I don't get it. This looks delicious

I don't get it. This looks delicious.

It sure does ... for a 400lbs burgerclap.


what episode was this?

want watch that shit

Pantaleone's. It's on the 'tube

way too much crust

ounces and ounces of grease and the dough wasn't even cooked all the way


Watch out, Gordan, that pizza is full of spiders.

How do you even eat it?

I'm a 75kg italian pizza lover and that op pic looks delicious

Here's a pizza I made. What do you think?

The American editing on these shows is ridiculous.

They have to recap the show at the beginning and end of every segment. Then at the end of every segment they have to tell you what's coming up in the next segment. It's bullshit.

British Kitchen Nightmares is so much better, but the American restaurant owners are bigger freaks and more netertaining to watch.

>t. americucks that never saw a real pizza made by an italian in italy

>implying Italians make the best pizza

>implying they don't
kek, keep eating your 5inch (converted from cm's for you americucks) thick pie with toppings and stay foreverfat :^)

>implying I'm American

I live right next to Italy you fool, and I've been there countless times.

She's a qt3.14

>implying you live in switzerland, france, slovenia or austria
ma per favore, non mi fare ridere stronzo :^)


this is the new bane

>>implying you live in switzerland, france, slovenia or austria

Figlio mio, come sei ignorante!

I live in
>pic related

We share a sea border with Italy. But of course, you Italians wouldn't know about it because your fishermen keep fishing in our seas. :^)

Half the fucking pizza is crust, that looks atrocious.


ah okay, you're on THAT side of europe..kek..infested with lowlifes :^)

Taste is completely subjective, based on genetics and upbringing. When I see this windbag scream until he's red in the face that the food was prepared in the 'wrong' way it brings to mind snooty Sup Forumsutists boasting about how their taste in japanese girl cartoons is objectively the best.

Did he make fun of your foodfu or something?

>ah okay, you're on THAT side of europe
Doesn't stop you Italian fucks from flooding our cities and beaches over the summer. I prefer my city not swamped with fat Americans, Germans, British and Italians.

If Italy is so great why don't you go to the beach in Venice, or Ancona? :^)

I would date her.

>italian fucks
pro-tip: i live in switzerland, wich is infested with many of you lowlifes sadly :^)

Italy is so great. :^)

>Pic related from the Sushi Ko episode was a child actor in Star Trek

>i live in switzerland, wich is infested with many of you lowlifes sadly :^)
>better educated than the native population

Keep thinking whatever makes you feel better about yourself and superior to others. :^)

>implying lowlifes from the fucking balkans are better educated than swiss
haha oh no

>implying they're not

Enjoy your kebabs Swiss cuck. :^)

Last time I was in Zurich there was a kebab shop on every corner. Most of the people I saw were Middle-Eastern.

This cheeky cunt.

>hurr i'm in the popular areas of zurich and see food vendors of different ethnicity
oh wow, what a tragedy..try going to the goldküste :^)

What did she mean by this?

Not a bad lookin' 'za, but it ain't a 'go 'za.

What I don't really get about Sup Forums is that the same meme threads that get posted everyday still get 100+ replies.

On a lot of other boards they stop beating a dead horse after a few weeks (maybe months on the worse boards). But this board just never seems to stop the beating.

Do you guys really enjoy posting the exact same retarded shit everyday?

>different ethnicity
>one ethnicity: Turkish

I'm just messing with you. Italy does suck, though. Switzerland is cool. I spent a week in Lugano and it was pretty comfy. I was thinking of going back there this year if I find the time. I'm enjoying summer here too much and already have a trip to Austria and Norway planned.

The world is so large and there's only so many months in the year.

I don't know much about Swiss cuisine. Is there any or is it the same as in Austria, Germany, etc? I ate venison and it was delicious, but they have venison everywhere.

It's funny, that's why. Bane, pizza, cuck and porn threads are funny.

>wog talking about lowlifes when his "country" literally has failed states


Dem nice titties.

Why don't you start a new meme then?

i didnt know dicks smell if you dont wash it, i tought only if your horny

>pizza general on Sup Forums is better than /ck/

Serious question, is that movie worth watching?


It really is pretty entertaining, I'd recommend it amigo

I'll give it a go, thanks user!

>itt jealous eurocunts that America perfected all of its various culinary offerings
Even yurop makes pizza in the american style now, so what exactly are you >implying?

>source: fit, 180lb american that eats pizza several times per week

Typical American, thinking that looks = fit.

Just because you look fit doesn't mean you're healthy. Eating bread, cheese and grease several times a week is bad for your arteries, heart, cholesterol, etc.

Go check your blood.

Reminder that the public thought that a store bought frozen pizza was better than this hunk of shite

Oh you don't need to remind me, friend. Such an event will be forever burned into my mind.