What's the best advice you've ever gotten Sup Forums? Pic unrelated

What's the best advice you've ever gotten Sup Forums? Pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


don't get married

don't have kids

Money can't buy happiness, but it facilitates it


To not put money in the stock market. And I disobeyed. Took the plunge.
Sauce demanded.

Honor is a men construct, dont expect women to have it or understand it

Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow

Don't be the good guy, no woman ever get wet because of the good guy...

Try masturbation

invest 30% and save 20% of every paycheck. Live on the remaining 50%.

Don't waste time on Sup Forums.

Be the good guy the right amount
Or you will just find whores and never be happy with a good and loyal girl


Never wipe your dick on her pillowcase

Kill yourself

If you're looking to hook up with a girl always look for a girl wearing white pants. You can be 100% sure she's not on her period.

best advice I've ever had:
Don't get married.

34 years old here. All my dumb married friends lives are falling to pieces

Bonus points: don't have fucking children

Start with bad, find right balance after, or you end up "claiming waifus" on Sup Forums...

Better fuck some whores than drooling over your crush that will never like you.

When in doubt, drink, and then do.

Don't even think about marriage until you are over 30.

Don't marry a girl who is over 30 and still single.

Don't marry a girl until you have lived with her at least one year.

"Read more."

I can confirm this.
If I had fucked up my life with children then I'd never have been able to start my business.

kids suck. look at any parents dead eyes.

"Kill yourself"
-Sup Forums, bullies, my ex-girlfriend, etc.

Sauce on that gif?

git gud

Why get married at all?
The tax benefits are hardly worth it - seriously.

Plus I couldn't give less of a fuck about religion or churches, and I value MY company and MY money too much to get some other person involved.

Betting this thread is just going to be a bunch of responses about how women are mean and scary and you should stay away from them.

dont be an idiot and you'll do fine

Keep your mouth shut

Heh. Breddy good.

Good advice, how should I invest my money ?


(if you have any potential or dreams in life then having a child will absolutely DESTROY them. Be smart. Don't do what I did)

Why not children ?
What if I just have one daughter ?

scratchcards, vidya games

>Sauce on that gif?
Looks like myfaerielove. Would upload her dildo webm, but muh filesize

Visit "Babies R Us" and look at the men in there.
You'll never want children when you see pure misery in person.

Basically having a kid makes everything in your life 100000% more difficult.

sauce on this chick?

OP is a faggot

be urself

Use the force, Harry

- Gandalf

If she loves it and screams of pleasure, it doesn't necessarily mean she wants you to go faster.

42. Married. 2 kids.

Dont get married before getting yourself a good job. A place of your own and experienced the world some. Then when you get married find yourself a little side action to keep you amused as your life is fucked now and it'd just a slow trudge to the grave.

Fuck your coworker. You may not get a second chance.

This only happens if you're an idiot, and have kids when you arent prepared.

I have a kid, but I only did so once me and my wife were comfortable in are careers and knew we could take care of a kid. We didn't have one in grad school cause we knew we couldn't take care of it then, so we waited.

We're perfectly happy, still on a near identical path to where we would have been had we not had kids (though she got a paid year off for maternity)

Idiots who just randomly have a kid completely unprepared deserve what they get.

From my dad: Get up really early. At that time of day, there are no assholes running around yet.

Punish your ass and balls daily

There is a time and place for everything.

The wheel that make the most noise, Gets the most grease.

yes daddy

...other than your dad.

This sounds entirely unhelpful.

This pic

Lol this. Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't stop or change

>"pussy is literally interchangable, so don't get hung up on just one"

Saved me form a deep depression after a break up in a way.

Thank you user.

"Don't eat that!"

Sauce for pic

Actually, that turned out to be very helpful. I get more stuff done between 5 and 6am, then the rest of the day combined.

get married, get divorced, be fun weekend dad, get married again to girl half my age, enjoying it so far...


Lol fake and gay
Most libs just have political views and vote, you faggots act like we all get triggered and scream when someone eats ice cream because someone is lactose intolerant.

If you think this is the case then you're either a virgin or you don't know how to fuck properly.


Take your hourly income after taxes. One hour from each day should go to you.

In Canada, we have an RRSP, the money you put there is not taxed, so you will get the equivalent tax you paid on it back each year. I believe the US equivalent is a 401k?

You are also not taxed on any income you make as a result of investing it.

We also have an option called a TFSA. you do not get the income tax deduction for contribution, but you do get the benefit that any money you make from investing that money, is tax free.

I split my savings 50/50 between the two, since RRSP can only be withdrawn from (except the 25k I used for a downpayment on my first house) once you retire. TFSA can be withdrawn from at any point, like any other account.

