Was Daniel the most JUST person in Kitchen Nightmares?

Was Daniel the most JUST person in Kitchen Nightmares?

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What EP?


I bet he faps to that GoT scene when Tyrion kills his dad

his parents fucked him over pretty bad and the mom, holy shit what a bitch.
>he was 27 years old
>parents stole 250k of his inheritance money
at least he had a 6/10 gf


That opening music, my ears are bleeding.

Him and his gf seemed off. Like they were tweakers or something.

Yes and Burger Kitchen was the best episode

Most defiantly

>parents stole all his money
>overbearing girlfriend
.>his anger just digs him a deep hole

was this the guy whose father was an Australian jewish criminal?


Usually i don't laugh at people's depression, but he was so JUST i had to laugh.

I thought his dad sounded jewish.

Lol Daniel got jewed by his own dad.

>Mr Saffron said he was hoping for an initial payment of at least $100,000 to help him settle $40,000 in debts and pay for treatment for his chronic depression.

>"I want to pay off all my debts and move on with my life," he said. "I'm extremely depressed. I see doctors every week. The depression has come from the debt."

>Mr Saffron, who is unemployed, said he had been unable to get a job because his driving licence had been suspended after he accumulated $4800 in unpaid parking fines in six years.




>Hey, this is one of the owners here at Burger Kitchen, Daniel Saffron. I am so sorry we forgot the sauce for ghandi’s gift. To make up for it, if you come back, feel free to order anything different, and I will give you a free round of drinks on the house, plus a “mini” version of the ghandis gift WITH sauce

what a fucking jew


Are they still open?

closed several years ago

I wonder what they are doing now.

Holy fuck how has he not beat his dad to death already?

I fucked my uncle up 'cause he kicked off & felt entitled to my 2k inheritance my grandfather left me, never mind him stealing 250k.

>dad wanted to open a restaurant because he likes eating meat

how these people can't spot crazy from a mile away is beyond me

JUST is an unfunny forced redditor meme.


Who /meatsculpter/ here?

>Mushrooms are important to me, I'm from Poland.

>a trained monkey could do this
>5 mins later
>[crying] this is actually really hard


What did he mean by this?

I sculpt my meat everyday, if you know what I mean.

It's just impossible not to laugh from 42:15 onward.
He starts crying, kitchen nightmares sound effect plays, and he takes off his hat revealing his JUST hair.
I'm literally in tears right now.

I jsut started watching random episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, name me your favourites and I'll watch them.

his toxic parents reminds me so much about mine i couldn't watch the whole episode

That whole family made my stomach turn just looking at them. Absolute fucking specimens.

the one where THE SHEF doesn't like the godlike pizza because it's too greasy

And what ep is that?

jeeeesus the most insincere excuses ever; their eyes can't lie

Fiesta sunrise
Galleria 33
Mill street bistro

Those are kitchen nightmare essentials.

Haven't seen Dillons and Mill Street - checking 'em out right now!

This show is just one of the weirdest cooking/reality shows of all time. It just feels off since to be in this show you have to be an absolute wreck of a kitchen and yet no one fucking thinks they are.

Also, what's the name of the episode where Gordon just gives up and walks out? They had the waitress that wasn't allowed to keep tips but was paid an actual wage.

amy's baking company


This is what retarded kids actually believe.

and as sebastian's mother would say


Best episode hands down. Never seen Gordon Ramsay so defeated before in any show he's done.

Exactly. They didn't steal his inheritance money. They just spent money that was theirs instead of saving it until they were dead to give to an ungrateful son and his bitch gf.

Italian family with the meathead older bro confirmed for best episode.

you uh, relating to this somehow buddy? you gamble away your kids trust fund or something?

So the best episode is Luigi's D'Italia, right?

it was his inheritance from his grandfather. i.e not the parent's money. if i gave YOU $250k and your father spent it without asking you how would you feel?

