Anyone know this girls ig? Someone had posted it before but I can't remember it and never saved it

anyone know this girls ig? Someone had posted it before but I can't remember it and never saved it...


bumping for hope. i remember she has pam in the instagram but i can't find it


hold up...

there is hope

her fb id # is 100001201230593

That's probably the best help you're EVER going to get from this site.

you are a fucking god among men

thank you sir

you're welcome my nig

why u guys creepin on this chic tho

Why do you care, femanon?

Go mind your own fuckin buisiness

i just warned her,just saying,you creepy fucks.

who cares white knight

This is how I save my fb profile files....

I do a save page "as" of the entire friends list. Meaning, that I have a link to every family member and friend that she has on fb.

Even IF they delete their account, women are social creatures and can't resist the social construct. They will eventually be back.

Oh, I have links to every family member and friend... I bet I can search those profiles in the friends list and find her whenever she decides to "pop up" again. It's a head lock, and I got' em forever.

Also, I already saved all her pics.

The problem that you have is that you either

#1. Think we're out to hurt her. We're not. We won't even communicate with her. We just silently save her pics. The only one who is traumatizing her is YOU by acting a fool, messaging her nonsense that people are stalking her etc. Way to go dumbass.

#2. You're jealous that nobody gives a fuck about your pics. You're jelly.

So much this

Her name was Monika, she was from Poland.

>I got 'em forever
I don't care about anything you do. these women are stupid for having everything so public. But that's creepy as fuck.

does that make you happy?

>that's creepy as fuck

Why does that bother you?

I don't message them, talk to them, sabotage them. They don't even know I exist. I don't degrade their lives or creep them out.

I'm not hurting them on any level, nor do I wish to.

Why does that creep you out? It blows my mind.

I don't disagree that you aren't hurting them.

I just did all this crazy stuff to keep track of all this womans pictures so I can jerk my gerkin. I got her forever.

This is not normal.

>does that make you happy?

It DOES, because I have some pics of a beautiful girl that I enjoy.

Also, remember that all the pics were posted by "herself" on a public forum "fb ig etc" that SHE made public. It's not like I'm taking creepshots of her through her bedroom window. All pics saved are pics she decided to post on a public forum.

You people need to settle down.

How is it any different than admiring a celebrity?

Have you ever gone online and seen how people act about that sort of thing? They act much MUCH worse than me.

The "I got her forever" statement seems to haunt you for some reason. The answer is that I like "said girl" and want more pics of her.

I don't want her in my basement or in my meatfreezer. I just want more pics of a person that I think is beautiful. Also, the pics I get are only ones that "said girl" decides to publicly post on a social media forum.

I don't understand your issue.