Probably porn and stuff and maybe rubbish or paintings and shitty webcomic crops

probably porn and stuff and maybe rubbish or paintings and shitty webcomic crops

Other urls found in this thread:

Would you rather get into a fistfight with young Clint Eastwood or young Johnny Cash?

These aren't web comics in so far as they're posted on the web in one place or even by multiple people. It's just me.

I post shitty webcomic crops

I just post shitty comics that nobody likes or wants to see.

Young Clint Eastwood was a silver screen puffcake- Young Johnny Cash was on enough amphetamines to palpitate Andre the Giant. You don't fuck with the outlaws.

Yeah but they aren't really crops are they?

Acceptable answer. Extra marks for showing your working

I didn't say they were cropped.

>1325 gorillion dollars

I did though

If there's two things I know outside of internal combustion- They're westerns and country.

But they aren't cropped, so why would you say they were?

Oh, hey Clint. Should have guessed.
One of my coworkers sharing your name kept his old badge, where his named was typed in capital letters. The letters were close together so CLINT looked like block-letter CUNT. He was so happy with it

They finally forced him to replace it this week. Sad days

Because the original mention of webcomics was about cropped ones.

Yeah, but I don't post webcomics at all. I post regular old fashioned hand drawn ones.

Well presumably the brass couldn't MAKE him throw away the old tag, right? Just keep a keen eye on making sure he wears his new one, yeah? Because that's the sort of shit that makes it worth staying at a shitty job that little bit longer.

Also SUP.

The thing I regret least in life is self terminating from Walmart. Got the job, within a week they were trying to put a ton more responsibility on me without paying me more, plus the drive was shitty, so after a second week of that I clocked out and threw my badge away. Didn't tell anyone I was quitting, I just didn't go anymore.

>Well presumably the brass couldn't MAKE him throw away the old tag, right?
Yeah, they can. The old tag is a security risk, as it allows access to staff areas

>Also SUP.
Not much. I'm doing fine. Another round of redundancies in the position right above mine, further enforcing the complete destruction of any potential career path. Glad I decided to go back to school with the first set of redundancies.

I probably would have told them, but it was shitty of them to start slamming extra shit on you.

No, they didn't make me do it. They kept asking me constantly. At first I was like, maybe, what's the pay difference? And they said nothing, then several times a day everyday I worked. Then I quit because fuck them.


What's your poison for education- Not libarts, right?

Accounting. I'm one of those people who get all autistic about patterns and numbers and data and shit.

>they didn't make me do it
Legitimately surprised

Nobody can make me do anything.


No, but they can try

They can fail.


I am so, so sorry, you have my sincerest condolences. I took an accounting class as an elective years ago and that's about the most dry material I've ever had to slog through.

Like I said, my brain is just sort of patterned that way. I skip classes, don't do homework and just immediately pick up what happened last week by the homework answers on the board. The only part that gives me any grief are the fucking bullshit group assignments. Fuck groups.

It is 100% understandable that the vast majority of people would be bored by it though.

Well yeah, cause you quit. Them failing was always a given.

And it always will be.

Anyone have a link to this comic?


Took me 2 minutes on e621

Thanks, sorry I'm not really into fur, but that pic is really cute.

Man I should stop drinking so much

that was awful

yay you didn't die

Welcome back to the land of the living.

of course not just having a splendid time with my own hideous mind

living is such a strong word

how are you darling

i'm just playing, i told you not to die when you left.

>That wonderful feeling when you moved your fridge and bleached everything behind it and now your kitchen floor is fucking glorious

Oh I'm holding up, same per usual. Mayhaps things looking a bit brighter, partaking of the devil's lettuce- You know, all the good shit.

theres my bubble butt boy

acting all grown up and shit lookathim

The last time fridges were moved here, a dead mouse was uncovered. We don't move the fridges anymore.

I have been cleaning very aggressively this weekend. Once I have the house done I am getting a steak to treat myself. A thick one.

I was lucky enough to only find some knives, trash, and a lot of grime.


Yeah, old houses are a pain in the ass.

I'll be a pain in your ass.



hello there friend
that you are

So what's up?

You want to be next, old man?


hey snuffles, what's up?

bring it bitch boy

fine line between fighting and fucking and I'm about to make the two meet right where your asshole is

Correcting a sleep schedule, plumbing the depths of a man's history not meant to plumbed. Usual creep shit out of me.

Please. That almost sounds like a threat.
But we both know I can take anything you can dish out.

Well, you're alive so that's good.
Should visit sometime.

do not forget that I have pictures that prove otherwise


E-eh, w-well you see...

I may not be roaming far from the homestead for a while now, truth be told- Even under the best of circumstances.



Well that sucks.

Don't you dare fucking judge me, whore.
I own you. Don't forget.

That's not fair.

as IF you don't have the real dirt on me either

Do what you must, I've already won.

now now boys we're all friends here
>that pic
what the fuck am I having after effects from that tea
what am I even reading

Looks cool

You know I could never use it.

I will end you.

because you're a good pup

Alright alright, fine- I shall curb my incessant need to heckle.
Truly we are living in the future.


There was suppose to be text with that about how I am a very good pup.

but then it was censored by those fucking democrats

Where is this "Lima"? It isnt in the middle east is it? Because you'd think those dune coons would murder a few freaks like that. Or maybe they're okay with it because they fuck goats.

One of these days I'll get you back.

actually the middle east has a long history of accepting "third sex," homosexual, and other freakish people into society as novelties and entertainers.

No they are just high as fuck.

You should meditate. It will make the "AAAAAA" louder and you will build an immunity.

i don't think it would work that way

you are genuinely funny on very rare occasions but they are great occasions

Thats pretty interesting, but not surprising. Those places before Islam were leading in early mathematics and engineering.

They need to get a grip.

Watch the video.

I dont like to make jokes, people normally tell me to shut the fuck up, because im not equal or part of the group. And everyone knows if you havent proven yourself you arent allowed to have opinions or speak at all.

I am back from my shower.

i just had this weird feeling like a wave through my brain and now it feels like i have pressure on my forehead
there's also some pulsing/crawling feeling in my left abdomen
i feel like i should see a doctor but i need to set up with a new one and that will take a while
kind of internally freaking out

i don't know what the message here is

Could be a tumor.

You can let yourself go crazy or try to alter yourself to make it not as horrible. (You make your own happiness)
I obviously choose to go crazy because I dont budge for no one, and would rather be miserable out of spite.
That is me though, you do you.

is it bad that i kind of hope it's cancer

i wouldn't know really where to start or how to figure out altering myself in that sense. i don't really have willpower to do things either


If you die, make sure you leave a clean corpse.

What do you think would boost your willpower?

i guess i'll try

i honestly don't really know

Only Snuffles can have them.

Do you have any male role models or any peers?
They way you describe where you live sounds pretty isolated, are you sure you're not lonely?



i don't really have anyone i look up to, no
i haven't had peers since i stopped going to high school and started a college/high school hybrid thing to finish getting my credits and most people are usually off doing their own courses on computers in the class

well i don't feel lonely. i could be and just not really feel it

None for you.

You could be associating it with something else. Having someone to be around might not stop your depression but it might make you feel better.

I'm not a furry, but i have to admit furry artists are masters at getting personalities across by posture, clothing, expression, and environment.

Honestly like nothing I've seen before.

it might but there's nobody i want to be around or that i think would want to be around me

Same, thats why I rather not be around anyone and just be lonely.

why tho?

Bubbles to the chandelier.

