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100% dropped thanks for the heads up, do they kiss because that would trigger me even more

This all you guys fault who advocated this shit, the emasculation of man continues

>studio wants to make sulu gay
>Takei says not to
>they do it anyway

So progressive

This is actually pretty progressive considering we are witness to the first representation of a gay Asian couple that also has a child. Can you name any other example like this in media?

>his "husband" is also asian
>they have a little asian loli daughter

It's literally .5 seconds of screen time, they have no interaction besides what you see in the picture. Anyone complaining about this is *looking* for something to be upset about.

He keeps popping up just to remind the audience that Sulu is still gay.

>be a straight actor
>asian, almost no parts for you
>Have the chance of a life time in playing Sulu
>After 3 fucking movies, the producers think you should be gay
>"Oh well, I'm too deep now to say no."
>Film a kissing/hugging scene with some ugly jap extra they found. He's clearly a faggot and enjoyng every little second of your Gay for Pay
>That faggot George Takei does not approve the scene.
>It gets cut.

Such is the life of the Asian man.

It's the 23rd century and they still haven't found a cure for homosexuality?


i blame that more on them being australian, than them being gay.

Why not bi? I get why Takei was against making Sulu gay. Then you have Peg talking about the magic that makes you gay? wtf?

Bi erasure in full force.

Straight couples who adopt have also been sick fucks before, user

The cure was Riker, but it turns out that it had the side effect of making straight guys gay for him.

This is your issue with the film (which itself is hot garbage)? It's barely a 5 sec thing - he hugs his daughter and walks off with his man-partner. That's it.

it's funny because Takei hates it too

George Takei disapproves, so you can feel free to ignore it completely.

>one bad apple
muh degenerates :(

Maybe I've just been indoctrinated by libs but I barely noticed. I mean they made a whole big deal out of it but in the movie it just sorta was there.

if i watch two men kiss i will be gay too i cannot allow this to happen, mr sulu is NOT GAY and niether am i

its not "progression"


im not gay

I thought he changed his mind and now loses that the LGBTBBQ community is now being represented in Star Trek.

homosexuals are vastly more likely to molest children than heterosexuals

who cares

SICK of this shit being shoved down my throat if i see one more homosexual couple being portrayed in a movie i will become gay myself just to show everyone the damage this is causing

So no release in China then? Good, fuck this shit.

They are sick fucks, user.

Commie dipshit Simon Pegg can't stop talking about it. Wants Sulu to suck cock in next movie.

but that's two bad apples

i just want everyone on this board to know that i am not gay and i don't want to see this degeneracy being smeared all over my favorite sci-fi series

The actor himslef lated stated that he was more worried about the feminization of asian men

is this from a camrip

>attacking the group you've supported and sheltered for decades because you're worried fictional Asian men might be sissies in fictional movies

Motherfuck Takei.

Asian dudes are already feminine, it's why no women want them.

Sulu seems bi not gay