Which did you prefer, Sup Forums?

Which did you prefer, Sup Forums?

>thoughtful masterpiece of tension and horror vs dumbed down MUH REENZ, 'NAM IN SPACE shooter

gee, idk..........

Two different movies. They are both great.

Slow, tense, suspensful vs. fast, action-oriented

i prefer apples, but sometimes oranges are good too

What are some similar movies to Alien (also the thing).

Alien is objectively better. Stop having bad opinions if you think otherwise.

>What are some similar movies to Alien

Alien becomes more interesting the more I think about it, while with Aliens it's the opposite.

Alien is great. What I don't like about aliens so much is how they made the aliens seem so easy to kill, it was more a numbers thing compared to just one supreme beast stalking a crew.

>muh reenz


Alien, but I like both.

Alien - 10/10
Aliens - 8/10
Alien3 - 9/10
Resurrection 6/10
Prometheus 7/10

>alien 3 better then aliens

>he doesn't know what the Assembly Cut is

kys muh man

Alien is a timeless, masterfully made classic that still looks great today.
The only scenes that really don't hold up well are the Ash puppet sequence and the brief closeup of the chestburster.

Aliens on the other hand is unmistakeably 80s. It feels quite dated aside from the queen alien special effects, which are top notch.
It's a fun movie but it never really manages to come close to the cinematic quality that is Alien. It doesn't help that Cameron rips off Them! very obviously. Has this man ever made something that wasn't an inofficial remake?

In some regards I even like Alien3 more than Aliens.

Sadly only B-movie schlock like Mutant or Leviathan.

You ain't fapping because thats the opposite of masterb8

Aliens is fun as a standalone 80s action kino, but in the context of the franchise - it's big pile of turds.


Also the Aliens franchise has two good movies, a mediocre movie, and two shit ones so really nothing to ruin

t. pleb redditson

They should just stop attempting any sort of Alien film.

>but in the context of the franchise - it's big pile of turds

That's because it's not canon. Only movies by Scott are canon. Also, Blade Runner exists in the Alien universe.

Pandorum is good if you ignore the terrible bits.

Aliens, being the first rated-R movie I saw that wasn't Blaxing Saddles is more nostalgic, but Alien is just better

I prefer long hair Ripley. Curley hair like this is fucking hot.

>it's a Ripley sweats scene

Alien had better aesthetics and setting. That tacky retros 80s sci fi stuff looked cool. In Aliens it was too black/blue with metal stuff, I don't know how to explain, but Alien just looked cooler.

Alien also had a better title logo

>tfw like both equally

Truly a wonderful feeling.

>it's a Ripley sweats scene

You know the fake sweat they used to spray on the actors gave her an allergic reaction.

So you know it's her REAL sweat.

Aliens put me to sleep so I'm hoping Alien will be better

If you want something that feels like it was from the same universe as alien then try outland. A lot of the original crew worked on it and looks like it could even be from the same franchise. Bonus factor is it has James bond in it.

>It's her REAL sweat



Do you watch Oliver Harpers reviews by any chance?

Really liked the movie and I was completely unaware of it until recently.

No I've not seen his review. What does he think of it?

Oh my gosh
I wanna cuddle her!!

Alien is a better movie, but I have a weakness for the military scifi.
And there very few good movies in this genre.
So I vote for Aliens.

that shitty doggomorph though

Alien for sure. It's not even a contest.