So are whites ever going to wake up?

So are whites ever going to wake up?

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its saturday, we were sleeping in

i fucking doubt it. We are all going to shit. Some tolerance is okay,but letting in sandniggers who are running away from nothing just to get to a better country,is where is draw the fking line. I hope to god i get a good job and make enough money to move to monaco,100% whites,longest life expectancy,highest iq,just a dream country overall


We're too busy working in order to pay taxes that shit skins can leech off it.
Fucking libtards.


The problem isn't "racial privilege", the problem is "lack of human empathy". Conservatives are selfish heartless bastards who only look out for themselves and their offspring. They don't give two shits about anyone else, anything else, or anyone elses problems. They can't relate to those problems because they don't have to live through them everyday. So when someone comes along and says "I have this problem", all you'll hear is "How is your problem my problem?" instead of "How can I help contribute to the solution?" In their world, is all about them them them and what they they they "pay" for (even though minorities also have jobs and pay taxes into the "welfare state", a term they aren't even able to define effectively).

But they're not our responsibility and the ones trying to come here now are not refugees. They pass through half a dozen countries with no war to get to Sweden, Germany and even hop the pond to come here. They're foreign invaders

are not asking to become your responsibility. Most times, "they" are asking for equal opportunities in employment, education, housing, etc. Those are two completely different things.
>I want to be able to work X just like you can!
is not
>I want you to give me money so I don't have to work anymore!

Moreover-- this is basically what I was talking about in the first place. People are dying on the way over, like facing the risk of death just to flee a terrible situation in their home countries. Your inability to empathize with their plight is, shocker, not their problem. They want to stay alive, you want to hang onto a bit more cash at the end of the month. You need to put your problems into some fucking perspective.

You are wrong.What should we do,let everyone go wherever they like? Do you realise what would happen? Everyone would go where its best. Everyone would move to the best countries and cities,and those would fall apart. Let every nation progress on itsown.Why would I,an educated individual in a great country,whose ancestors worked hard to make it that way,let some illiterate idiots from syria in my country,and respect their laws and traditions? My people fucking built this country,i will take you in if you are educated and want to work here,and will live by my tradition and my laws. Otherwise,go fuck yourself and go back to your shit country.

If liberals actually had a heart they would know that government hand outs make people dependent on government and lazy. Liberals encourage people to blame their mistakes in their life that they made on something else. Liberals want to force they "virtue signalling" on other people and use the government to do it. Conservatives want government out of their lives, they judge people based on THE CHARACTER of the person instead of the RACE or POLITICAL PARTY. Conservatives want people to take ownership of their mistakes and also own and keep what they earned. Every liberal knows this is true. That is why they use force, laws, violence and propaganda to FORCE PEOPLE to do things that is against their will.

Because they are failures and garbage that can't do anything themselves and always have to blame others for their own failures. Why the fuck would i care about subpeople like that.

Fuck them, how about they fix their shit hole country instead?

she looks mixed could be swedish lol

>take ownership of their mistakes
But you're not taking ownership, are you? You're just using broad statements to define some kind of idolized blue collar pride, aren't you? You don't even have a concept of the issues they have to face day to day, because you've lived your entire life without having to FACE those issues. So how can you possibly know what they're "taking responsibility" for, much less when they aren't doing it?
>character not race
If I had a dime for every time I heard my redneck family say shit like this and follow it up with "get that nigger out of office", I'd be a fucking millionaire. You're not "focusing" on race, but when you don't like the person it certainly doesn't help does it?

How do you propose they do that?

You are now talking about Ancaps, different breed. Conservatives have a strong moral base, they know which problems are their problems.

>strong moral base
That's the fucking problem. YOUR morals are unique to YOU as an individual and literally no one else. Forcing everyone else to live by YOUR morals is one of the most selfish things you could do on a mass scale. YOUR morals do not supercede anyone elses, no matter which religious affiliation OF YOURS might've sparked their development. Who died and made you God, i.e. the only entity qualified to judge an individual?

If you have all the answers, why dont you move to one of the countries they are running from and show them the error of their ways.

That's why there are so many countries and cultures. If you don't like them then fuck off and look for some shithole that follows yours.

