So I just saw this and I honestly can't comprehend why people on this board are defending it. Like it's all ironic...

So I just saw this and I honestly can't comprehend why people on this board are defending it. Like it's all ironic, right? You're just joking, right? I mean, there's no sugar-coating it, this is a bad fucking movie. It's the most boring, brainless movie I've seen in years, and it seriously blows my mind that a group of writers and producers and a director got together and thought that the decisions made in the production of this movie were the right ones. Lex fucking Luthor was the most intolerable character I've seen in I don't even know how long, he tries so hard to be quirky in this fumbling, almost Jeff Goldblum-esque manner and just falls on his face in every fucking scene he's in, not to mention his bullshit Holden Caulfield pseudo-intellectual college student motivations for wanting Batman and Superman dead. Seriously, all of the characters are so fucking bad and bland and dry, I was told that Affleck's performance was the one saving grace of this movie, but I was not feeling it at all. Even though his motivation for hating Superman should have been clear-cut, it feels muddled and unfocused. Superman's beef with Batman is even worse, his obsession with Batman stems from his dislike that Batman fights crime on his own terms and takes the law into his own hands, but that's the exact same thing Superman does. So the villain's motivation is unclear, the heroes have no reason to fight eachother, Wonder Woman is a non-entity, so why does anything in this movie even happen? What was the point of everything that happened? To ape off of Marvel and make their own cinematic universe? Yeah, because Marvel movies aren't getting fucking stale yet, no, you keep it up with this samey bullshit, Warner Brothers. It seriously felt like I was watching Man of Steel all over again, the same shots are present a lot, the story drags on like a motherfucker at the beginning, characters and motivations are confusing and unclear, there's senseless, rampant destruction. It's a bad movie.

Stopped reading there. Into the fucking trash you go.

Fuck you, the movie was a slog. I could barely keep my eyes open through the action scenes. I went into this fully expecting at least some dumb action scenes, but no, we go through Bruce Wayne's origin story, again, we shoehorn Bruce into the Metropolis fight scene because this movie needs a reason to exist, and then nothing happens for so fucking long. It's not developing characters, it's not establishing anything, it's just nothing. The minor action scenes mean nothing when the tone is so jarringly shifted away from whatever is happening constantly, especially when half of those action sequences are fucking dreams. The tension was completely broken for me by the time Batman actually started doing shit because I was half expecting him to wake up from a dream for the third fucking time. The big retarded battle at the end wasn't any better either, what, Lois drops the spear in the water for no reason, but then they need the spear so she has to go and get it again just so we can have some fake tension in a scene that should be focusing on the characters fighting the giant monster, characters we barely fucking know at this point. Sitting through the dumb, vapid, emotionless fight scenes, or listening to Lex fumble over his inane dialogue, or the stupid fucking plot, as much as I hesitate to call it that, is a god damn chore and you know it.

Well WB share your opinion judging by the new teaser. Snyderfags BTFO

The jar of piss was a metaphor for the contents of this movie

Yes 98% of BvS defense is memeing. Same with Star Wars prequel defenders. There are probably 5 or 6 people who are actual fans and feel like they have a community due to the shitposting.

You sound upset. If it makes you feel better, everyone whose opinion matters agrees with you. Anyone who praises BvS is either doing it ironically or is honestly just has bad taste and/or no brain.

all this glorious pleb filtering

I'm glad to hear that much. And I'm not upset so much as I was expecting a movie I could at least have fun riffing on, or at least something with some dumb, fun action sequences, but I got 2 and a half hours of garbage being processed through a compactor.

Did you take the time to write this much shit and the OP? Get off of Sup Forums.

>did you take the time to actually think about a movie instead of accepting the garbage you're being force-fed and write out your opinions on it
>get out of here, this is a meme-only zone
Cunts like you are why Sup Forums is shit

This capeshit has been posted here every fucking day, it's cunts like YOU that's killing /tv.

I defend BvS and I haven't seen it

I feel like people don't bring up Lex nearly enough. Like, everyone shits on the editing and pacing, which was awful. But Lex Luthor and his horrible dialogue, acting, and ugh. fucking everything. That's what really ruined the movie for me. And based on the clips we've seen from DC, I am worried that Harley and Flash could be similarly shitty.

DESU, I didn't hate the movie. I also really enjoy capeshit for the most part. I find it really fun to watch - even if it isn't that great.

BvS had a ton of problems, you're right - in fact, everything you said is correct, OP. It wasn't deep, or layered like the memeposters constantly claim. It was a very bland superhero movie.

On the same token, I'm still excited to see the DCeU - I've loved Flash since I was a little kid. I'd like to just stay optimistic and hope that WB learns from the mistakes they made in BvS and course corrects and makes the following movies more entertaining.

I'm still gonna see them all. I love capeshit.

Any non newfag knows that "BvS or MOS being good is a meme"

I really don't understand how WB keeps fucking this up. Is it just bad casting? Bad directors? Snyder is pretty bad.

Marvel just makes this look so effortless, and they have like 2-3 movies a year right now, made by different teams. I'm not going to say they're "good cinema" by any means but they're passable entertainment and money machines. What's the difference here?

Just marathoned it, I agree. Lex grossed me out and I couldn't watch any scene with Gadot. Other than that and Superman's weird decisions, it was definitely cape-KINOGRAPHY. Batfleck was better than Bateman, admit it.

In terms of appearance, Cavill is great as Superman and Affleck is a pretty good older Batman, and even Eisenberg looked alright after they got rid of that fruity fucking haircut, but the performances weigh it down immensely and I think that comes at the fault of the writers and the director.

I think Snyder has good ideas, his execution is just really bad, they need a new director. It's like he sets up a good film and lets it fall apart. BvS is unquestionably his masterpiece though.

You just can't appreciate pure capekinográphè

I'll agree with you on the good idea, bad execution bit. Superman's rampant destruction causing grief and a divide between people who are grateful he saved the world and people who are worried about the potential damage he could cause? Pretty good premise. Miserable execution.

Jesse Eisenberg's performance is the real mystery, at least to me. I've seen his other roles, and I know he's capable of subtlety and solid acting. Yet his performance of Lex seemed lifted from the 1966 Batman Villain School of Acting. So, what gives? Did Snyder encourage it? I'm leaning towards that, given that he's the same guy who gave us "This. Is. SPAR-TA!!"

Dubs don't lie, capekino is RESURRECTED

It didn't even feel like that much, it felt like he was tripping over his lines but Snyder just decided to keep it in and roll with it. Look at everyone's faces in that library benefit scene, they all look intensely uncomfortable, like an autistic kid forgot what question he was going to ask Notch at Minecon.

keep up the good fight brother
I trash it without having seen it

They had a shitty writer and director

This movie is a canon sequel to both wonder woman suicide squad too, which makes the plot seem even more convoluted.

Both of those movies should have released before BvD