What's your opinion on the Rambo series?

What's your opinion on the Rambo series?

What's the best and the worst movie?

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1 >>>>>> 4 > 2 > 3

This desu. The 4th was fuckin nuts!

first is best, 4 is pretty good.

other two are pretty much trash.


Sly should just do Rambo vs ISIS before it's too late.

Rambo 3 taught me that talibans are our friends.

first one was amazing

2nd one was an abomination, and after that it just became like any other action franchise

also pretty funny when they had some bullshit at the credits saying "this is dedicated to the brave mujahadeen fighting the soviet union" when today you would publicly execute sly for rooting for DEM TURRURISTS

I love this scene


Jerry goldsmith's music when trautman starts speaking on the radio is so creepy, like something coming from the grave

I think this is the generally agreed upon final rank.

It's worth noting that the 1st movie was an entirely different genre tho.

That's because it was based on a rather well written novel, even if it took its liberties. The rest are loosely based on the first movie and forever stallone being forever and stallone.

Why were the cops such assholes?

3 > 1 > 4 > 2

I like them all

Fuck the police.

>ranking three anywhere but last
I remembered it being great too, and then I watched it recently for the first time in 10+ years, and.... no.


I pretend Rambo 2 and 3 don't even exist.

It's actually kind of hilarious how great the first one is compared to the other three. First Blood stands on its own as a great film, the rest is a bunch of by-the-numbers action schlock. If you're into that, that's fine. It has its place, but the only legitimately good movie in the franchise is First Blood.

every few years i forget how bad they were and try and watch them

and then realise they are just awful again and go back to ignoring them

what i don't understand is nobody tries to make first blood tier movies? the only thing i can think that maybe close is revenant purely because it was innawoods

I kinda like 3 because it's so fucking stupid it becomes entertaining.

also has Trautman killing commies.

I really wanna find the special edition of Rambo: First Blood with the real ending from the book.

Anyone seen it?

I had the blu-ray for Rambo 4 and it shows the original ending from the book for Rambo First Blood.


Haven't bought a hardcopy of a movie for years, so I've totally missed that!


>"it's a long road" starts playing



post YFW the police raped him in the showers

First Blood is one of my all-time favourite movies. I love how different it is to the rest of the Rambo series.

2 is pretty good as well for a dumb action film, followed by 4. 3 wasn't that great though imo.

I'm 28 and watched the first one the other week for the first time ever strangely.

It was much better than I thought it was going to be, the second was decent but shit in comparison. I'll skip 3 by the sound of it and go to the 4th one.

That general dud is a slick bastard. I'm guessing he didn't 'make it' for the 4th lel?

>I'll skip 3 by the sound of it

Hot Shots 2 is much funnier if you have seen Rambo 3.



Rambo 2 and 3 are great. Just not as good as First Blood. If I were you I'd watch them all.

eh fuck it, i'll watch the 3rd one then. Might as well.

Rambo 3 and The Living Daylights are prime Talibancore

it's been done already
it's called Rambo 3
and JOHN RAMBO IS FIGHTING WITH ISIS, you dumbass fucking millenial