If it wasn't contractually promised to him then it's technically not stealing but it is a pretty underhanded thing to do.

It's the only look you can have when you realize you're dealing with someone who will never change. Kinda reminds me of Bar Rescue's O'Face episode, only not as extreme.

Is that the one where the guy keeps giving Gordon a hard time, but immediately jumps to his defense when someone else starts insulting him?

I'm just confused how his dad even got the money. Did he just keep it lying around his room in cash? I figured he would have put it into his savings or checking account or something which only he has access to.

>father writes book called "Gentle satan" based on his father.
>Is jewish.
> constantly jew spaz's on goy girlfriend.
> Drop 250k into frozen Australian burgers.

I highly believe he was a part of the jewish mafia and was just playing up the old stupid man part

it was a trust fund for his grandson and he was the executor until his son came of age. so he could use it as long as it was for the good of his son.

unless the grandfather said hell no in the will

I heard Samy was arrested for cocaine trafficking and he was using the restaurant for money laundering.
Is it true?

"I am the gangster, not you."

what was that episode with that gorgeous jewfu looking waitress that was "sabotaging" the restaurant?

Not sure, but they got closed after he pulled a knife on someone on camera

He tried to stab a guy once.

>they got closed after he pulled a knife on someone on camera
Gonna need an immediate source on that one user

The guy was late 20's.

the vegan Parisian place? (Picolo Teatro ep)


So it was less stolen and more just managed piss poor and lost after bad investments. That the son felt was obviously bad. I get being upset but stolen probably isn't the best choice of words.

t-thank you based TMZ

Does the video footage of this still exist??

No, they all found other jobs.
The dad is running a meat based hedgefund.
The mother is a councilor for schizophrenics.
The son is a pimp and part-time fashiondesigner.

no, she had black hair and blue eyes and a big nose

Thanks user


You're in the club trying to sort out your order tickets and this guy comes over and threaten to jump over the counter and kick YO ass! what do you do?



La Galleria 33


That episode where he goes to Seattle and helps out that Greek restaurant. God that dudes daughter was so hot

She will always be my waiter-fu

anyone else just watch half the episodes then drop it?

she was a fucking bitch


he was only told after it was spent, he was also against the idea

You cheeky bastard.

Can you believe hes the grandson of one of the biggest mobsters in Australian history?

seeing those trays makes me miss working in a kitchen
but i truly cbf getting hatted again


Are Italians always this angry?

So does Ramsay even actually make any sort of impact on these restaurants? After watching a couple episodes it looks like they only thing he does that leaves any real effect is the redecorating.

As an Italian: yes.

You lot are mental desu, well from what ive seen on kitchen nightmares.

They don't even have to really be Italian. Grandfather is half Italian, half Spanish. Never mentions the family from Spain unless its about an email he just got from them.

My father is only 1/4 fucking Italian as a result but he never mentions the German or Spanish. Just how he's fucking Italian by heritage. Yet they all use to as an excuse to get angry and yell at everyone and act like they're from the old country.

The ones that actually take his advice to heart tend to stay open, unless they were already fucked by debt. No way to save those aside from literally throwing money at them

Well you're not wrong

Burger Kitchen episode is fucking great, 'He's working on the spirit of being paid' the dads a fucking super jew.

Fuck me, Grace is CRAZY.

>Ever marrying non whites (southern europeans arent white)

Do NOT do that

La Galleria 33 is my favorite waifus all over the place plus Pat

>marrying a white
>ruined by alimony or cucking for the rest of your life
There's no winning move in the game of marriage.

I'd rather pay alimony than live with a mental case.

Yes. They are all delusional idiots with mental problems, yet they have direct family that had money. I figured something criminal had to be up in that family right away.

This picture seems like it has meme potential. Can somebody shoop CIA and Dr Pavel into it

mmmmm I would marry that alcoholic psycho

>There's no winning move in the game of marriage.
>implying I live in the US
My ex-wife pays ME alimony desu.

>Victor Bogan