And when I say "heartless", this is the response I'm talking about.
>they know which problems are their problems
They're selfish enough to assume that someone vocalizing their OWN problems must surely mean that the conservative is now on the hook to fix them. Liberals are constantly saying "this is the problem" but they always follow up with "this is how we fix it". YOUR problem is that you hear "this is how WE fix it" and you freak out over being included in a group that you're ALREADY IN as a tax payer. Your money is already going to those issues, and its money you weren't going to see in the first place because believe me, if it wasn't going there it was going somewhere else but never BACK to you.

I suppos were all just supposed to accept and carry on. Well... Those aren't everyones morals. Weird how that shit can go both ways.

Because I also don't want to die.
Self preservation is a funny thing.

Fuck off faggot. You're what is wrong with the world.

if you alone couldn't fix america, they can't fix their country you insufferable dipshit

We did once. But we where supressed.

Or you can keep trying your solution.
>hate crimes
>class warfare
>civil unrest
>racial purists
How's that working out for you?

Just wait. Desu

Imagine the wonderful white knight going to work but- BLM blocked the road.
Imagine the same person trying to convince the government to shut the wall project down and his mother gets raped by an immigrant .
Imagine next morning, him losing a court on who's keeping the kids because feminism.
Oh yes.

What gives you right to throw YOUR morals at others? You're being a selfish cunt, but that's to be expected

You're a shitposter on Sup Forums.
Its probably safe to say that you aren't qualified to judge anyone.

are you crazy? There are soo many refugees in France

"I make less" is not a moral issue. It's common sense. Pay everyone the same amount. Turning it INTO a moral issue is where every conservative fucks up, because everything in their lives are somehow intrinsically related to moral conflicts when really its just 1+1=2 bullshit.

For example:

If you hate abortions, give women safe and easy access to birth control. If they don't get pregnant, they don't need abortions. PROBLEM SOLVED. But no, whats your solution?
>shoot them for trying to get BC too!
>making the abortions necessary in the first place

Your own hypocrisy keeps you in the hell you claim to live in where everyones living off your meager tax contributions somehow.

Maybe you didn't read the OP's post?
>So are whites ever going to wake up?
Being white isn't a liberal/conservative thing

Hmm, you guys are way too emotional. But that is ok.

More on the point: I don't see how you can resolve ethical issues if you cannot have a preference for a moral system. That doesn't make sense.

>So when someone comes along and says "I have this problem", all you'll hear is "How is your problem my problem?" instead of "How can I help contribute to the solution?"
Read "Who Really Cares"


For starters, stay in their own country.

Not relevant to what I said.

You're a disgrace to human race. It's amazing you can breathe with the very few brain cells you have left.

Class warfare will always be a thing because lowlifes will expect some kind of commie treatment with minimal effort. Life doesn't work like that.
Racial purists exist but there are, were, always will be fucking morons(look in the mirror). It the side effect of something called free will and is very small price for that.
Name-calling is bullshit argument. Same for civil unrest, what do you expect, fucking heaven on earth? Sorry to pop the bubble but that's not how life works and hopefully it never will.

What would you define as a "moral system"?
>that doesn't include religious affiliation

Injecting "morals" and "ethics" into non-related issues does nothing but keep everyone running in circles, kicking up enough dust to cloud the issue. There are just some things that do not involve moral implications. That's something you'll have to come to terms with.

All sjws are racists, sexists and homophobes.
Fact. Like saying the sun is hot.

>disgrace to human race
>very few braincells you have left
>fucking morons (look in the mirror)

Imagine none of this shit ever happens.

Then he would be honoured by all, justice is pure, in reality.


>inb4 "b-but I was only pretending to be retarded!"

The lovely thing about charitable donations is that they go to unique institutions and no one else. That money cannot be used for anything else EXCEPT the cause you just gave it to. So you're not "donating" to the poor/homeless/refugees unless you give a shit about the poor/homeless/refugees. If you asked every tax payer if they WANTED to give portions of their taxes to fund federal programs, they'd all say no and then bitch about the potholes in their roads wondering why no ones fixing it.

tl;dr charity =/= taxes.

