants a degenerate to render a medical opinion?

I double dog dare you to post a time stamped picture.

I'll bite

Its probably cancer. My dog had something similar but about 50x the size lel
You should get it removed m8 or youre gonna need to be put the fuck down just like my dog ;)


On my leg

Damn, I'm speechless. You're the only one telling the truth. I apologize for doubting you.

So go see a fucking doctor. If that shit gets infected, you might get sick. It aint smart to look for advice here.

nah mate don't worry I already went to the doc. Just trolling the chans for some good old belly laughs.

Yeah bud, what you've got there is a leg nipple. It's still in its infancy since the areola is sonny just beginning to form. My brother had a bad case of leg nipple. After years of being afflicted he turned to drugs and subsequently ended up stripping to pay for his hobbit.

*is only

>hobbit? Seriously?

hobbit hahahahah

Melanoma = skin cancer

my hobbit is doing fine but what does this all have to do with my leg?

you've never had an ingrown hair before? pop it with something sharp and use tweezers to pull it out
post how long it is please

Can confirm. The skin is where most of infections enter the body. Best just get rid of it entirely

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