Spooky stories thread, I'll start

Spooky stories thread, I'll start
>be 8 year old me
>live in housing development in the middle of nowhere
>Our house is right on the edge, so there's just endless bush behind our backyard
>Playing goldeneye for a few hours one morning
>Mum is in a shitty mood gets tells me to play outside for a bit
>Start playing with shit in backyard
>Hear mum's voice
>"Over here user"
>She's standing behind our back fence with a big smile on her face, signalling for me to come into the bush
>Start walking to gate
>"Come on sweetie, I want to show you something"
>Get weirded out, my mum never uses the word 'sweetie', and the smiling is overly exaggerated and really fucking creepy
>Look back to house
>See mum in kitchen
>Sprint back to house, hear harsh guttural noises as I'm running
>Tell parents, not allowed to go into backyard unsupervised anymore, not that id want to anyway
>We move a few weeks later

if i woke up to that image i'd beat zombie gran to death with my morning woody

>be me 10 years old
>complete fucking retard and was playing out side with my dogs
>it started to smell like gas like a gas leak
>then i see this figure
>cant really describe him he was more of a shadow than any from of a person
>then it asked me "are you dead"
>i replied "no"
>the it responded "do you want to be?"
>nope.avi run back in my house not wasting a second

The strange thing is if it was just some random person trolling me y wasn't my dogs barking or giving any sort of attention to the figure


this was a story from my dad
>When my dad was younger like 13 or something
>he was playing hide-and-go-seek
>My dad ran to a closet for hiding
>not really paying attention if anyone was in there
>As my dad was hiding my in the closet something was grabbing at his leg
>at first he thought it was his cousin so he told him to fuck off that this was his hiding spot
>My dad told my "cousin" like 10 times to gtfo
. finally my dad open the door to take alook at what he was doing
>to my fathers horror there was a doll grasping his leg
>the doll according to my dad actually made noises as if it was cackling.


Go for it. I'm stoned and in the mood for spooky shit.

me too user friend :)

Creepy as hell OP. You're still a faggot, but you're a cool one.

>my dad got the doll and throw it across the room
>Terrified as fuck he those his fucking shoe at it and yells for his family
>the doll proceeds to crawl to my father
>he easily says its one of the most terrifying
thing he has seen in his life
>let me give some incite on how that thing looked
>it was left in the sun so it had a shriveled appearance, it looked crusty and really old
>like if you found it in the desert
>apparently it was my great grandmother's
>back to the story
>so after my dad screamed because the dall was after him his cousins and brother came up to see the same shit.
>what they did was grab the the doll with a bag
and burn that thing

This kinda looks like the doll

>I was taken into foster care when I was very young, I never new my birth parents. Didn't find out I was adopted until my teens
>Had good childhood, my adoptive parents were loving, kind and gave me a good upbringing
>Every now and then I have a recurring nightmare
>Same thing every time, It's the middle of the day and I'm out in the woods lying on my back. I'm surrounded by people, their faces are covered so I can't see them clearly.
>One of them grabs my head and forces me too look straight into the sun
>Just as my eyes start burning the sun begins to fade
>I'm in pitch blackness, but the spot where the sun used to be is still distinguishable, it's an unnaturally dark circle. Kinda hard to describe with words, just an impossibly dark circle
>that's when i always wake up, usually covered in sweat and panting
>I figured something bad happened to me as a child
>Whenever i ask about my birth parents and my past, my folks get really uncomfortable, saying that they don't know who they were or how I could find them.
>Recently went on massive road trip with a few mates
>Stop in some dead end town one night, we're drinking at the campsite when some drunk homeless guy comes wandering in
>The guy is off his face, pretty funny to watch him stumble around and spout random shit. Tell him we'll give him a beer if he can do 20 pushups
>He manages somehow and I go to give him a beer
>He gets a good look at my face as i hand it too him, and he goes white as a fucking ghost
>drops the beer and jumps back, guy looks terrified
>points at me and yells, 'This one's seen the black sun' then runs off
>I've never told anyone about the dream, so this scared the shit out of me
>So now i feel I should maybe hire a PI or something to look into my parents and childhood, kinda scared about what i might find out though.

Dude, you're probably the fucking Anti-Christ. Congratulations.

Sounds like a skinwalker

Did your mum tell you she why she acted the way she did? Was a pedo near by or somethin'?



Yeah fuck that. Now I never want to go camping again.

Please continue.