I further split 50% of each savings account in to a bank-managed long-term growth portfolio, and the remaining 50% goes to: 33% ETF, 33% steady growth stocks which pay a minimum of 3% dividends each, 15ish% in 3-month ish period individual stock investments, and the remainder sits available for me to use as I please. I work full-time in chemical research, but on the side I use some of that cash to keep a balance for a side business, sealing driveways. Amazing profit to be made there. Then the remainder from that fixes my car when it breaks, fixes my house, and most recently, went on a down payment of a 2 bedroom apartment-style condo which I now rent out at a net profit of about $225/month on top of the fact that the mortgage is being paid, and is therefore accumulating its worth as well whenever I choose to sell it.

Make money in as many ways as you can, but always pay yourself first. It might mean you can't buy a new car, or eat out all the time. But, a used car goes the same distance, for half the price, and being able to retire very comfortably at 50 is going to be well worth eating at home more.

married with a child and never been happier

get a real job, meet as good girl, start a family and stop being such a worthless parasite to society!


the irony.....its so overwhelming.

god this site is full of fucking kids.


Nobody wears white pants faggot

This, cannot agree more

Some girls fuck better, some are more fun with thier clothes on, some are dead fish in and out of bed, but pussy is pussy, and there will always be another one. That's what he meant.


Dad: "No one knows what the fuck they're doing. Not me. Not you. Anyone who tells you exactly how to do things is full of shit. Do it your way."

Sounds like his dad was a garden variety moron.


i ALWAYS put pussy on the highest pedestal and it's only made my life easier

virgins are the only ones that can't see pussy as the end-all be-all of a relationship

i can't go a day without pussy

I am actually in complete agreement with this advice, so long as it is followed-through on, with early morning hard work.

read the fucking manual

Good god, I'm really glad more people don't follow your idiot dads advice.

Tbh the only ones who end up miserable are the pieces of shit who really shouldnt have had children in the first place. Fuck you you got what you deserved for being a useless piece of shit.

Don't you worry that your ex wife's new boyfriend is diddling your kids or some shit? I mean, "fun weekend" dad is fine, but what about the rest of it? I mean, new young wife and all is great, but you just kinda halfassed the kids thing, didn't you?

Aw, sweetheart.

Good stuff

I waited too, but it still fucked up all my ability to expand my business internationally.
Hate my life

Best advice I ever received:

Your relationship should ALWAYS come second. It should be a little bonus in life. Not the main event.

Then you either didnt wait enough or just suck at using your resources. Dont blame your failure on your kids jackass.

I should also add that as of two years ago, laws changed to allow banks to "bail-in" instead of get a bail-out. That means that they can effectively use funds from any individual account with over $100,000CAD (about $3.50 USD) to bail themselves out in the event of another financial crisis.

Therefore, as soon as I had $100k in my one bank account, I cut it in half and opened another identical account at another, corporately-unrelated bank.

Be ware.

something i read in a book 'may the gods provide me with time and i will provide everything else'
>dont be a little bitch and work towards your goals

> don't get married

Seriously this advice is very important. It can ruin everything.

Follow the small rules and you can break the big ones.

If you "waited" and still were a failure, then you either didn't wait long enough or you're an idiot. In either case you deserve everything you got.

Honestly people bitch and moan about kids ruining there dreams etc etc like it's a fucking meme. It's a way for people to blame their failures on someone else.

If you can't figure out how to make it work, you're an idiot.

Never trust a white person with dreadlocks.


Wasn't told it by anyone but I learned a lesson after fucking myself over:
Never dependend on someone else to make you happy, and never expect others to give a shit about you when you're at your worst

Did you really need someone to tell you this?

The best advice is dependent on the person receiving it and where they are in life.

Someone could give you the best advice in your life and if you're not ready for it, you'll look at it like it's stupid.

Some people need to learn not to trust other. Other need to learn to trust someone. Some people need to work harder, others need help relaxing. It depends on who you are and what your needs are in life.

One of the best advices I've had is to think before acting (speaking is an action, too). Or the layman's "Look before leaping"

From thoughts to words to deeds you should align with truth or if you've any real intelligence, your mind will fragment like dissenting city-states like a broken country.

Never trust anyone with dreadlocks is more like it.

Can't argue with that too much but if you are still single at a certain age you are looked at as a freak. Not that this is a reason to get married, just telling you that is how it is.

Don't waste your life being afraid of what people think of you.

the man you are today is the man you'll be for the rest of your life. if you don't like what you see, you'd better change.


Hookers and blow

Influence isn't something you get - it's something you seek out.

If you're trying to do something and it doesn't work, instead of doing it more, faster or harder, try doing it a little bit better.

Respect isn't given, it's earned.

That's a good one for the millennial crybabays today that think everyone is going to treat them like their parents and coddle them through life.

delete System32. it gets rid of all the viruses on your computer

for other people toward you, sure.

but my philosophy for others is that i'll give people respect until they give me a reason to take it away from them.