Finna bout to try LSD for the first time

finna bout to try LSD for the first time.
Any things to do / not do while tripping
also Lsd stories?

Everyone experiences this differently, have fun and try to learn/practice something new like skateboarding, art or guitar.





Do: breathe deep
not do: breathe shallow


> finna bout to





Alone in a dark room for maximum insight

have some weed and orange juice nearby. also, dont walk on the streets alone while high, i did that and i vaguely remember talking to every person walking by, asking them if they are okay and if i am okay and if everything is still generally okay before walking off.




Try to stay near mother nature and away from people you don't know. Avoid large crowds and mirrors.


this. I was like, yeah right. lol

not him but when i tried it when i was younger its what got me started into skateboarding oddly enough

Because you probably looked like Nyjah Huston with dreads.

my friend tried some and it went pretty well,he was quite scared,took it on a music festival while i just went safe and rolled. he took 70 micrograms i think, to be safe,and he just experienced some time slowing down and things melting down sometimes,overall he laughed like an idiot and was pretty happy,so yeah dont take much the first time and it will be okay stay with friends and dont be afraid

Pack water, food, sunglasses, headphones, and make sure you are not in a busy place, you will get paranoid and have kinda big eyes, don't freak out when you hit the peak, hits harder inside, if you can go for a cycle and listen to music like Hoffman when he invented it, look up lsd pictures and trippy videos like "love and thief" on YouTube and videos by cyriak

Don't order food either you may hit a peak and get terrified when the person brings you you're food, also have a trip sitter (someone to make sure you don't do stupid shit)

do NOT, i beg you, go to youtube and watch "Betty Boop in Crazy Town".

it will fuck you up.

also don't take cough syrup at the same time, or you will imagine you are the cold, superior asshole Kerr Avon from "Blake's Seven".

don't do too much and you'll have a phenomenal time. wait for hours weather, take around 10am and spend the day outside, laughing while the trees breathe around you.

go youtube pysched substances

great dude, some videos are even trip sit sessions, and he has lots of stories (lsd, dmt, beyond)

finna means about to retard
