I know I'm going to get attacked for this but

I know I'm going to get attacked for this but...

Can we all just agree that both of these are hot?

Then maybe we can all get along better.

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree OP! They're both hot and anyone who disagrees is a cum guzzling faggotron 9000.

>Falling this hard for the swirl meme

race traitors all around

I disagree
You cant see either of these girl's penis.

Now post what you got of either category and lets fap in harmony.

I have no problem with either but the race baiting or whatever it is that usually goes along with them on Sup Forums annoys me to the point of interfering with my enjoyment.


Why can't we fap and get along?

>Can we all just agree that both of these are hot?

Reminder of what a nigger lover looks like who isn't getting paid




> Can we all just agree
Go back to r3dd1t. Seriously.

Most black chicks are great at sucking cock because their mouth is usually bigger. Kind of like Carly Simon.

jew lies

What about all those black athletes dating hot blondes?

Almost every NFL rookie had a blonde girlfriend at least year's draft.

>Niggers with millions of dollars can snag golddiggers

Imagine that

Your average hood nigger has to pick between a sheboon or a landwhale. If you've ever been around a sheboon you'd know why they pick the 400lb white girls who dropped out of high school

>Can we all just agree that both of these are hot?

Nope, because I bet my ass that one of them smells of nigger, and it's disgusting being with her when she sweats especially during the summer.

>Protip: it's not the white girl

that's more money than anything. po ghetto niggers get left out

So, you only fap to the bottom pic?


I fap only when all the people in the image/video are white

thank you for trying to make Sup Forums a better place

rachel who?

I don't agree that either of these are hot, but that's mostly because there's wimminz involved...

Rachel Aidshaver

White dick in black girls is NOT hot OP, only white girls taking huge nigger dick is. Every white girl should have at least 5 nigger fuck slaves, and every beta white male should dress like a sissy and get his ass and mouth filled with nigger cum.


I totally agree, we need to start getting along!

tbh only faggot nerds care about this


I like dick as much as the next faggot, but just don't like black guys at all. So it's really a huge turnoff seeing black dudes in porn.

Now that's hot

What's with the long face sweetheart?


Caucasian, Cancer

Yes, I agree. We should all get along better.

what kind of jeans are those



Nah but if the 2 bitches were getting it on, then yes.

white girls r more like me, whos white. Of course i find them more attractive. Blacks r ugly

What about...no

So you'd fap to the bottom video but not the top?

yes. Unlike u, im in it for the girl

So, the fact that she's with a nig doesn't bother you?

why would it?

Palefaces fucking ape bitches and Nigger coons fucking cavebitches.

What a shame

You've been conditioned to racemix by the jews op, congrats on being a good goyim.

Just asking because it bothers some people.

I'm with you though, I only like white women do I'd watch the bottom video not the top.

hey, thats gay

Whos the black girl?

I prefer the bottom one :)

Are you white?


White girls are hotter

Im not attracted to black girls for the most part

So, you'd rather watch the bottom vid?

I guess.. yeah If I had to chose but I generally dont watch interracial porn either.

Same concept goes here as for movies, the reason why white guys always act even in ethnic movies is because its eiser for audiences to put themselves in the shoes of there own kind.

Thats why tom cruise is the last Sammuri

its just the way our brains wrok bruv

Asian actually but I just prefer white girls. Not to say that the black girl is ugly but I'm just a vanilla type of guy.

I am not a racist but a black dick look to much like a crap, i can't look at that sry... i am ok with brown whore get supreme race dick np....

OP, no, because that black woman knows that nigger genes are an evolutionary dead end which is why she wants superior white genes for her offspring. That race traitor white whore just wants to get back at Mommy and Daddy for not buying her a pony when she was little and wants to pollute her family tree with dirty nigger blood.

I'd also like to know that

The Last Samurai was based on a true story.

Thats why Tom Cruise was in it.

black chicks? Usually nah, that one's pretty hot though

White chicks and big dicks?? Yes absolutely, either colour penis is fine for me

It's more the aftermath I'm interested in
>pic related

I see, so watching white girl/black guy porn probably doesn't bother you as long as the girl is hot.

I think it's Chanell Heart


Yeah the last samurai is about as real as your mom's tits. I mean, technically they are still tits but... ya know

interracial porn so cuul..... anybody got source ???

The Last Samurai was based on a Frenchman joining the Samurai ranks.

Sorry you got cucked again yellow boi.

Not him but you're a fucking idiot.

This is why newfags should stick to lurking.


dick hungry animals i like


good source and it doesnt ever talk about an American being there.

black on black my passion


The real guy was European

I can definitely agree that I wish that black girl was sucking my dick.

Look up Jules Brunet