I still own this thing



Have you, by any chance, gave the song "Blackhole Sun" by Soundgarden a listen?


eh I think he's cool

you niggers have not seen anything yet

First time seeing/b/ doing a better job than /x/


The absolute best. Guaranteed to give you no sleep tonight

pt 1

pt 2. read if you dare

that was ur unloved retarded Uncle, your Grandparents hid, dude.

Fuck that, dude.

This makes me cry, almost

More :(

I fucking looked up like a pussy


>Once i had a Videotape
>watched it
>then died after 7 Days
>shit was spooky

>I'm pretty sure I can astral project, In my dreams I can travel around a dreamscape that reflects reality
>As a kid I had no idea that my dreams were different, I figured it was all just in my mind
>I always begin the dream in my house, then can wander around freely as a I choose
>Its still a dream though, so everything lacks clarity and detail, its not like I can listen in on people's conversations or anything
>Any people I come across in the dreamscape are sorta blurred and formless, they can't interact with you in any way but I can still tell they're there, you can sorta detect their presence, its hard to describe
>People do give off a certain energy in the dreamscape though, like you can detect anger, sadness that sorta stuff
>During one session as a kid, I'm travelling further and further away from house and come across this man
>Its really weird cause as I approach him, I can clearly see his face and outfit in perfect detail
>Just looks like a normal guy, wearing jeans and a t-shirt
>As I get closer to him I start to detect some real bad juju, the bad vibes coming from this guy were fucking intense and unlike anything I'd ever experienced in the dreamscape before
>As I start travelling away, the guy looks straight at me and says, "Little boys shouldn't be wandering at this hour"
>Freaked out, I pick up the pace to get back to my house, but I can feel this guy's aura following me
>Eventually, I get back to my body and wake up
>I just figure it was a bad dream.

That's some David Paulides shot right there. Missing 411, CanAm project. Really scary shit about people disappearing in the national forests.

peter pan?


Obvious fake. There are no mexicans in space.

Never heard of him. I've noticed there aren't a lot of non-fiction works about skin walkers and the like. That shits really intriguing. Thanks for the tip.

>few details before I continue
>I grew up in a small country town surrounded by forest
>There are a bunch of giant electrical towers that pass through the outskirts of the town
>The area under them is cleared, so occasionaly you'd get squatters set up there, or teenagers would go drink there, stuff like that
>No one really cares about what goes on up their cause its right on the town outskirts and it dosent really affect anyone
>One day a caravan sets up under one of the electrical towers
>I pass it everyday on the ride to school and back
>One one such occasion I get a glimpse into the caravan, cause its getting dark and the interior is lit
>See the man from my dream, we make a brief eye contact. It's pretty dark so there's no way he can see my face, but he smiles nonetheless
>freak the fuck out, burst into the house crying and run to my dad
>tell him about the creepy man in the caravan from my dreams
>Dad dosen't really respond to the dream stuff, but gets super protective, asks if the guy touched me or anything
>Dad knows the local sheriff, so him and a few guys go over to caravan man
>They bring him into the station for trespassing (the area under the towers is state owned land)
>A background check reveals that the guy has a criminal record
>He was served time for an attempted child abduction, and was the prime suspect in a child murder case but was acquitted due to a lack of evidence
>Each incident happened in a different state
>Dad says the sherriff and his men ruffed the guy up pretty bad, and made it clear that if they ever see him around town again it won't end well for him
>Over the next few months, I'd frequently come across caravan man in the dreamscape, he'd be lingering around my house, just staring in at me
>But eventually he moved on, just as he had in the real world
>It freaks me out that this guy is still out there

kek, is this real?

Made me laugh, user. Thanks.

>Be me, 17
>Graduate High School
>Join the Military.com
>Leave the military for college.kek
>Graduate college
>Join corporate America in oil and gas
>Get laid off a whole bunch
>Realize the struggle is real
>And this is what life is about
>The rich get richer and the poor stay poor
>Realize gonna have to work until I die and feels bad because everyone around me is too stupid to see they are all in the same boat

true horror story of them all

It really activates my almonds.


what the fuck

Can animated pngs be posted to Sup Forums? I never open these threads when I'm trying to get to sleep because animated jumpscares will wake me right up.

I am spooked

The Anti-Christ goes on Sup Forums. Whoop de fucking doo. Surprised? Not me.

That is so corny cmon

ClickHole Master Race

Damn, your dad would never tell you a lie or a made-up story, oh no never at all.

lol this. It totally sounds like a Dad story to scare his kid.

>beeeeehhh did yeeeyyee bbrbrbring da eeetra eeeeepi beeerrrrrrggggg fo me

"Sir can I go please"
"I need to take a nap"
>sure go ahead
what fucking school lets you leave class to take a nap?

Nice copypasta