Get over it. It's sad at this point

Get over it. It's sad at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody brought it up here but you, buddy.

>Anyone who has any critique of Trump or questions his actions/motives or any of the things he says is a mad Hillary voter
>They're also being paid by some marketing company to shitpost on Sup Forums and reddit all day

You know, there's a board for your kind.

/NEET/ or Sup Forums, whatever it's called today.

>you will never be scolded by huma and hillary at the same time

>Knows Trump is a horrible president
>Still blames Hillary because he can't defend Trump

someone does, every fuckin day



hey dumbass pol has proved that CTR is actually paying people to post on Sup Forums to make trump look stupid
fucking look it up

> No presidents
> No masters
> No more bourgeois "democracy"
> Seize the means of production and get some real democracy up in here

Seems like a waste of money. He does a pretty good job on his own at his rallies, conferences and Twitter.

Sup Forums has never proved anything in its life lol

sure kid

It maybe the Russians, lol.

Good thread, friend.

Enjoy your suppression of the media and being arrested for smoking weed even in a state where it's legal, though.


Can /r/the_donald please go back? You guys have already ruined the cesspool that was Sup Forums and somehow made it worse.

I'm only asking nicely that you please go back to your safe space where the "FAKE NEWS" doesn't ruin your echo chamber.

Yeah but did they riot in the streets and light cars on fire like dirty apes at the zoo

Mostly peaceful, lol.

>browsing reddit
why so many leftist cuckolds on Sup Forums?

Was the check from Iran late?


Good question. Why does no one know what a cuck actually is?

>Don't agree with me?

Never going to happen because I don't watch the stupid box and I'm not a loser drug addict. Try again, poor low life slave.

> Rioting over real injustice and realizing real change can only be effective by fighting outside the systems that created said injustices

> Is way more worthwhile than rioting cause your team won the yearly sports game final

it took a 2 term presidency to produce this 960x723 pixel collage kek

you could make a hundred of these with just the content produced by crybaby liberals in the last month alone

> At least they have the guts to know that real change is about fighting the system


> Calling people cucks just shows your own weird insecurities about being abandoned for being a mediocre white dude

there weren't any fires, just broken windows and kicked over trash cans

I live in the UK, yet not a single day passes without someone at work mentioning Trump and how it is terrible for everybody on the planet that he got elected.

nobody cares at this point, but it's funny to see that you fags still try to find a scapegoat to justify the retard being a retard
>muh 42% unemployment
>muh negative GDP

the world is laughing, keep it going

What are you chatting mate that's just a collection of pics there are oceans of anti-obama republican obsessions.

> Republicans shut down congress for ages cause they didn't like losing a democratic vote over healthcare

yeah, timidly breaking windows is "fighting the system". Just look at how much change that brought about!

>Was the check from Iran late?

Trump is a massive retard and he proves every day

>retards still try to blame anything on Hillary

fuckin kek

Everyone is over it, They have moved on to having to deal with having Dirty grandpa as president now.

> Broken windows stimulate the economy instead of
> Direct action draw media attention when the media would normally ignore protests

> "Riots are the voice of the unheard"

> All your cushy employment rights and good working conditions were won through riots, strikes and blockades.

> Americans have just forgotten their long history of insurrection

> When you know you can't get justice from a crooked legal system you gotta find some way to fight back

When Sup Forums hates trump

you know he is even better then you expected

I'm not saying riots are bad. Their cause is bad, they are wrong, and they can't properly riot for shit. Where are the molotovs, where's the dead politicians with their heads on pikes?


Fuck European taxes they can keep their sand niggers too

I hope so. I want more libshit salt.

You mean like knuckledraggers

Obamacare has been law for years you know


Move to the part of the UK that systematically berated the US. It seems a good way to deal. You soggy basterds.