This was fucking gold. we should do it again some time

This was fucking gold. we should do it again some time.

Stops the filthy vermin breading ? Top KEK's , Job done , good work !

Damn I missed it

A raid that can actually result in people being killed? Where do I sign up?

Right, the best way to stop backwards, radical Islam by supporting it by having those killed who oppose it and are for change.

>stop backwards thinking by silencing its opponents

sounds about right

It's not gonna fight radical Islam, it's just going to discourage muslim women from using the internet.

A good way to fight the abuse of admin power against conservatives on social media is to exploit other social flaws in the system. That it upsets you would be the point.

Anyway I wasn't in this "raid" and don't recall this, probably just something randos did that some liberal faggot wants to pin on Sup Forums. I mean apparently we're kicking each other out of everything now.

I'm down for this. I wanna get some Muslim cunts the death sentence

fuck all of them. im in the uk and its not affecting me yet apart from immigrants. so yeah lets do this again so that usa gets 911'd a second time

does more for awareness than saying "report islamophobia" like Yale and other ivys do

hopefully they get the rape sentence, too

But this is only good. If they want to be true muslims and follow Quran then they know they must be punished. And that's completely ok then. At one point of life people just have to decide do they want to be this or that because sometimes you can't be both.

>it's not effecting me
Well isn't that the most backwards way to live you inconsiderate cunt

Yes we should also kill all the Christians not following the true teachings of Jesus. They can't just cherry pick they can't be both

this is fucking Sup Forums Sup Forums, what do you expect when coming here?

>everyone ITT
I'll even tie the noose for your you fuckers, cmon

Correct. You catch on quick.

You know life is too tough.

Make an impact.

Hang yourselves.

I miss the days before the waves of edgy newfags thinking this was some sort of secret hacking club, and that "Anonymous" was some sort of "underground movement for teh lulz" or whatever the kids thought.

Are you being retarded on purpose ?

>gets 911'd a second time
Considering that the whole world started going to shit after 9/11 you should not be hoping for a repeat.

good thing i am an atheist

Top kek


You don't get to be angry about sociopolitical conflicts you started. You liberals are the ones who abused your power on social media to censor conservative opinion, you've been doxxing conservatives for ages, you do the very thing you're upset about.

Sounds like someone can dish it out but can't take it. You know what that makes you, right? That makes you a little bitch.

i don't want anyone to care

not sure how you can criticizes Muslims for being backwards and then do this

Did you wake up this morning thinking "I'm gonna be a moron today!", or did it just kinda happen?

I'm not liberal. Kill yourself and take your petty ass ratfuck partisanship with you

Then why the fuck are you telling people about it?

What do you think I'm here to do? Save the world? Get lost.




kill yourself

Radical? This is your basic Islam.

lol your ugly i won

Fucking child

What a failure both you and your parents are

me: good looking
you: fat, ugly
who do you think is the failure here?

Here's your chance to die for what you believe in

You can't even fuckin troll right

This is your Sup Forums now, faggots. People like this.

insecure teenager detected

Why don't you look up the word "projection"

I'll wait until you're done, child