>"I make less" is not a moral issue.
Who is making fucking less... Fuck, how do you expect me to take you seriously and then throw this shit at me.
Why the fuck would i pay someone who works less the same wage as for someone who's working overtime? Why the fuck would i pay experienced specialist the same as a newbie? what. The. Fuck.

>If you hate abortions, give women safe and easy access to birth control.
First of all i'm fine with abortions so long they are controlled, so if it's supported by medical conditions, etc, to me it's absolutely fine, fuck, logical to do so.
Second of all you should do some education of birth control because there is quite a lot of this shit ESPECIALLY for women.

>>I want to be able to work X just like you can!
>is not
>>I want you to give me money so I don't have to work anymore!

except they don't work


Are you fucking stupid? Wait, you just answered that.

>tl;dr charity =/= taxes.
Of course it doesn't. Charity is 3 times as effective as the welfare state.

They work for nuffin
Would u be on there place you would do the same shit

Well if I had to define it, I would do it like this:

A system of axioma's concerning the acceptable behaviour of an individual, a group and the interaction between all. Axioma's because they are not provable. It are things you need to assume. Interaction because morals say something about the actions you do in the world, which affect others.

Yes, of course there are issues, which are not moral. But there are issues which are. Most of the issues can be viewed through two lenses. The world is not black or white. It is mostly grey.

I don't understand where you are so angry about.

Great question, OP

Ah, there you are, say.. what does axioma means?

>am a gril
I'm well aware of the "birth control" situation in this country, screeching autist. And when people say "defund Planned Parenthood" they mean "close down the clinics women get their birth control from". Unless you missed that particular tidbit during all your "education".

>Who is making less?
Women. We still make less than men, and when we vocalize that concern we get dicks like you saying "nu uh, you make just as much quit bitching about your problems and BLAMING THEM ALL ON YOUR PARENTS REEEEE". Denying the problem exists does not solve the problem itself, and you should trust the people who actually have to live through those issues more than other white males who also don't have to live through those issues.

I put it in, what I wrote. It is an assumption. A fundamental assumption. Something which cannot be proved.

do you think wild animals feel empathy?

More like kill or be killed. Just becuase we can do some extraordinary shit doesn't mean we are exempt for base nature.

Being selfish is very useful. Empathy has its place but not for every single fly ridden African corpse.

lol, not that much, and they don't want to stay, anyway

It's. Illegal.
Save these words in your brain.
If someone pays you less because of gender, you sue for MANY many dollars.

Here let me spell it to you you sweet little vegetable.
You. Get. Pills. From. Gynecologist. They. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere. Cunt.

>Who is making less?
Top fucking kek. It's been debunked millions of times and there are still retards that spout bullshit like this.

Fucking idiots.

Axioma(αξίωμα) is an ancient(still used) Greek word meaning something you deserve, like a title or rank.

I'd say stop taking birth control, since it makes you more of a hormonal shitbag than you would otherwise be, but I think you've probably fucked yourself up permanently.

But who made it a problem? A problem needs to be defined. And the definer somehow needed to find out, it was bad that women made less.

How did he do that, if this is not a moral problem? Did he read it in the stars? Did a real God tell him? Did the women tell him? And if they did, how did they know it was wrong?

See it is turtle all the ways down, if you don't wield some kind of morals.

>its all things you need to assume
And now you have to ask yourself which culture is doing the assuming of whats acceptable and whats not. If "not everything is black and white", then the shades of grey are whats causing this ideological conflict between Islam and the rest of the world. In their culture, what they're doing IS morally acceptable. Islam has persisted as long as it has because no one can just walk in and say that your morals are fucked up because they're not like theirs. The common complaint I keep seeing is that the Middle East is tired of us barging in and forcing OUR morals onto them and they're fighting against it because they don't share those views. The conflicts we see now, and ISIL, are because we keep assuming that OUR morals matter more than theirs.

Conservatives have but the rest of the country (libtards) refuse to see evil in the world; especially in minorities.

Are you saying humans are wild animals then?

That is what it means in old Greek. In mathematics, it is just a assumption you need to make, because the statement is not provable in your logical system.


Also, condoms. You can get them at pretty much any gas station.

The culture of the majority. You need to choose a system. You can also choose a minority system. Fine by me too.

