Rekt/gore thread, last one was weak as shit! no nigger chimp outs or fights!

rekt/gore thread, last one was weak as shit! no nigger chimp outs or fights!









Air attack mission: rescuing the kfc




I'm struggling to understand the anatomy of this. I'm an EMT and even I can't fully tell wtf is going on.

Any legit med fags that can explain?


wonder if this was israel firing on palestinians protest- I mean terrorists

Fractured (severely) the front part of the skull... Sinuses inflate as he breathes? Bestguessfag


I'd consider myself pretty desensitized. But there's something extra fucked about that.

kek that file name

That's awesome

those heli round chewed them turks up


no gore, no rekt, this anatomy, stet up your game famapai

> (You)

As an emt youre just a glorified taxi driver. Think multiple fractures you dumb cunt.


where we're going we don't need roads.


yes, thank


fuck niggers

fuckin sand niggers


Aha Porsche girl, a classic

Grate Scot

yeah. poor old cat sour ass. it's so hard being rich and coked out. her parents made a killing from CSP leaking those pics.