Is this going to be capekino?

Reminds me a lot of inception desu. Only 1 quip in the entire trailer.

>Falling for the Marvel hype train again

>Marvel trying to make Kino
Awwww it's so cute. It's like a baby trying to talk

To fishes?

what did he mean by this?

The plural of fish is fish.
Nice quip attempt tho.

Usage When you are talking about more than one fish, the plural fish is more commonly used than fishes. When you are talking about more than one kind or species of fish, both fishes and fish are used.

DCucks cucked again

>quip + autism
Marvel in a nutshell

>Damage Control

>Dr. Strange thread
>No replies
Sure, buddy

>Reminds me a lot of inception

Except this looks like it will be good.

>great cast
>okay character
>interesting powers with good potetional

6/10 forgettable Meme Flick

With that mustache? No way.

Dude looks like hes late for his afternoon shift at Dairy Queen

my waifu Bezzerides is in it, so I have to watch it

Pack it up boys AHHAHAHA

>stealing that scene from Inception
Is there even one original thing Marvel has done?

let's be real, it's only interesting because nobody knows who the fuck this guy is

>it needs to be full of continuity issues and grim dark setting to the point there is a grey wash filter like dc.
Dr strange looks good.

>if it looks like another movie it must be stealing.
Dcucks everyone

Speak for yourself

>Reminds me a lot of inception desu.

Chris Nolan's secret uncredited return to capeshit?

Of course.
DC doesn't stand a chance against Marvel kino

Shrooms or weed for this? Which is better?

Def suicide

It looks fucking awesome, honestly