But the idiotic notion that you can switch between systems only leads to disorder.

Didn't dolphins or something, felt?
I don't know much

This happened at my local planned parenthood. No abortions were scheduled for that day, and the people who got shot were waiting
>to get birth control

It's fucking hilarious that men think it really is as easy as making an appointment, going down there and getting pills handed to you.

Oh, that sounds kinda logical, thanks for the info fellow faggot

Fuck, that was so dumb I forgot how to do math.

Not "switch", I'm not saying that. But in the choosing process, which one are you most likely to pick? The one that you've lived by your entire life, the same one your family still uses, or the one people use to justify "shit skin" "this is not your country!" "stop living off my tax dollars you leech!" etc.

You'd pick the former, because the latter is treating you like shit and calling for your death in some cases. There is no incentive for them to assimilate, because the culture they're assimilating to is screaming obscenities at them and saying "go back to your own country!". Why WOULD they want to assimilate into that? And without answering that question, this cycle continues ad infinitum.

>muh government needs to give me things for """free"""
>I need the right to kill my baby
Why are women and minorities so retarded?

Mentally ill people exist. Who would have thought. It's not like school shooting happen. Or public bombings. Or any other acts of public terror. And now you're so traumatized you can never use birth control again.

>so dumb kek
You just compared human beings to wild animals, and used "survival instincts" to justify your lack of empathy. Can't believe I had to babystep you through your own thought process but here we are.

The debunks have been debunked. The only thing debunking the debunked debunks is that more women are getting master's degrees at unis then men as of 2016.

is this Sup Forums ?

there is no way you're this retarded.

yeh I guess they do feel...that's why they murder females and rape thier corpses for sexual much like us.

And of course our morals matters more to us than that of others. And yes I agree, what they do is acceptable for them from their morality.

But it doesn't mean I can't reject their judgement. And it also doesn't mean I cannot force my will onto others. As long as it is in line with my morality, I am a fine human being.

>give up freedom
>give up money
>give up civilization to third world hordes

At least I was (((empathetic))), right?

Gender study degree != education

Then bring some Iraqi's into your house to live then.

I'm sure they won't do anything wrong.

Yeah, school shootings do happen. But our response is never "cut funding to the school itself because muh morals".

Yeah, because trump totally won in an unprecedented landslide. The vast majority of Americans tell foreigners to go back. This is so true.

What kind of fucking paranoia do you live in on a daily basis, where giving up a few more dollars in taxes every year is tantamount to "giving up freedom"?

You need to fucking relax. Its paper that we assign special meaning, nothing more.

I'm not even the guy you were talking to. I just wanted you to know what you asked was retarded.

Yeah, we literally just did collectively say "go back to your own country" you fucking autist.

Yes I agree. Morality is a highly relative. It means that the idea morality is meaningless if there exists only one moral system.

I think how ISIS is acting ethical in their own way. That is fine, but I will still reject theirs and would try to put mine on them.

But I was more interested in how you resolve this 'issue'? You seem to hint, there is a way out .

Okay then look at it like this.

ISIL is currently forcing their morals onto the rest of the world, including you. Do you still think "it doesn't mean I cannot force my will onto others"?

Yeah man, all those Americans protesting that hate foreigners and want them to go back. Makes perfect sense.

Purity of white race > your shit skins that need welfare.

That is just a fact. They prove you can force your will onto others.

IDK, democrats are the ones who owned slaves

>We still make less than men
This has been proven to be untrue 1,000,000,000 times

With where we're at as a species, there is no solution. People have been trying to "solve" this "islam" issue ever since the religion was founded thousands of years ago. They've been fighting with everybody including themselves, mostly for x reason or y reason but in the end its part of their belief structure to FORCE the world to follow that belief structure.

If anything it's the purist example of "I will still reject theirs and try to put mine on them" humanity has EVER seen. If I had any solution it's to outlaw religion in its entirety. Its way more trouble than its worth at this point and as we see, atheists can refuse to believe in a God yet still hold moral stances and act ethically.

Everyone owned slaves, don't be a fucking moron.

Totally dude. Even little Mexican kids with illegal parents kick their parents in the shin and tell them to go back. It's fucking nuts man.