Alright show me the real shit

Alright show me the real shit

Alien thread ?

Other urls found in this thread:




Curse or no curse I seek the truth


Ayyy lmao





this is real



I went through a period of my life lasting a year where I did a fuck ton of reading and thinking about aliens, the suggesting evidence, 'witness' testimonials, ect...

I realized I was being fooled in the same way someone being assimilated into a cult was. It really is believable if you keep thinking about it and let yourself go. I don't anymore believe in it all because there's simply no direct or tangible evidence besides people's words, and you know how people are. Still though, the possibility of some amount truth remains in the air. Hypothesizing and thinking about the reported technology and ways the supposed 'extraterrestrials' are really makes you think about the future of humanity and our technology and it begins to make sense.

Kangs 'n shit


No is forcing you to believe anything, user.

No matter how malevolent or majestic they appear to be, they are extremely dark and evil to the core.


This is the authentic pic

Why are aliens threads deleted again and again on /x/ ?
>inb4 conspiracy
>They dont wan't you to know

You know what, thank you for posting a non humanoid alien. That's the shit I like to see.

This^. I was Big in aliens when I was a kid, but it's like a cult. Don't believe in them anymore, prefer to believe in the great filter theory



It's a conspiracy. They dont wan't you to know.

Hey man could you make sense please?

How the hell did he get that sweater over that enormous head of his?

I think it's pretty likely there are extraterrestrial civilizations out there, I just don't think they visit us on a regular basis. In fact, many of them could be no more advanced than us, so they are stuck on their planet or solar system like we are.

i just fucking love it how this image gets banned in Sup Forums but not on Sup Forums


Does anyone have the screenshot of a military camera focused on an alien/weird thing? Its HD with a Dec 2016 date appafently. I saw it mentioned on here before but my coworker said he saw it on Sup Forums

Apparently this is the closest picture of the original. Does anyone has the original?


There's THIS, but it's dated 2014. Best watched on MUTE, btw.

bumping, i saw it mentioned on /x/. supposedly its something a government itt guy posted on the onion